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DM 004 Newsletter

Date   : 12/17/2024    Duedate: 12/30/2024


DM 4    TURN 1002

This Week's Top Honors


(4-7695) [20-8-1,128]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

CENTAUR                        POSITION IS EMPTY
POTTERY WORLD (679)            
(4-7695) [20-8-1,128]          

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

AGENT ORANGE                   BLACK BEAR
DOGS OF WAR (115)              TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)
(4-7694) [13-33-0,91]          (4-7819) [5-3-0,56]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DOGS OF WAR (115)             28 
2. UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)        27    FAIL TO WRECK (720)
3. FAIL TO WRECK (720)           10    Unchartered Team
4. POTTERY WORLD (679)           7  
5. TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)          -1    MINI BAR (545)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*LOU'S TAVERN (730)         2   0  0 100.   1/ 3 UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)    8  7 0
 2/ 2 FAIL TO WRECK (720)       10   5  0 66.7   2/ 2 POTTERY WORLD (679)       7  3 0
 3/ 3 POTTERY WORLD (679)      382 230 19 62.4   3/ 1 TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)      7  7 0
 4/ 4 THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    78  49  2 61.4   4- 4 SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)   5  5 0
 5/ 5 TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)  220 153 22 59.0   5/ 6 TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)   5  8 1
 6/ 6 UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)   200 150  2 57.1   6/ 5 THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    4  6 0
 7/ 7 TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)     530 481 18 52.4   7/10 DOGS OF WAR (115)         4  8 0
 8- 8 SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)   25  25  0 50.0   8- 7*LOU'S TAVERN (730)        2  0 0
 9- 9 STEELE RISING 49 (696)    89  94  4 48.6   9- 8 STEELE RISING 49 (696)    2  0 0
10/10 DOGS OF WAR (115)        1145 1634 42 41.2  10/ 9 FAIL TO WRECK (720)       2  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     You elder fighters surely remember me.  The younger ones may call me Olaf 
Modeen.  I return to JHELUM once again!  Bein' on top is great while it lasts, TRIBAL 
COUNCIL.  But how many friends do you have now?  Ya gotta be quick on yer feet!  Keep 
your elbow off the table!  Thrust!  Block out the pain!  DOGS OF WAR is now ranked 
7th with a 3-1-0 turn.  What's with BLOOM OF SILENCE?  He actually beat POTTERY 
WORLD's FLEUR DELACOUR, and walked away with 15 more points from the fight.  Laughs 
were big at JHELUM while they watched VETERAN MERCENARY clobber TRAINING TANK.  He 
lost 9 points and got bruised from objects thrown from the stands.  Har har har!  Did 
VAL KYRIE wimp out, or just get lazy?  Anyway, she's not Duelmaster anymore.  I can 
barely restrain my enthusiam for POTTERY WORLD's outstanding member, Duelmaster 
CENTAUR.  Advice to fighters with a 1 will--give up fighting!   
     If at first you don't succeed, avoid.  That'll get you in the Spyreports.  The 
most avoided team was THE REPLACEMENTS.  Management must be dealin', as the boys at 
POTTERY WORLD ain't reelin'!  THE REPLACEMENTS' mad!  How well I know the feeling of 
being the most challenged warrior, BLOOM OF SILENCE!  Don't make idle boasts, they 
may come back to haunt you.  Keep challenging up 36 points, TIGER II, and I won't 
have to write about you much longer.  CENTAUR always accepts those kind of 
challenges...  As I expected, CENTAUR won TIGER II.  Not to start anything, but, 
TIGER II, now that you've faced him and seen hers style, you might try it again!   
     There have been some calls to lengthen the time limit.  Do you want the fighters 
to walk away, or not?  Is it my imagination, or are fighters getting younger every 
day?  To die so young, so gloriously!   
     Many other cities have retirement homes for aged warriors.  Any plans here?  
JHELUM is a nice place to live, but I don't like to live in nice places.  I don't 
want to overstay my welcome...-- Olaf Modeen  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CENTAUR 7695              SL 20   8  1 128         POTTERY WORLD (679)       

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-VAL KYRIE 7709            PS 16   2  0 142         THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    
 BLOOM OF SILENCE 7739     AB 16   3  0 119         UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)    
-GOLDEN SNITCH 7740        AB 14   2  1  94         POTTERY WORLD (679)       
 FLEUR DELACOUR 7741       ST 13   7  1  93         POTTERY WORLD (679)       
 AGENT ORANGE 7694         BA 13  33  0  91         DOGS OF WAR (115)         

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TIGER II 6409             TP 15  13  1  80         TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)   
 TANCIK VZ 33 7799         ST 10   3  2  74         TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)   
 SUM YUM GAI 7731          TP 16  12  0  72         THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    
 TRAINING TANK 7743        ST 12  15  2  69         TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)                  *

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LEAKY CAULDRON 7691       TP 15   7  0  65         POTTERY WORLD (679)       
-NUGGET BEAN 7517          LU  3   2  1  59         STEELE RISING 49 (696)    

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BROOK THE RAGE 7726       PL  7   4  0  56         FAIL TO WRECK (720)       
 BLACK BEAR 7819           LU  5   3  0  56         TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)      
-STONE RONIN 7730          WS  4   5  0  49         THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    
 CAHOKIA 7773              LU  5   5  0  48         TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)      
 SPIRE OF SCORN 7837           5   0  0  45         UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)                   [LU-SL]
-SORTING HAT 7744          LU  7   4  0  43         POTTERY WORLD (679)       
-THE WHISTLER 7789         ST  4   6  0  41         SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)                  *
 PILLAR OF CREATION 7781   ST  3   2  0  41         UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)                   *
 VALENTINE 7776            BA  9   9  1  37         TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)   

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LEAD BALLOON 7742         BA  2  27  0  33         DOGS OF WAR (115)                        *
 POLAR BEAR 7820           BA  4   4  0  31         TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)      
-THE HOODED CROW 7786      PR  6   4  0  28         SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)   

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-JACK FROST 7785           PR  5   5  0  20         SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)                  *

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RED CLOUD 7821            PL  4   3  0  20         TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)                     *
-TYLER DURDEN 7844             1   0  0  19         LOU'S TAVERN (730)                       [LU-PL-SL-ST]
-VELVET QUEEN 7797         LU  5   3  0  18         SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)                  *
-SLAYBLADE 7800            SL  1   2  0  17         THE REPLACEMENTS (622)    
 EDGAR 7838                    2   2  0  12         DOGS OF WAR (115)                        [ST-TP]
-ROBERT PAULSON 7842           1   0  0  12         LOU'S TAVERN (730)                       [LU-SL-ST]
 HAVEN OF GLOOM 7826       SL  2   4  0  10         UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)    
 MALINOIS 7839             ST  1   2  0   7         DOGS OF WAR (115)                        *
-HUNTING GIRL 7846             1   1  0   4         SONGS OF THE WOOD (725)                  [AB-LU-ST-TP]
-HOLD ME CLOSER 7825           0   1  0   3         THE REPLACEMENTS (622)                   [AB-LU-PS-ST-TP]
 PANZER IV 7847                0   1  0   1         TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)                  ???

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
HUNTING GIRL 7804       3  2 0 SONGS OF THE WOO 725 VALENTINE 7776         998 NOT REVENGED
CROW 7755               4  1 0 TRIBAL COUNCIL 120   TANCIK VZ 33 7799     1001  
DARK BLOT 7848          0  1 0 UTOPIA RELIGIOSO 388 MOUNTAIN TROLL        1002 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

You ARE a hard one to catch, Tarnished Snitch, especially when you're hiding behind 
your teammates rather than facing an equal foe.  It's about time you start living up 
to the "Honor" part of that motto you Potterers keep spouting. And remember, karma has 
a way of catching up. -- Bloom of Silence    

Mr. Snitch to you -- Well, shucks, Loudmouth Bloom, I guess that neonish-colored 
Manager of yours will just have to do a better job, eh?

Bloom of Silence -- Tiger II stares at you from across the room at a social gathering. 
She shakes her head before walking away. 

Centaur -- Apparently you don't need training... -- Training Tank

Brook the Rage -- Nope. Didn't like that interaction. -- Valentine

Tribal Council -- My apologies for you loss. Lost myself there for a moment. I stand 
ready to face your champion. -- Tancik VZ 33

All -- Not a fantastic turn that time around. Not thrilled to kill an up-and-coming 
warrior and the rest of us didn't fight well enough to get any wins. Altogether, the 
Tanks will have to spend some extra time in preparation. And now we have to figure out 
what happened to that replacement. -- Tiger II for Tanks for Nothin'

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DARK BLOT was butchered by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
CAHOKIA was vanquished by TANCIK VZ 33 in a 1 minute uneven Bloodfeud battle.
FLEUR DELACOUR was demolished by BLOOM OF SILENCE in a 1 minute Challenge fight.
TIGER II was overpowered by CENTAUR in a 2 minute one-sided Challenge Title fight.
LEAKY CAULDRON unbelievably bested BLACK BEAR in a popular 2 minute Challenge duel.
SPIRE OF SCORN viciously subdued VALENTINE in a 2 minute Challenge match.
PILLAR OF CREATION handily defeated LEAD BALLOON in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
AGENT ORANGE vanquished SUM YUM GAI in a 2 minute gruesome uneven fight.
TRAINING TANK was overpowered by VETERAN MERCENARY in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
BROOK THE RAGE handily defeated POLAR BEAR in a 2 minute brutal one-sided bout.
HAVEN OF GLOOM was subdued by RED CLOUD in a 2 minute competition.
EDGAR overcame PERSISTENT BEGGAR in a tiresome 5 minute novice's contest.
MALINOIS viciously subdued PANZER IV in a 3 minute bloody amateur's bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|STRIKING ATTACK                  5         PARRY-STRIKE       5 -   2 -  0      71  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         AIMED BLOW        25 -  10 -  0      71  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   3 -  0      67  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         SLASHING ATTACK   12 -   9 -  0      57  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      2         LUNGING ATTACK    22 -  17 -  0      56  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         WALL OF STEEL      1 -   1 -  0      50  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   2         TOTAL PARRY       16 -  17 -  0      48  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         STRIKING ATTACK   31 -  34 -  1      48  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      7 -  14 -  0      33  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    0         BASHING ATTACK    12 -  32 -  1      27  |

Turn 1002 was great if you    Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         1 -  0     BASHING ATTACK     1 -  3         3  STRIKING ATTACK
PARRY-LUNGE        2 -  0     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         3  TOTAL PARRY    
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  1     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  2         2  AIMED BLOW     
STRIKING ATTACK    3 -  2     LUNGING ATTACK     0 -  2         1  SLASHING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  2     WALL OF STEEL      0 -  0         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
                                                                1  BASHING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  CENTAUR 7695               20   8  1  128 POTTERY WORLD (679)
AIMED BLOW       BLOOM OF SILENCE 7739      16   3  0  119 UTOPIA RELIGIOSO (388)
STRIKING ATTACK  FLEUR DELACOUR 7741        13   7  1   93 POTTERY WORLD (679)
TOTAL PARRY      TIGER II 6409              15  13  1   80 TANKS FOR NOTHIN' (171)
PARRY-LUNGE      BROOK THE RAGE 7726         7   4  0   56 FAIL TO WRECK (720)
LUNGING ATTACK   BLACK BEAR 7819             5   3  0   56 TRIBAL COUNCIL (120)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is AGENT ORANGE 7694.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was BLACK BEAR 7819.  The ten other most popular fighters were AGENT ORANGE 
VZ 33 7799, SPIRE OF SCORN 7837, POLAR BEAR 7820, HAVEN OF GLOOM 7826, and LEAKY 

The least popular fighter this week was EDGAR 7838.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were PANZER IV 7847, TRAINING TANK 7743, LEAD BALLOON 7742, CAHOKIA 7773, 
and RED CLOUD 7821.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn: