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DM 021 Newsletter

Date   : 12/11/2024    Duedate: 12/24/2024


DM 21    TURN 1016

This Week's Top Honors


(21-9866) [20-13-0,107]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

DARK NOTICE                    BALAAM
BIG LAKE TERROR (654)          THE INFERNALS (707)
(21-9913) [14-10-1,128]        (21-9602) [3-5-0,27]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

(21-9833) [16-22-1,71]         (21-9762) [12-5-0,59]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. KENDER INVASION (676)         52 
2. BIG LAKE TERROR (654)         51    TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)
3. LEGEND KILLERS (722)          49    Unchartered Team
4. NOMADIC TRIBE (160)           21 
5. GRIM FANDANGO (454)           13    THE INFERNALS (707)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      45  32  0 58.4   1/ 3 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)    11  4 1
 2- 2*WORLD BLADES (621)        11   8  2 57.9   2/ 1 REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     8  4 0
 3/ 3 NOMADIC TRIBE (160)      1200 974 45 55.2   3/ 4 GRIM FANDANGO (454)       8  5 1
 4/ 0 KENDER INVASION (676)    138 113 14 55.0   4/ 9 LEGEND KILLERS (722)      8  6 1
 5/ 6 LEGEND KILLERS (722)      33  28  2 54.1   5/ 5 NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       7  7 1
 6/ 4 REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)    109  96  4 53.2   6/ 7 TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      6  5 0
 7/ 5 GRIM FANDANGO (454)      1504 1375 68 52.2   7/ 2 BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        5 10 2
 8/ 7 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)    626 593 41 51.4   8/ 0 KENDER INVASION (676)     4  0 0
 9/ 8 SEA SHANTIES (718)        62  67  3 48.1   9/10 THE ALLIANCE (723)        3  4 0
10/ 9 BEN'S BAZAAR (577)       935 1031 49 47.6  10- 8 PHILTHBALLS (554)         2  3 1
11/11 THE ALLIANCE (723)        17  20  2 45.9  11/ 6 SEA SHANTIES (718)        2  6 0
12-10 PHILTHBALLS (554)        535 630 36 45.9  12-12*WORLD BLADES (621)        1  1 0
13/ 0*THE INFERNALS (707)       17  22  0 43.6  13/ 0*THE INFERNALS (707)       1  4 0
14/12 THE OOZE ZONE (169)      122 161  8 43.1  14/11 THE OOZE ZONE (169)       1  8 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Greetings warriors!  It is I, Zontani Sharp Eyes, here to bring report of the 
clash and bustle of the weekly SUNSET games.  Former top team REPTILE RAMPAGE was 
unseated this week as BIG LAKE TERROR moved up from 3rd ranking to take the top spot 
with a 4-1-1 record for the round.  Fortune did not smile upon BEN'S BAZAAR this time 
out who this turn suffered a fall into 7th position in the wake of a 1-4-0 round.  
Warriors--remember that glory waits always around the corner!  Witness how this week 
LEGEND KILLERS went 4-1-1 to move up 5 in the rankings.  Did only my eyes note the 
3-1-0 record which NOMADIC TRIBE managed to post this round?  I don't doubt that such 
a record will draw challengers!  MILO NIMBLEFINGERS caught the eye of many in the 
gladiatorial commission as he skillfully bested EUSTACE BAGGE and was awarded 29 
points in recognition.  In one of the week's more notable duels, SAMMY SLICK put down 
DRUNKEN SAILOR, causing him to lose 11 points of recognition in the process.  This 
time out DARK RUMOR made hers bid for the throne as she challenged POET OEPHEUS in an 
all out contest of skill for possession of the title!  The city has turned out in 
honor of DARK RUMOR, for with hers arena victory she may now lay claim to the highest 
position in the city!  No confirmation, but my sources claim that the top team has 
gained their position using magical aids.  Charmed weapons perhaps?   
     But come now, let us look deeper into the maze of contention and crossed blades 
that is city SUNSET.  My inside sources tell me that the team to beat in SUNSET these 
days is BIG LAKE TERROR.  At least, most blades in town are looking to avoid them.  
Methinks more than a few here could name the guild it was that spent the better part 
of last week avoiding BIG LAKE TERROR.  Indeed it was REPTILE RAMPAGE.  Mighty 
fighters cannot but expect competition from those below.  FORKED TONGUE take warning! 
You have more than a few enemies in SUNSET.  I cannot but express pride for the 
fearlessness of DARK NOTICE who cast caution to the winds and challenged TAIPAN, a 
fighter 28 points higher.  I must admit to some joy.  Before my very eyes the 
underdog in this contest, DARK NOTICE, defeated TAIPAN to claim victory and 
recognition.  I can not but mention with disdain the name of DARK LAUGH who this week 
posted a challenge to a warrior a full 10 points below in the rankings.  I thought 
DARK LAUGH showed great skill and promise when he bested FORKED TONGUE.  All right, 
so I slept through it!  Big deal!   
     Vendettas.  Bloodied blades and broken spears.  Indeed the city has seen more 
than its fair share of red in recent times.  I have seen warriors die in youth.  I 
have seen men cut down in their prime.  This week REPTILE RAMPAGE must mourn the loss 
of 15-10-0 TAIPAN to BIG LAKE TERROR.  My sources at THE INFERNALS stable claim 
they've never seen the guild bitterer.  This as a result of the untimely demise of 
FENRIZ.  Beware LERG!  This week in mortal passion DARK NOTICE let the blood of 
TAIPAN, sending one more soul into the void.  Retribution by REPTILE RAMPAGE seems 
inevitable!  My hearty congratulations LITTLE FLOAB, for thy revenge upon BRIER 
BLACKMOON, slayer of thy fallen comrade.  Next time he will know better, eh?  Fate is 
a fickle mistress.  She showers the miserable with fortune but sets enemies against 
the victorious.  Remember this!   
     A thought before I go.  Each warrior practices one style, but must not the wise 
manager learn the secrets of them all?  Sadly warriors, now longer can I keep thy 
company nor savor the ale of thy fine city.  Depart I must and soon!  Till next we 
meet remember - the pen is mightier than the sword, but a maul is a different 
story!-- Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DARK RUMOR 9866           WS 20  13  0 107         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DARK NOTICE 9913          SL 14  10  1 128         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 MANNIN BLAK 9902          LU 16  10  0 108         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
 KNOF MOONWILLOW 9795      LU  9   6  2 101         KENDER INVASION (676)     
 LITTLE FANG 7035          PL 16  17  0  98         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
 POET OEPHEUS 9764         ST 12   5  0  95         TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      
 JASON OF ARGOS 9761       AB  9   8  0  93         TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      
-ARYAGATOR 9806            TP 20  18  0  91         PHILTHBALLS (554)         

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-FLYING DUTCHMAN 9838      AB 14  12  0  91         SEA SHANTIES (718)        

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 NELSON 9836               ST 13  14  1  87         SEA SHANTIES (718)        
 UNCHAINABLE 9929          TP 14   7  0  85         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 DARK LAUGH 9864           ST 20  14  2  83         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 LERG 9923                 SL 10   3  1  80         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
-HOLDEN MCBAGGS 9853       TP 20   8  0  78         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 DARK EMPATHY 9958         LU 10   4  1  78         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
-MANIC MARVIN 9847         AB 16  13  1  74         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 FORKED TONGUE 9833        LU 16  22  1  71         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 DARK OPTION 9903          LU 14  13  0  67         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 RHUKK 9925                AB  9   5  0  67         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BAMBOOZLER 9941           SL 10   9  2  66         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 SORCERESS MEDEA 9762      PR 12   5  0  59         TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      
 LITTLE FLOAB 9924         WS  5   2  0  58         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SPECKLED GECKO 9914       SL  6   1  0  55         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 PHLEM 9938                LU  9   6  0  53         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 AJANTI DAGGER 9984        LU  6   5  0  51         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
-FLASH 9980                BA  5   3  0  50         THE ALLIANCE (723)        
 AMARI STUBBLETOE 9678     TP 10   7  0  47         KENDER INVASION (676)     
 BRIER BLACKMOON 9960      PL  8   3  1  47         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       
 LEFTY MCGRIM 9985         LU  7   4  1  47         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
-MIGHTY HERACLES 9765      LU  7   8  0  47         TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)      
 STERLING SAVANT 9951      SL  8   4  0  45         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       
 SAMMY SLICK 9934          WS  8   9  0  42         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
-MADRID 7491               BA  3   2  0  37         WORLD BLADES (621)        

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 GRAZ GREENBLADE 9956      PR  6   6  0  33         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       
-PERTH 7567                    3   0  1  32         WORLD BLADES (621)                       [BA-LU-PS]
 PINK SLIME 9933           BA  6  10  1  29         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 MILO NIMBLEFINGERS 9574       1   0  0  29         KENDER INVASION (676)                    [AB-PR-PS-SL]
 POND SCUM 9939            PL  6   9  0  27         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 BALAAM 9602               WS  3   5  0  27         THE INFERNALS (707)       
 SEDIT 9689                SL  3   0  0  26         THE INFERNALS (707)                      *
-SNAKEYEYES 9988               2   0  0  26         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)                    [BA-ST]
 BUSHWHACK 10028           PS  2   0  0  26         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)                      *
 RAFI QUICKBUZZ 9812       LU  3   3  1  25         KENDER INVASION (676)     

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-WALLY-GATOR 9999          SL  1   4  1  23         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 DRUNKEN SAILOR 9957       WS  5   7  0  22         SEA SHANTIES (718)        
 ASTAROTH 9604             TP  5   3  0  21         THE INFERNALS (707)       
 POSSESSED WIFE 10010      SL  3   2  1  16         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)                       *
 HORST BAGGE 10037             1   0  0  11         LEGEND KILLERS (722)                     [AB-PR-SL]
 HAARLEM 10027             SL  1   1  0  11         THE ALLIANCE (723)        
-HORNED FROG 10014             1   2  0  11         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)                    [BA-SL]
 JAMAICAN MI CRAZY 10029       1   1  0   7         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)                       [AB-PR-SL]
-KAIA 10008                    1   2  1   6         THE ALLIANCE (723)                       [LU-SL]
 XANADU 10026                  1   1  0   4         THE ALLIANCE (723)                       [BA-LU-ST]
 YORALDON LIVN 10018           1   1  0   4         GRIM FANDANGO (454)                      [BA-LU-ST]
 GRAVITY FALLS 10019           0   2  0   2         GRIM FANDANGO (454)                      [AB-BA-SL-ST]
 JACK SPARROW 10013            0   1  0   1         SEA SHANTIES (718)                       [AB-BA-LU-SL-ST]
 EUSTACE BAGGE 10036           0   1  0   1         LEGEND KILLERS (722)                     [AB-BA-LU-SL-ST]
 ZOMBIE BRIDE 10017            0   1  0   1         THE OOZE ZONE (169)                      [AB-BA-LU-SL-ST]

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
EUNICE SCORN 10009      1  2 0 BEN'S BAZAAR 577     WALLY-GATOR 9999      1014  
UNLAWFULAWFUL 9965      4  7 0 GRIM FANDANGO 454    PINK SLIME 9933       1013  
BARV 9922               6  7 1 LEGEND KILLERS 722   BRIER BLACKMOON 9960  1015 JUST REVENGED
SANDSTONE DRIFT 10007   1  2 0 NOMADIC TRIBE 160    LEFTY MCGRIM 9985     1014  
TAIPAN 9862            15 10 0 REPTILE RAMPAGE 135  DARK NOTICE 9913      1016  
TOKAY 10004             1  1 0 REPTILE RAMPAGE 135  KAIA 10008            1012 REVENGED
MAUI'S GIRL 9955        4  5 0 SEA SHANTIES 718     ADAMANTIA 9996        1012 REVENGED
SAD SAM 10035           0  1 0 SEA SHANTIES 718     STONE GOLEM           1016 NONE
ADAMANTIA 9996          3  3 1 THE ALLIANCE 723     POSSESSED WIFE 10010  1014  
FENRIZ 9603             5  3 0 THE INFERNALS 707    LERG 9923             1016  
YAOTZIN 9687            1  4 0 THE INFERNALS 707    MR. TWISTER           1016 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

A 4-1 last turn despite running on maintenance YET AGAIN, thanks USPS...!^%@$*!! -- 

Dork Laugh -- I picture Lewis from Revenge of the Nerds...always a pleasure slapping 
you around! -- Little Fang

DM Poet Oafeus -- Perhaps I'll get a challenge thru some day...  -- Mannin Blak

Nomadic Tribesmen -- Good for me, but still my bad. (shrug) -- Lefty McGrim

World Blades -- Welcome to Sunset, Arena of Death, Jewel of the Delarquan Federation.  
Stay long and spill much blood and ale! -- Grim Fandango

And, 1500 wins, at last!  Those last few took a while.  Nomad, catch me if you can!  
Early congrats on 1200!  Brews on us at the Double-B tonight! -- Stik and Grim 

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

YAOTZIN was butchered by MR. TWISTER in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
SAD SAM was dispatched by STONE GOLEM in a 2 minute Dark Arena battle.
LITTLE FLOAB slimly won victory over BRIER BLACKMOON in a 3 minute Bloodfeud match.
DARK RUMOR unbelievably bested POET OEPHEUS in a 2 minute Challenge Title contest.
DARK NOTICE assassinated TAIPAN in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge match.
DARK LAUGH bested FORKED TONGUE in a crowd pleasing 1 minute veteran's Challenge duel.
DARK EMPATHY was beaten by JASON OF ARGOS in a 2 minute Challenge brawl.
DARK OPTION defeated PHLEM in a 2 minute Challenge melee.
PINK SLIME lost to GRAZ GREENBLADE in a 3 minute gruesome Challenge duel.
POND SCUM was vanquished by LEFTY MCGRIM in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
DRUNKEN SAILOR was vanquished by SAMMY SLICK in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
BUSHWHACK luckily beat POSSESSED WIFE in a 2 minute gory novice's Challenge melee.
MANNIN BLAK subdued NELSON in a crowd pleasing 1 minute master's match.
LITTLE FANG devastated BAMBOOZLER in a 1 minute one-sided battle.
KNOF MOONWILLOW viciously subdued UNCHAINABLE in a crowd pleasing 3 minute bout.
LERG assassinated FENRIZ in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
RHUKK bested AJANTI DAGGER in a 1 minute duel.
SORCERESS MEDEA handily defeated BALAAM in a crowd pleasing 6 minute mismatched bout.
AMARI STUBBLETOE outlasted CAPTURED ORC in a 9 minute veteran vs. novice bout.
STERLING SAVANT overpowered ASTAROTH in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
RAFI QUICKBUZZ devastated XANADU in a popular 1 minute one-sided contest.
SEDIT vanquished YORALDON LIVN in a 1 minute one-sided match.
JAMAICAN MI CRAZY overcame JACK SPARROW in a 3 minute beginner's duel.
GRAVITY FALLS was devastated by HAARLEM in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
MILO NIMBLEFINGERS overpowered EUSTACE BAGGE in a 1 minute uneven fight.
ZOMBIE BRIDE was overpowered by HORST BAGGE in a 1 minute gory uneven fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  13         WALL OF STEEL     26 -  19 -  0      58  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  9         TOTAL PARRY       19 -  14 -  1      58  |
|AIMED BLOW                       6         SLASHING ATTACK   38 -  30 -  7      56  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    5         LUNGING ATTACK    51 -  50 -  2      50  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         PARRY-LUNGE       13 -  13 -  1      50  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         AIMED BLOW        27 -  29 -  2      48  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      3         STRIKING ATTACK   22 -  30 -  2      42  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      3         BASHING ATTACK    10 -  14 -  1      42  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   2         PARRY-STRIKE       3 -   5 -  0      38  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      9 -  15 -  0      38  |

Turn 1016 was great if you    Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     5 -  8         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
PARRY-RIPOSTE      3 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  2         2  STRIKING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW         4 -  2     TOTAL PARRY        1 -  2         2  AIMED BLOW     
WALL OF STEEL      3 -  2     STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  3         2  TOTAL PARRY    
SLASHING ATTACK    5 -  4     BASHING ATTACK     0 -  2         1  WALL OF STEEL  
                                                                1  SLASHING ATTACK
                                                                1  PARRY-LUNGE    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
WALL OF STEEL    DARK RUMOR 9866            20  13  0  107 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)
SLASHING ATTACK  DARK NOTICE 9913           14  10  1  128 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)
LUNGING ATTACK   MANNIN BLAK 9902           16  10  0  108 GRIM FANDANGO (454)
STRIKING ATTACK  POET OEPHEUS 9764          12   5  0   95 TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)
AIMED BLOW       JASON OF ARGOS 9761         9   8  0   93 TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)
TOTAL PARRY      UNCHAINABLE 9929           14   7  0   85 BEN'S BAZAAR (577)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    SORCERESS MEDEA 9762       12   5  0   59 TEAM ARGONAUTS (714)
PARRY-LUNGE      BRIER BLACKMOON 9960        8   3  1   47 NOMADIC TRIBE (160)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is FORKED TONGUE 9833.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was SORCERESS MEDEA 9762.  The ten other most popular fighters were BRIER 
9864, and PINK SLIME 9933.

The least popular fighter this week was AMARI STUBBLETOE 9678.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were ZOMBIE BRIDE 10017, GRAVITY FALLS 10019, YORALDON LIVN 10018, 
TAIPAN 9862, and YAOTZIN 9687.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:



For those of you who keep track of such things, a few additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament. 

                   RIFF RAFF (82-37476) ROOKIE ARMADA 6 II  (6212) 
                  MAURICE BRITT (84-6039) MEDAL OF HONOR T10  (1140) 
                       RIMGARR (84-57625) ALGOPHOBIACS  (6250) 
                        FIVE (85-43995) FAST TRACK III  (8036) 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes