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DM 040 Newsletter

Date   : 12/13/2024    Duedate: 12/26/2024


DM 40    TURN 968

This Week's Top Honors


(40-5181) [16-18-0,102]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

TWIGGY                         NEW RIFF
BEYOND THE PALE (337)          227 BOURBON ST. (533)
(40-5181) [16-18-0,102]        (40-5252) [5-0-1,91]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

VERA DEMILO                    REESIE
DIRTY DOZENS (333)             DIRTY DOZENS (333)
(40-4234) [9-8-0,92]           (40-4227) [8-4-0,53]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. OXY MORONS (537)              59 
2. PANDORA'S BOX (522)           40    PANDORA'S BOX (522)
3. BEYOND THE PALE (337)         15    Unchartered Team
4. 227 BOURBON ST. (533)         9  
5. MADNESS 7 (515)               5     227 BOURBON ST. (533)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*DREAMS WORK (538)         22   8  3 73.3   1/ 3 PANDORA'S BOX (522)       7  1 0
 2/ 3*227 BOURBON ST. (533)      5   2  1 71.4   2/ 5 OXY MORONS (537)          7  2 0
 3/ 2 PANDORA'S BOX (522)      115  49  4 70.1   3/ 1 BEYOND THE PALE (337)     7  5 1
 4/ 0 MADNESS 7 (515)           43  27  3 61.4   4- 6 VABOROUGHS (240)          4  6 0
 5- 4 GR8 PL8TS (499)           26  17  2 60.5   5/ 7 THE SHIRE (321)           4  6 0
 6- 5 DEEP SHADOW (507)        158 126  6 55.6   6/ 2 DIRTY DOZENS (333)        4 11 0
 7- 6 VABOROUGHS (240)          76  68  3 52.8   7- 4*DREAMS WORK (538)         3  2 0
 8/ 8 OXY MORONS (537)          44  44  1 50.0   8/ 8*227 BOURBON ST. (533)     2  0 0
 9/ 9 BEYOND THE PALE (337)    1252 1446 36 46.4   9/ 0 MADNESS 7 (515)           1  0 0
10/ 7 DIRTY DOZENS (333)        41  49  1 45.6  10- 9 GR8 PL8TS (499)           1  1 0
11/10 THE SHIRE (321)           61  91  3 40.1  11-10 DEEP SHADOW (507)         1  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Greetings, Warriors of ZENSU.  Allow this humble servant Novgorodny Vir to give 
you a respite from the fights in the form of this Spyreport.  The boys at BEYOND THE 
PALE left the arena dejected, after being kicked out of the top spot by PANDORA'S 
BOX.  Good show!  DIRTY DOZENS after a sorry 0-5-0 might want to consider abandoning 
the sands and taking up singing the 'Can't fight no more' blues!  Nothing works for a 
team like victory (How's that for a perceptive observation?) as OXY MORONS can 
attest...  Practice pays for EXPRESS MAIL, who pummelled BELLADONNA TOOK, to pocket 
22 points.  A certain someone should cut down on the drinking and practice more, 
after losing 11 points to EXPRESS MAIL.  (Discrete enough, BELLADONNA TOOK?) 
Duelmaster VERA DEMILO from DIRTY DOZENS is going for the gold, as she challenged 
BEYOND THE PALE's TWIGGY.  Ooh, the excitement!  In ZENSU, nothing is permanent 
(except Death), and we find ourselves a new Duelmaster, TWIGGY.  Word has it one team 
in ZENSU is taking speech lessons to try to bore their opponent to death.  I'll bet 
it works.   
     So much to report, so little time!  Like a horde of jackals fleeing from the 
lion, so did the "warriors" in ZENSU avoid DREAMS WORK.  The warriors of DREAMS WORK 
found their efforts at combat frustrated as DIRTY DOZENS apparently had more 
important things to do than fight.  Is it charming personality?  Conversational 
abilities?  Good oral hygiene?  Whatever it is, TWIGGY is the most challenged 
     Is there life after death?  Pragmatics (and warriors) know there is death after 
life!  The audience gave a nice round of rasberries to ROSIE COTTON of THE SHIRE, for 
expiring in such an ungraceful fashion.  5-8-0, indeed!  Questions are being raised 
about the disposing of severed body parts in the arena.  A certain tavern in ZENSU 
would I avoid!   
     Leave me now, you base fools!  As the seasons change, and the creatures of the 
wild change also, so do I feel a yearning to leave this place.  Can anything compare 
to the pleasure of writing Spyreports for ZENSU?  On that giddy note I take my 
leave-- Novgorodny Vir  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TWIGGY 5181               WS 16  18  0 102         BEYOND THE PALE (337)     

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-STERLING 2280             SL 13  10  2 108         VABOROUGHS (240)          
 SLEEPY JOE 5294           AB 12   7  1 101         OXY MORONS (537)          
 VERA DEMILO 4234          LU  9   8  0  92         DIRTY DOZENS (333)        
 NEW RIFF 5252             LU  5   0  1  91         227 BOURBON ST. (533)     

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-YU CRYN 4977              LU 11   9  2  84         GR8 PL8TS (499)           
 QUARTZ 5093               PL 14  14  0  81         MADNESS 7 (515)           

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MILITANT PACIFIST 5290    LU 11   6  0  66         OXY MORONS (537)                         *
 CARL THE TOOTH 3156       LU 13  11  1  65         DIRTY DOZENS (333)        
 FRENCHIE 3155             SL  8   6  0  65         DIRTY DOZENS (333)        
 ZIPPY THE SLUG 5288       TP 11   7  0  64         OXY MORONS (537)          
 DAN'S GHOST 5196             15  17  1  63         BEYOND THE PALE (337)                    ???

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 REESIE 4227               ST  8   4  0  53         DIRTY DOZENS (333)        
-GLORIA 5298               BA  5   1  2  48         DREAMS WORK (538)         
 NEERLY STENN 5273         ST  5  10  1  48         BEYOND THE PALE (337)     
-ADAM FLAYMAN 5295         LU  4   2  0  45         DREAMS WORK (538)         
 FLOODS 5263               TP 10   2  0  44         PANDORA'S BOX (522)                      *
-SPECTRAL SHADE 5208       PS  7  10  0  42         DEEP SHADOW (507)         
 DOS JONES 5272            SL  8   7  0  38         BEYOND THE PALE (337)                    *

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-KITTY SOFTPAWS 5299       LU  4   2  0  34         DREAMS WORK (538)         

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 STRIFE 5321                   2   0  0  31         PANDORA'S BOX (522)                      [PL-ST]
 BOBO BOFFINS 5326             2   0  0  27         THE SHIRE (321)                          [PL-ST]
 SANCHO PROUDFOOT 5255     WS  7   4  0  25         THE SHIRE (321)           

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-BOB 5296                  TP  5   1  1  23         DREAMS WORK (538)                        *
-RESTON 4263               LU  4   1  1  23         VABOROUGHS (240)                         *
 EXPRESS MAIL 5323             1   0  0  22         OXY MORONS (537)                         [PL-SL-ST-TP]
 GRANDPA JACK 5311         ST  2   1  0  21         DIRTY DOZENS (333)        
-DULLES 4264                   3   2  0  19         VABOROUGHS (240)                         [LU-WS]
-KEN 5297                  PL  4   2  0  18         DREAMS WORK (538)         
 TURMOIL 5322                  1   0  0  18         PANDORA'S BOX (522)                      [PL-SL-ST-TP]
-DECAY 5315                BA  2   1  0  14         PANDORA'S BOX (522)                      *
 BELLADONNA TOOK 5313      LU  3   2  0  11         THE SHIRE (321)           
-ALDIE 4286                SL  1   1  0  10         VABOROUGHS (240)                         *
 THE HEDGE 5316            LU  2   2  0   8         THE SHIRE (321)                          *
 SILENT SCREAM 5320        ST  1   1  0   8         OXY MORONS (537)                         *
-MARSHALL 4287             TP  0   2  0   2         VABOROUGHS (240)          
-FROST BLADE 5277              0   1  0   1         DEEP SHADOW (507)                        [PS-TP-WS]

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
HAILSTORM 5167         15 10 0 PANDORA'S BOX 522    CARL THE TOOTH 3156    965  
ROSIE COTTON 5190       5  8 0 THE SHIRE 321        NEERLY STENN 5273      968  

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

VERA DEMILO was bested by TWIGGY in a 2 minute master's Challenge Title fight.
MILITANT PACIFIST vanquished DAN'S GHOST in a 1 minute uneven Challenge battle.
STRIFE subdued GRANDPA JACK in a 1 minute beginner's Challenge fight.
SLEEPY JOE devastated VETERAN MERCENARY in a 2 minute gory one-sided contest.
QUARTZ subdued FRENCHIE in a 2 minute mismatched competition.
NEW RIFF vanquished CARL THE TOOTH in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
REESIE was beaten by ZIPPY THE SLUG in a crowd pleasing 5 minute brawl.
FLOODS luckily beat DOS JONES in a action packed 5 minute gruesome melee.
ROSIE COTTON was dispatched by NEERLY STENN in a 1 minute duel.
SANCHO PROUDFOOT defeated SILENT SCREAM in a 2 minute expert vs. novice duel.
BELLADONNA TOOK was overpowered by EXPRESS MAIL in a 1 minute uneven match.
THE HEDGE was overpowered by TURMOIL in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
BOBO BOFFINS demolished EMBEZZLING SCRIBE in a 1 minute mismatched competition.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   6         PARRY-LUNGE        9 -   2 -  0      82  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  6         TOTAL PARRY       24 -   8 -  1      75  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      3         LUNGING ATTACK    33 -  25 -  1      57  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         AIMED BLOW        11 -   9 -  1      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      2         STRIKING ATTACK   24 -  22 -  1      52  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    2         SLASHING ATTACK   14 -  14 -  0      50  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         BASHING ATTACK     7 -  11 -  2      39  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         WALL OF STEEL     10 -  16 -  0      38  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    0         PARRY-STRIKE       2 -   6 -  0      25  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -   5 -  0      17  |

Turn 968 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        3 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  4         5  LUNGING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  0     SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  2         2  SLASHING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      2 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  4         2  AIMED BLOW     
AIMED BLOW         1 -  1     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         1  WALL OF STEEL  
                              PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  0         1  PARRY-LUNGE    
                              BASHING ATTACK     0 -  0     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
AIMED BLOW       SLEEPY JOE 5294            12   7  1  101 OXY MORONS (537)
LUNGING ATTACK   VERA DEMILO 4234            9   8  0   92 DIRTY DOZENS (333)
SLASHING ATTACK  FRENCHIE 3155               8   6  0   65 DIRTY DOZENS (333)
TOTAL PARRY      ZIPPY THE SLUG 5288        11   7  0   64 OXY MORONS (537)
STRIKING ATTACK  REESIE 4227                 8   4  0   53 DIRTY DOZENS (333)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is VERA DEMILO 4234.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was REESIE 4227.  The ten other most popular fighters were DOS JONES 5272, VERA 

The least popular fighter this week was THE HEDGE 5316.  The other ten least popular 
SILENT SCREAM 5320, and NEW RIFF 5252.

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

EXPIRED (40-4976) GR8 PL8TS (499)


For those of you who keep track of such things, a few additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament. 

                   RIFF RAFF (82-37476) ROOKIE ARMADA 6 II  (6212) 
                  MAURICE BRITT (84-6039) MEDAL OF HONOR T10  (1140) 
                       RIMGARR (84-57625) ALGOPHOBIACS  (6250) 
                        FIVE (85-43995) FAST TRACK III  (8036) 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes