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DM 031 Newsletter

Date   : 12/09/2024    Duedate: 01/04/2025


DM 31    TURN 506

This Week's Top Honors



Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader


Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

HAOMARU                        CHARYBDIS
AVENGERS (146)                 THE OTHER ONES (404)
(31-7142) [14-26-1,72]         (31-7119) [11-13-1,71]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. MILITARY MAYHEM (89)          51 
2. WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378)     29    2212 BOURBON ST (680)
3. AVENGERS (146)                17    Unchartered Team
4. USEFUL WEAPONS (636)          10 
5. BIRDS (647)                   -4    RAT PACK (325)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 2212 BOURBON ST (680)      9   6  0 60.0   1/ 1 WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378) 8  6 0
 2/ 2 USEFUL WEAPONS (636)     299 204 14 59.4   2/ 2 USEFUL WEAPONS (636)      5  2 0
 3/ 3 MILITARY MAYHEM (89)     453 353 30 56.2   3/ 5 ASSASSIN NATION (515)     5  4 0
 4/ 4 WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378)464 395 19 54.0   4/ 4 THE OTHER ONES (404)      5  6 0
 5/ 5 BASH BROS OCEAN (627)    261 262 11 49.9   5/ 3 AVENGERS (146)            3  3 0
 6/ 6 ASSASSIN NATION (515)    477 487 66 49.5   6/ 8 MILITARY MAYHEM (89)      3  4 0
 7/ 7 AVENGERS (146)           596 661 44 47.4   7/ 9 BASH BROS OCEAN (627)     3  6 0
 8/ 8 THE OTHER ONES (404)     119 145 13 45.1   8/ 7 2212 BOURBON ST (680)     2  1 0
 9/ 9 BIRDS (647)               42  55  1 43.3   9- 6*JUNGLE CRUISE 2 (681)     2  3 1
10-10*JUNGLE CRUISE 2 (681)      8  13  2 38.1  10/10 BIRDS (647)               2  3 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

It's nice to see the city from the top of the pile and to leave on that note.

Too bad I couldn't stay longer, as I was just catching my stride!  For those who like 
to see my design, my base stats were 12-11-7-16-3-7-14 and my stats as I leave are 
pretty much what I was designed as, 13-12(1)-7-21-9-8-15.

I graduate with Master in Init, attack, and Decisivenss.  Experts in Riposte and 
Defense.  Favorite weapon ended yu being Great Axe, which I never used as I threw a 
lot of critical attacks with Broadsword.  I favor Initiate routines as well as a 
moderate offensive effort and high activity lebel.

I'm off to test my mettle (and possibly the aforementioned Great Axe) in the Dark 
Arena on my final turn.

Salut! -- for the final time as you Duelmaster,

                                          -- Vileness

                                      SPY REPORT

    Welcome to the holiday season.  Mostly good things came to WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! and 
MILITARY MAYHEM.  Those two teams won 7 fights while losing 2 this turn. They shared 
the current top team and team on the move awards, clearly the best awards available 
for most teams.  They did it through good challenges, the two teams making 5 
successful challenges.  Those awards are best because the chartered career honors is 
very difficult to obtain if you don't already have it.  USEFUL WEAPONS has had the 
lock on that award for most of my time reporting here.  There have been some times 
where that hasn't been true, such as right now when 2212 BOURBON ST is the current 
caretaker (though their loss put them on the cusp of losing it; and we've seen that 
pattern many times, too - a team that comes in and for a single generation of warriors 
is fantastic, but when the replacement recruits come in...).  So kudos to BOURBON ST 
for currently having the award, but I fully expect time will bring that award back to 
Smithy and the Consortium managed USEFUL WEAPONS (seems like Consortium managed teams 
hold that award in more than a few arenas...)
    On the individual side, there is no award more coveted than the Duelmaster title.  
VILENESS said it so well!  "It's nice to see the city from the top of the pile..."  On 
his way out, the Arenamaster 'honored' him in the Dark Arena. That left the throne 
open.  LITTER BLASTER made his bid, challenging BAKERS 7, the top contender for the 
throne (and also 'protecting' one of his teammates at the same time).  Normally, that 
would be the end of the story and LITTER BLASTER would be (deservedly) our new 
duelmaster.  However, nobody was expecting the OCTOPUS to again defeat LASAGNA, let 
alone see the commission award OCTOPUS with 21 recognition points.  OCTOPUS clearly 
also deserves the throne.  That created a tie at 113, so the throne is empty this 
turn!  Amusingly, those two received invites to ADM, so the throne will be wide open 
again next turn and the top two warriors in the arena won't be competing for it!
    The last challenge of the turn was also successful!  This challenge was more my 
style, with TIRE IRON challenging down 11 recognition against FORTY WINKS.  Smithy had 
already seen FORTY WINKS in action previously, so knew exactly how to prepare the TIRE 
IRON for the fight.  And boom!  A nice down challenge win and 4-0 start!
    USEFUL WEAPONS was most avoided (the arena has caught on to Smithy's ways)!  THE 
OTHER ONES sent 3 of the 8 avoids.  SEAGULL was reported as the most challenged 
    So we close another year of fighting!  Next turn will be the start of a new year 
and the next tourney will be right around the corner as well! 

                                         -- Belinda, best of the best

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 OCTOPUS 7207              LU 15   5  1 113         AVENGERS (146)            

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LITTER BLASTER 6784       ST 15   7  0 113         WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378) 

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RESENTMENT 7038           WS 20  15  0 102         ASSASSIN NATION (515)     
 DA ZAGAGNA 6672           TP 22   5  0  94         WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378) 
 POWERSLAVE 6724           WS 20  11  1  94         WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378) 
 BAKERS 7                  AB  9   4  0  92         2212 BOURBON ST (680)     

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SEAGULL 6637              WS 17  26  1  85         BIRDS (647)               
 WAND 7113                 AB 13   4  0  85         USEFUL WEAPONS (636)      
 MAJOR SNAFU 7059          TP 15   9  0  75         MILITARY MAYHEM (89)      
 HAOMARU 7142              ST 14  26  1  72         AVENGERS (146)            
 CHARYBDIS 7119            WS 11  13  1  71         THE OTHER ONES (404)      

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CAPTAIN MARVEL 7173       BA  6   3  1  57         MILITARY MAYHEM (89)      

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-NILE PRINCESS 7274        ST  4   3  0  54         JUNGLE CRUISE 2 (681)                    *
 CUTTHROAT 7204            SL  5   3  2  36         THE OTHER ONES (404)      
 BLOODTHIRST 7291          SL  4   2  0  36         THE OTHER ONES (404)                     *

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BROKEN GLASS 7224         AB  4   7  0  33         BASH BROS OCEAN (627)     
-AMAZON BELLE 7288         AB  1   2  1  33         JUNGLE CRUISE 2 (681)     
 DEPRAVITY 7208            SL  4   5  1  30         THE OTHER ONES (404)      
 CAPTAIN HOOK 7241         PR  2   1  0  30         MILITARY MAYHEM (89)      
 TIRE IRON 7297            TP  4   0  0  25         USEFUL WEAPONS (636)      

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BATROC! 7309                  1   1  0  19         WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378)            [LU-ST]
 BRAWLER 7308              PR  2   1  0  17         WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378) 
 WRATH 7316                    1   0  0  15         ASSASSIN NATION (515)                    [LU-ST]
 FORTY WINKS 7222          TP  1   2  0  13         THE OTHER ONES (404)      
-GANGES GAL 7285           SL  1   3  1  12         JUNGLE CRUISE 2 (681)     
 KELP 7301                     1   1  0   8         BASH BROS OCEAN (627)                    [AB-BA-SL]
-BASEBALL BAT 7298             1   1  0   7         USEFUL WEAPONS (636)                     [AB-ST]
-SPARROW 7310              AB  1   1  0   6         BIRDS (647)               
 ERADICATE 7315                0   1  0   1         ASSASSIN NATION (515)                    [AB-BA-LU-SL-ST]

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
SWIFT DEMISE 7290       4  2 2 ASSASSIN NATION 515  AMAZON BELLE 7288      504  
VILENESS 7110          14  9 1 ASSASSIN NATION 515  ARENAMASTER LEVT       506 NONE
LOST AT SEA 7283        1  1 0 BASH BROS OCEAN 627  BLACK ORC              506 NONE
PFC 2 7318              0  1 0 MILITARY MAYHEM 89   SHEWISH GIANT          506 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Litter Blaster -- No need to dodge me anymore.  I'm off to the Isle. -- Vileness

Octopus -- I figured I was going to graduate with my next win either way, so why not 
go for the title on more time.  At least you got some good learns in the process. -- 

Da Zagagna --Needed to adjust my strategy some with the added weight.  Will try to 
learn from that mistake. -- Churybdis

Broken Glass -- You're still able to suit up for the sands.  Some might consider taht 
a victory. -- Cutthroat

Sparrow -- A minor trim of the wings and not a clipping.  I'm sure you will have my 
nymver in the future if you survive. -- Depravity

Brawler -- You outlaster me???  I have to start working on my cardio! -- Forty Winks

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

VILENESS was viciously butchered by ARENAMASTER LEVTANI in a 1 minute fight.
LOST AT SEA was murdered by BLACK ORC in a 1 minute brutal Dark Arena melee.
PFC 2 was slain by SHEWISH GIANT in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena duel.
LITTER BLASTER devastated BAKERS 7 in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
POWERSLAVE savagely defeated SEAGULL in a 3 minute master's Challenge competition.
MAJOR SNAFU defeated CHARYBDIS in a 6 minute veteran's Challenge struggle.
CAPTAIN MARVEL handily defeated CUTTHROAT in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
CAPTAIN HOOK won victory over DEPRAVITY in a 2 minute Challenge duel.
TIRE IRON outwaited FORTY WINKS in a slow 19 minute Challenge duel.
DA ZAGAGNA was viciously subdued by OCTOPUS in a popular 4 minute gory duel.
RESENTMENT overpowered HAOMARU in a 1 minute one-sided melee.
WAND defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a 2 minute match.
BROKEN GLASS was luckily beaten by BLOODTHIRST in a 2 minute competition.
BATROC! handily defeated MORDANT DESERTER in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
KELP was subdued by WRATH in a 1 minute novice's brawl.
BRAWLER handily defeated ERADICATE in a 1 minute one-sided conflict.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         TOTAL PARRY       18 -  14 -  1      56  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         LUNGING ATTACK    18 -  15 -  1      55  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         AIMED BLOW        17 -  19 -  1      47  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  4         STRIKING ATTACK   29 -  33 -  3      47  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   3         SLASHING ATTACK   14 -  16 -  3      47  |
|AIMED BLOW                       3         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -   5 -  0      44  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   3         BASHING ATTACK     8 -  10 -  2      44  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         WALL OF STEEL     18 -  24 -  1      43  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         PARRY-STRIKE       1 -   3 -  0      25  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   0 -  0       0  |

Turn 506 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-RIPOSTE      2 -  0     AIMED BLOW         1 -  2         3  WALL OF STEEL  
LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  1     BASHING ATTACK     1 -  2         2  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  2     SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  3         2  TOTAL PARRY    
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  2     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  AIMED BLOW     
WALL OF STEEL      2 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         1  LUNGING ATTACK 
                                                                1  SLASHING ATTACK

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   OCTOPUS 7207               15   5  1  113 AVENGERS (146)
STRIKING ATTACK  LITTER BLASTER 6784        15   7  0  113 WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378)
WALL OF STEEL    RESENTMENT 7038            20  15  0  102 ASSASSIN NATION (515)
TOTAL PARRY      DA ZAGAGNA 6672            22   5  0   94 WHAMMO & THUDDA 4U! (378)
AIMED BLOW       BAKERS 7 7257               9   4  0   92 2212 BOURBON ST (680)
SLASHING ATTACK  CUTTHROAT 7204              5   3  2   36 THE OTHER ONES (404)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is HAOMARU 7142.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was CHARYBDIS 7119.  The ten other most popular fighters were OCTOPUS 7207, 
7224, BLOODTHIRST 7291, WRATH 7316, and LITTER BLASTER 6784.

The least popular fighter this week was TIRE IRON 7297.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were FORTY WINKS 7222, MAJOR SNAFU 7059, ERADICATE 7315, KELP 7301, HAOMARU 
7142, CUTTHROAT 7204, BAKERS 7 7257, LOST AT SEA 7283, DA ZAGAGNA 6672, and CAPTAIN 
MARVEL 7173.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:

OCTOPUS (31-7207) AVENGERS (146)

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:


                                CHALLENGES AND AVOIDS

To clarify:  You issue Challenges to warriors, but Avoid teams.  
To Challenge, write that warrior's name and ID# in the space provided. 
To Avoid, write the team's name and Team ID in that space. 
Make sure you include the ID!


For those of you who keep track of such things, a few additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament. 

                   RIFF RAFF (82-37476) ROOKIE ARMADA 6 II  (6212) 
                  MAURICE BRITT (84-6039) MEDAL OF HONOR T10  (1140) 
                       RIMGARR (84-57625) ALGOPHOBIACS  (6250) 
                        FIVE (85-43995) FAST TRACK III  (8036) 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes