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DM 047 Newsletter

Date   : 12/17/2024    Duedate: 01/13/2025


DM 47    TURN 478

This Week's Top Honors


CHEERS (659)
(47-8253) [26-19-0,123]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)         2129 BOURBON ST (888)
(47-8521) [10-8-2,126]         (47-10696) [5-4-0,88]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

HILLARY                        SNAPDRAGON
SECOND BANANAS (573)           DARQUE FORCES (396)
(47-9534) [18-18-1,90]         (47-10523) [7-14-0,35]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. FAST FOOD (724)               64 
2. REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)         37    NAWLINS 2023 (896)
3. BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)         31    Unchartered Team
4. LAND OF OZ (217)              29 
5. FRAYED SANITY (799)           27    WARBORN CANVAS (894)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0 NAWLINS 2023 (896)        16   6  0 72.7   1/ 1 BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)   10  5 3
 2/ 3 LAND OF OZ (217)         1073 706 35 60.3   2/ 2 WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)       8  5 0
 3/ 1*WARBORN CANVAS (894)       6   4  0 60.0   3/ 4*FILTHY PICKLES (889)      8  7 2
 4/ 0 SECOND BANANAS (573)     429 308 45 58.2   4/ 0 NAWLINS 2023 (896)        7  3 0
 5/ 0 SHEWISH DINER (806)      229 175 17 56.7   5/ 8 FRAYED SANITY (799)       7  6 0
 6/ 4 BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)    303 239 24 55.9   6/12 FAST FOOD (724)           7  7 1
 7/ 5 ROYAL FLUSH (48)         1129 955 60 54.2   7/ 6 LAND OF OZ (217)          7  7 0
 8/ 6 CHEERS (659)             208 192 12 52.0   8/10 ROYAL FLUSH (48)          7  7 0
 9/ 7 DARQUE FORCES (396)      525 491 34 51.7   9/14*WARBORN CANVAS (894)      6  4 0
10/ 9 WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)      338 331 16 50.5  10/ 3 REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)     6  4 0
11/ 2*FILTHY PICKLES (889)       8   8  2 50.0  11/ 7 DARQUE FORCES (396)       6  7 0
12/10 THE PURGE 209 (868)      125 126  6 49.8  12/18 BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)     6  8 0
13/ 8 ERRATA! (760)             94  95  2 49.7  13/16 CHEERS (659)              5  3 0
14/ 0 STAR PRAIRIE (821)        73  75  6 49.3  14/ 5 DWARFED (882)             5  4 0
15/12 REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)    106 114  2 48.2  15/19*PHOENIX GUARD (887)       5  4 0
16/11 SPECTRAL STEEL (778)     168 182  5 48.0  16/13 LAZY BOYZ (167)           5  5 1
17/13 BASH BROS PARK (766)     238 263 11 47.5  17/17 PSY CORPS (867)           5  5 0
18/25*2129 BOURBON ST (888)      8   9  0 47.1  18/27*FIEND FOLIO (892)         5  7 1

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
19/14 FAST FOOD (724)          343 387 17 47.0  19/ 9 WHITE WOLVES (832)        4 11 0
20/17 FRAYED SANITY (799)       94 108  5 46.5  20-11 BOOK OF THOMAS (801)      3  0 0
21/15 PSY CORPS (867)           72  84  5 46.2  21/25*2129 BOURBON ST (888)     3  2 0
22/16 SATAN'S MINIONS (813)    172 202  5 46.0  22/23 THE PURGE 209 (868)       3  7 0
23/18 LAZY BOYZ (167)          111 131 10 45.9  23/22*METALBORN (890)           3  9 0
24/19 SNOW FORT (819)           59  72  2 45.0  24/15 SATAN'S MINIONS (813)     2  4 0
25/20 DWARFED (882)             76  93  3 45.0  25/26*EMU'S SEED (891)          2  8 0
26-22 BOOK OF THOMAS (801)     104 136  4 43.3  26/21 ASSASSIN NATION (790)     2  8 0
27/21 BAD GAS (893)             21  29  1 42.0  27/24 WHITE MAIMERS (873)       2 11 0
28/32*FIEND FOLIO (892)          5   7  1 41.7  28/32 BASH BROS PARK (766)      1  1 0
29/23 WHITE MAIMERS (873)      134 188 12 41.6  29/ 0 SECOND BANANAS (573)      1  3 0
30/24 BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)    36  57  7 38.7  30/31 SPECTRAL STEEL (778)      1  3 0
31/29*PHOENIX GUARD (887)        7  12  0 36.8  31/29 BAD GAS (893)             1  9 0
32/27 WHITE WOLVES (832)       158 301 10 34.4  32/28 ERRATA! (760)             0  7 0
33/26 ASSASSIN NATION (790)     22  42  2 34.4  33/30 SNOW FORT (819)           0  3 0
34/30*METALBORN (890)            3  10  0 23.1  34/ 0 SHEWISH DINER (806)       0  1 0
35/31*EMU'S SEED (891)           2   8  0 20.0  35/ 0 STAR PRAIRIE (821)        0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

TURF WAR 14 news 

OG: Blackheart, Otis, GentleBen 
(Deathly Hallows, Cheers, Reignncatsndogs)

EERIE PICNIC (defending champs): OAB, La Guillotine, Assur 
(Shewish Diner, Weird Alchemy, Bash Bros Park)

MOTHERFORKERS: Mannequin, Crip, Oz 
(2nd Bananas, Royal Flush, Land Of Oz)

SOUTH OF 50%: Crambus, Chad, Philthy Phil 
(Big Lake Maulers, Filthy Pickles, Frayed Sanity)

IMPRACTICAL MAGIC: Paradox, Grand Wizard, Mad Wand 
(Psycorps, Bad Gas, Fast Food)

                                      SPY REPORT

     Greetings warriors!  It is I, Zontani Sharp Eyes, here to bring report of the 
clash and bustle of the weekly NORTH FORK games.  Warriors--remember that glory waits 
always around the corner!  Witness how this week FIEND FOLIO went 4-1-0 to move up 9 
in the rankings.  My praise to 2129 BOURBON ST for their 3-0-0 week this time out.  
Indeed, it was a skillfully fought round deserving of notice!  LOKA WARBEARD caught 
the eye of many in the gladiatorial commission as she skillfully bested PLANTERS 
PUNCH and was awarded 19 points in recognition.  In one of the week's more notable 
duels, LOKA WARBEARD put down PLANTERS PUNCH, causing him to lose 16 points of 
recognition in the process.  Not for nothing has BARSTOOL 5 in the past laid claim to 
the Duelmaster's throne, and this week it's proven its combat skill yet again.  Heed 
this!  A seer has warned that if exactly 6 die in duels this week, the whole city 
shall perish!  Just remember...5 or 7!   
     I have been in deep conclave with my spies who watched all that has recently 
transpired.  Indeed there is much I would report.  I saw one fighter that warriors 
avoided when this week's challenge seeking began.  BIG LAKE MAULERS is feared.  This 
much I can say.  If you didn't look down dark alleys you'd have been hard pressed to 
find any of WHITE WOLVES last week.  Busy avoiding BIG LAKE MAULERS?  Loose talk at 
the arena has reached my ears and it but confirms the knowledge that many fighters 
are after NIKTO.  Watch your back!  As a gladiator gets older, the icy grip of fear 
lays hold of his heart.  True, CREEPY TOUCH?  Who could miss your "brave" challenge 
of FATHER BARRY?  The weight of the challenge fell hard upon FATHER BARRY and 
predictably it was overcame by CREEPY TOUCH.  This is how to arouse the anger of an 
entire guild!  For some warriors honor is not important--only empty victory.  See, 
gladiators, how COURAGE of LAND OF OZ challenged down 28 points to CARISSIMUS.  All 
the city knows the duel went in favor of COURAGE.  I shall not fail to spread the 
word in other cities of this "mighty" victory.  MAXIMUS must really be harboring a 
grudge against the LAND OF OZ guild!  Merciless, 19 challenged down EMERALD CITY 
points this week to duel with he.  An upset indeed!  MAXIMUS found heself outmatched 
as him was subdued by EMERALD CITY.  There is no place left further down for MAXIMUS 
but the burial mound!   
     Vendettas.  Bloodied blades and broken spears.  Indeed the city has seen more 
than its fair share of red in recent times.  Strange what qualities come forth in the 
face of certain doom.  WARRIOR 2 has the town astir with the news of his Dark Arena 
victory!  Walk proud, warriors of REIGNNCATSNDOGS!  By striking down EDMOND FITZDEED 
you have avenged the honor of your dead.  Your virtue is known to all in NORTH FORK.  
MARVIN ZEHM must hold silent, for this week he was humbled  in the arena by a 
successful Bloodfeud won by BLOOD SLURPER of BIG LAKE MAULERS.  Hail BLOOD SLURPER 
for thy victory!  Fate is a fickle mistress.  She showers the miserable with fortune 
but sets enemies against the victorious.  Remember this!   
     A thought before I go.  Each warrior practices one style, but must not the wise 
manager learn the secrets of them all?  Ahh, but I can hear the spires of a far off 
city calling to me.  I must away!  Till we meet again, remember:  a turtle walks 
slow, hides head in a shell, and harms no one; a lion runs to slay its prey.-- 
Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BARSTOOL 5 8253           TP 26  19  0 123         CHEERS (659)              

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 JACK THE BLADE 8521       ST 10   8  2 126         BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)    
-DESI VEGA'S 10837         SL  8   2  0 110         NAWLINS 2023 (896)        
 COURAGE 10495             ST 14   5  0 104         LAND OF OZ (217)          
 THE DARK 10463            WS 15  11  1  98         THE PURGE 209 (868)       
 CREEPY TOUCH 8653         SL  9   3  2  98         BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)     
-WINCHESTER 10260          AB 16   9  0  93         BOOK OF THOMAS (801)      
-ONSLAUGHT 10352           ST 13  12  0  93         DARQUE FORCES (396)       

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 APEFACE 10318             TP 23  11  0  90         DARQUE FORCES (396)       
 HILLARY 9534              LU 18  18  1  90         SECOND BANANAS (573)      
 EQUES EIDOLON 10390       AB 10   4  0  90         SPECTRAL STEEL (778)      
 LOKA WARBEARD 10431       ST  8   8  0  90         DWARFED (882)             
 CRAPKIN 10522             TP 15   5  0  89         WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)       
 DARK SOHO 10022           LU 16  16  0  88         PSY CORPS (867)           
 ANGEL'S ENVY 10696        WS  5   4  0  88         2129 BOURBON ST (888)     
 ABSOLUM 10023             WS 11  15  2  77         PSY CORPS (867)           
 CONWAY 9720               WS 14  13  2  72         SECOND BANANAS (573)      
 CARISSIMUS 10204          LU 14  21  1  72         WHITE MAIMERS (873)       
 SECRET SAUCE 10382        TP 16  10  0  70         FAST FOOD (724)           
 GLOCKENSPIEL 10416        WS 14  13  2  69         WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)       
 OSCAR MAIER 9365          LU  9   9  0  68         FRAYED SANITY (799)       
 PLANTERS PUNCH 10267      ST  8   4  1  67         SHEWISH DINER (806)       

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MOOSEKNUCKLE 9303         WS 12   9  0  66         FRAYED SANITY (799)       
 FATHER BARRY 9294         AB  9   6  2  66         CHEERS (659)              
 LION KING 10419           PL  7   7  0  63         REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)     
-HIRELING 10682            ST  4   0  0  59         SATAN'S MINIONS (813)     
 EMERALD CITY 10582        AB  9   5  0  58         LAND OF OZ (217)          
 NEMESIS PRIME 10643       LU  8   2  0  58         DARQUE FORCES (396)       
 THUGGER JAX 8524          SL  6  13  2  58         BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)    

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-CHOPHOUSE 10839               4   2  0  58         NAWLINS 2023 (896)                       ???

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MAXIMUS 10296             WS 11  23  0  56         WHITE WOLVES (832)        
-FLETCHER 10305            SL  9   5  0  56         BOOK OF THOMAS (801)      
 HUGH 9291                 LU  7   7  0  56         CHEERS (659)              
 EVAN DRAKE 9136           WS 14  12  0  55         CHEERS (659)              
 SHAWARMA 10554            PR 11   7  0  55         FAST FOOD (724)           
 DEMETRIUS 10203           TP 14  12  0  54         WHITE MAIMERS (873)       
 ZIPPY 10480               WS 11  13  1  53         LAZY BOYZ (167)           
 COSTANZA 10364            AB  7   4  0  52         SECOND BANANAS (573)      
-SNOWPUNCH 8981            TP  9   7  0  46         SNOW FORT (819)           
 POOT 10774                    4   6  0  46         BAD GAS (893)                            [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 EDMOND FITZDEED 8997      PR  5   7  2  43         BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)    
 REVEREND JIM 9229             5   2  0  43         SECOND BANANAS (573)                     [LU-SL-ST-TP]
 DONNIE STAHL 9675             5   7  0  43         FRAYED SANITY (799)                      [BA-LU-PS-WS]
-CASTIEL 10536             SL  4   4  0  43         BOOK OF THOMAS (801)      
 SOFT TEN 10562            AB  8   9  0  42         ROYAL FLUSH (48)          
 PROMETHEUS 10511              5   2  1  40         PSY CORPS (867)                          [LU-SL-ST-WS]
 CORNFIELD 10560               5   4  0  38         LAND OF OZ (217)                         [BA-LU-SL]
 BUCKET OF WATER 10583     SL  3   7  0  38         LAND OF OZ (217)          
 REAL MCCOY 10572          ST  3   0  0  38         FAST FOOD (724)           
 TURBULENCE 9902           SL  6   6  1  37         ASSASSIN NATION (790)     
 PRINCE OF BARKNESS 10519      6   1  0  36         REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)                    [BA-LU-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 SNAPDRAGON 10523          LU  7  14  0  35         DARQUE FORCES (396)       
 SHART 10772                   6   4  0  35         BAD GAS (893)                            [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 DOMESTIC 10658                4   2  1  35         SATAN'S MINIONS (813)                    [AB-LU-PR-SL]
 FLINT FORGEHART 10514     LU  3   6  1  34         DWARFED (882)             
 MORBIUS 10508             BA  3   7  0  34         WHITE WOLVES (832)        

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 QUEEN OF SHEBA 10672          5   1  0  32         ROYAL FLUSH (48)                         [BA-LU-PR-TP-WS]
 BANGIS BIGNOSE 10557          4   1  0  32         DWARFED (882)                            [BA-LU-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 WARRIOR 2 10830               1   0  1  31         FAST FOOD (724)                          ???
 ZAIRE 10622               LU  6   6  0  28         LAZY BOYZ (167)           
 SWINDLE 10624             ST  5   5  0  28         DARQUE FORCES (396)       
 LITTER BOX 10667              2   1  0  27         BASH BROS PARK (766)                     [AB-BA-LU-PR-SL-TP-WS]
 BURNER 10771                  5   5  0  26         BAD GAS (893)                            [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
-VOODOO LOUNGE 10833           2   0  0  26         NAWLINS 2023 (896)                       ???
 DOOF 10512                PS  2   5  0  25         PSY CORPS (867)           
 REMNANT RANGER 10534          4   4  0  24         SPECTRAL STEEL (778)                     [SL-ST-TP]

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ZINK 10678                ST  3   3  1  23         LAZY BOYZ (167)           
 SUSAN KLONTZ 10719            3   0  0  23         FILTHY PICKLES (889)                     [BA-LU-PR-PS-TP-WS]
-SPAR-TEKUS 10651              3   3  0  22         WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)                      [LU-PR-SL-ST]
 BLOOD SLURPER 10746           3   0  0  22         BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)                   [BA-LU-PR-PS-TP-WS]
 THON 10766                ST  2   0  0  22         WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)       
 PRECISE 10741                 2   0  0  21         PHOENIX GUARD (887)                      [BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
-DAISY MAE'S 10836             2   0  0  20         NAWLINS 2023 (896)                       ???
 FANNY CHMELAR 10753           1   1  0  19         FRAYED SANITY (799)                      [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 ATTALUS 10509             ST  4   6  0  18         WHITE WOLVES (832)        
 ARCHELIUS 10641           LU  3   7  1  17         WHITE WOLVES (832)        
 PITCH BLACK 10707             3   2  0  17         THE PURGE 209 (868)                      [BA-LU-PL-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 ANCIENT AGE 10692             2   0  0  17         2129 BOURBON ST (888)                    ???
 DROOLMASTER 10602             2   1  0  17         REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)                    [BA-LU-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 SHPONGLE 10510            SL  4   3  0  15         PSY CORPS (867)           
 DELIN BLACKHAUL 10552     LU  4   2  0  15         DWARFED (882)             
 AIR BISCUIT 10769             2   8  1  15         BAD GAS (893)                            [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 MOON MAID 10794               2   0  0  15         WARBORN CANVAS (894)                     [BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 COINSHOT 10728                2   0  0  14         METALBORN (890)                          [BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 EGYPTIAN QUEEN 10790      SL  2   0  0  14         WARBORN CANVAS (894)      
 QULLAN 10748                  1   1  0  14         FIEND FOLIO (892)                        [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TENNIS ACE 10710              3   1  0  13         ROYAL FLUSH (48)                         [BA-LU-PS-TP-WS]
-SQUID 10689                   3   1  0  12         PHOENIX GUARD (887)                      [BA-LU-PR-PS-TP-WS]
 MARVIN ZEHM 10723         BA  2   1  2  12         FILTHY PICKLES (889)      
 DAN OWENS 10721               2   1  0  12         FILTHY PICKLES (889)                     [BA-LU-PR-PS-TP-WS]
 NEEDLEMAN 10778               1   1  0  12         FIEND FOLIO (892)                        [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 FLAIL SNAIL 10749             1   1  0  12         FIEND FOLIO (892)                        [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 NIKTO 10687               AB  2   3  0  11         PHOENIX GUARD (887)       
 TILI FOXTAIL 10784        LU  1   1  0  11         BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)     
 MALENA 10831                  1   0  0  11         EMU'S SEED (891)                         ???
 DOOMSDAY 10783                1   1  0  11         ASSASSIN NATION (790)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 BENT VEX 10821                1   0  0  11         BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)                    ???
 VICINIUS 10699            BA  2   3  1  10         WHITE WOLVES (832)        
 MANGY MIKE 10720              1   3  0   8         FILTHY PICKLES (889)                     [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-TP-WS]
 SEA WITCH 10793           LU  1   1  0   7         WARBORN CANVAS (894)      
 XVART 10777                   1   1  0   7         FIEND FOLIO (892)                        [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 SENTRY 10725                  1   1  0   6         METALBORN (890)                          [BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 FOX & ODEN 10713              1   0  0   6         2129 BOURBON ST (888)                ???
 PROCOPIUS 10729           WS  1   3  0   6         WHITE MAIMERS (873)       
 QUEEN NEFERKITTY 10812        1   0  0   5         REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)                    ???
 SUN GODDESS 10791             1   1  0   4         WARBORN CANVAS (894)                     [BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 FIRE FROM ABOVE 10539     BA  1   1  0   4         ASSASSIN NATION (790)     
 OLAF 10755                SL  1   1  0   4         WEIRD ALCHEMY (480)       
 AUGUR 10727                   0   2  0   4         METALBORN (890)                          [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 SAINT NOWHERE 10538           0   2  0   2         ASSASSIN NATION (790)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 TUNA 10733                    0   2  0   2         EMU'S SEED (891)                         [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 TRISKA 10737                  0   2  0   2         EMU'S SEED (891)                         [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 LEA 10736                     0   2  0   2         EMU'S SEED (891)                         [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 METELLIUS 10730               0   2  0   2         WHITE MAIMERS (873)                      [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 JENNY RUD 10776               0   2  0   2         FILTHY PICKLES (889)                     [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 IRON HEART 10814              0   1  0   1         BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)                   ???
 BRUTE 10827                   0   1  0   1         METALBORN (890)                          ???
 KING PAPANAMON 10811          0   1  0   1         REIGNNCATSNDOGS (843)                    ???
 DUNNOCK 10782                 0   1  0   1         PHOENIX GUARD (887)                      ???
 DAVID COPPERSHIELD 10795      0   1  0   1         DWARFED (882)                            ???
-REDFISH GRILL 10834           0   1  0   1         NAWLINS 2023 (896)                       ???
 INERTIA 10819                 0   1  0   1         ASSASSIN NATION (790)                    ???

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
AIR TULIP 10770         0  2 0 BAD GAS 893          BLACK ORC              478 NONE
HAHA 10820              0  1 0 BIG LAKE GROOVE 792  SHEWISH GIANT          478 NONE
OZ IS DUMB 10786        0  1 0 BIG LAKE GROOVE 792  MOUNTAIN TROLL         478 NONE
JAW SMASHER 10745       0  2 0 BIG LAKE MAULERS 798 MARVIN ZEHM 10723      477 JUST REVENGED
MOUNTAIN TROLL          0  0 0 DARK ARENA           WARRIOR 2 10830        478 NONE
URSA 10734              1  1 0 EMU'S SEED 891       ZINK 10678             478  
DA11 10779              0  1 0 ERRATA! 760          DARK CHAMPION          478 NONE
DA12 10815              0  1 0 ERRATA! 760          BANDIT PRINCE          478 NONE
DA13 10816              0  1 0 ERRATA! 760          BLACK ORC              478 NONE
WARRIOR 1 10829         0  1 0 FAST FOOD 724        MISTRESS FANDETT       478 NONE
DARK CREEPER 10751      1  1 1 FIEND FOLIO 892      STONE GOLEM            478 NONE
SEABLOOM 8527          14 23 0 FRAYED SANITY 799    CREEPY TOUCH 8653      474 NOT REVENGED
LIZA 10623              9  1 0 LAZY BOYZ 167        JACK THE BLADE 8521    476  
ZIGGY 10677             0  3 0 LAZY BOYZ 167        VICINIUS 10699         475  
DA1 10828               0  1 0 METALBORN 890        MOUNTAIN TROLL         478 NONE
WILD CARD 9 10822       0  1 0 ROYAL FLUSH 48       SPYMASTER              478 NONE
DUD 10810               0  1 0 SATAN'S MINIONS 813  DARK CHAMPION          478 NONE
NOT GOOD 10813          0  1 0 SNOW FORT 819        STONE GOLEM            478 NONE
CONDEMMED 10248         0  1 0 STAR PRAIRIE 821     MOUNTAIN TROLL         478 NONE
DA1 10826               0  1 0 THE PURGE 209 868    STONE GOLEM            478 NONE
DA1 10832               0  1 0 WARBORN CANVAS 894   DARK CHAMPION          478 NONE

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
TORQUE-ARMADA 10697     0  2 0 WEIRD ALCHEMY 480    DOMESTIC 10658         475 REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Oz covers his eyes and cringes while he announces that the team of Crip, Mannequin, Oz 
adopt the alliance name Mother Forkers for the upcoming Turf Wars in North Fork. He 
shrugs as the younger generation (everybody) laughs at him. -- Oz The All Recalcitrant

Teams. TEAMS! We need teams for the Turf Wars. Where are all you teams? -- Oz The All 

Oz -- I would like to announce the alliance known as Dad Bods for the upcoming Turf 
War. This alliance will include:
     Master Darque -- Darque Forces
     Dr. Feelgood -- The Purge 209
     JE -- Errata!
Thanks -- Master Darque

Shawarma -- We will try that again when they give me the correct weapon. Imagine my 
surprise when the arena worker handed me the shield. -- Snapdragon

Queen of Sheba -- It is my fault for challenging blind! -- Swindle

The Dark -- No one has ever taught me so many skills! -- Apeface

Evan Drake -- Stout defenses you have there! I'm sure you would enjoy the skills I 
learned, but they are useless to me. -- Nemesis Prime

All -- IMPRACTICAL MAGIC hereby announces its intention to participate in the upcoming 
Turf War.  Consisting of PSYCORPS (Paradox), BAD GAS (Grand Wizard) and FAST FOOD 

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DARK CREEPER was butchered by STONE GOLEM in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
AIR TULIP was butchered by BLACK ORC in a 1 minute Dark Arena duel.
OZ IS DUMB was murdered by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena melee.
WARRIOR 1 was murdered by MISTRESS FANDETTE in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
DA1 was slaughtered by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena brawl.
WILD CARD 9 was assassinated by SPYMASTER in a 1 minute brutal Dark Arena fight.
DA1 was butchered by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute Dark Arena brawl.
DA13 was dispatched by BLACK ORC in a crowd pleasing 1 minute brutal Dark Arena fight.
HAHA was butchered by SHEWISH GIANT in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena competition.
NOT GOOD was easily killed by STONE GOLEM in a 2 minute Dark Arena melee.
DA12 was viciously butchered by BANDIT PRINCE in a 2 minute gruesome Dark Arena duel.
WARRIOR 2 assassinated MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena duel.
DUD was assassinated by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
CONDEMMED was executed by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena melee.
DA11 was executed by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
DA1 was killed by STONE GOLEM in a 3 minute Dark Arena match.
LION KING devastated EDMOND FITZDEED in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud conflict.
BLOOD SLURPER subdued MARVIN ZEHM in a 5 minute amateur's Bloodfeud match.
CREEPY TOUCH overpowered FATHER BARRY in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge conflict.
COURAGE overpowered CARISSIMUS in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
SECRET SAUCE was devastated by ANGEL'S ENVY in a 3 minute uneven Challenge duel.
MAXIMUS was bested by EMERALD CITY in a 3 minute Challenge brawl.
MOOSEKNUCKLE bested EVAN DRAKE in a 3 minute veteran's Challenge fight.
SOFT TEN was subdued by ZIPPY in a 2 minute Challenge bout.
SHAWARMA beat DONNIE STAHL in a 4 minute gory Challenge match.
PRINCE OF BARKNESS viciously subdued DOOF in a 3 minute bloody Challenge competition.
MORBIUS beat ZAIRE in a action packed 1 minute Challenge fight.
REAL MCCOY demolished DELIN BLACKHAUL in a 1 minute uneven Challenge bout.
ARCHELIUS was unbelievably bested by QUEEN OF SHEBA in a 2 minute Challenge fray.
SUN GODDESS was devastated by THON in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
TENNIS ACE savagely defeated SENTRY in a tiresome 8 minute beginner's Challenge fight.
URSA was slaughtered by ZINK in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
LEA was savagely defeated by XVART in a 1 minute gruesome novice's Challenge melee.
TRISKA was handily defeated by DOOMSDAY in a 1 minute uneven Challenge bout.
MANGY MIKE was overpowered by PRECISE in a 1 minute uneven Challenge competition.
MOON MAID savagely defeated PROCOPIUS in a 2 minute gruesome novice's Challenge fight.
BANGIS BIGNOSE handily defeated DAN OWENS in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
TUNA was subdued by NIKTO in a 2 minute novice's Challenge fight.
BARSTOOL 5 outlasted APEFACE in a dull 23 minute brutal veteran's Title bout.
HILLARY was bested by THE DARK in a crowd pleasing 3 minute veteran's duel.
JACK THE BLADE demolished CONWAY in a exciting 1 minute mismatched match.
ABSOLUM was unbelievably bested by CRAPKIN in a exciting 6 minute veteran's fight.
DARK SOHO savagely defeated GLOCKENSPIEL in a popular 3 minute veteran's duel.
PLANTERS PUNCH was overpowered by LOKA WARBEARD in a 1 minute one-sided competition.
EQUES EIDOLON overcame VETERAN MERCENARY in a 2 minute brutal duel.
OSCAR MAIER defeated BUCKET OF WATER in a 1 minute battle.
SNAPDRAGON lost to PROMETHEUS in a crowd pleasing 5 minute brutal duel.
THUGGER JAX handily defeated FLINT FORGEHART in a 1 minute mismatched duel.
POOT was luckily beaten by DEMETRIUS in a exciting 8 minute bloody brawl.
REVEREND JIM was overcome by HUGH in a 2 minute conflict.
NEMESIS PRIME demolished TURBULENCE in a 1 minute one-sided match.
COSTANZA demolished REMNANT RANGER in a 3 minute gory uneven fight.
BURNER was beaten by DOMESTIC in a 2 minute gory fray.
CORNFIELD handily defeated AIR BISCUIT in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
SHART demolished DROOLMASTER in a 2 minute brutal one-sided conflict.
LITTER BOX subdued SHPONGLE in a 2 minute fight.
SWINDLE overpowered ATTALUS in a crowd pleasing 1 minute mismatched conflict.
FLAIL SNAIL beat SAINT NOWHERE in a exciting 5 minute struggle.
OLAF was demolished by FANNY CHMELAR in a 1 minute bloody one-sided brawl.
QULLAN demolished DAVID COPPERSHIELD in a 1 minute mismatched battle.
METELLIUS was viciously subdued by EGYPTIAN QUEEN in a 2 minute novice's bout.
COINSHOT bested KING PAPANAMON in a 2 minute novice's fight.
AUGUR was devastated by PITCH BLACK in a 1 minute mismatched conflict.
JENNY RUD was overpowered by BENT VEX in a 1 minute one-sided match.
NEEDLEMAN vanquished INERTIA in a 1 minute brutal mismatched match.
TILI FOXTAIL overcame VICINIUS in a 1 minute amateur's bout.
SEA WITCH was narrowly defeated by ANCIENT AGE in a exciting 4 minute amateur's bout.
SUSAN KLONTZ vanquished FIRE FROM ABOVE in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
IRON HEART was defeated by QUEEN NEFERKITTY in a 4 minute beginner's fight.
BRUTE was viciously subdued by FOX & ODEN in a 4 minute brutal novice's match.
MALENA vanquished DUNNOCK in a crowd pleasing 1 minute one-sided fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  25         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   5 -  0      55  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                 22         PARRY-RIPOSTE     19 -  17 -  1      53  |
|WALL OF STEEL                   16         TOTAL PARRY       39 -  37 -  0      51  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                 16         SLASHING ATTACK   40 -  44 -  5      48  |
|BASHING ATTACK                  15         WALL OF STEEL     49 -  54 -  0      48  |
|TOTAL PARRY                     13         LUNGING ATTACK    61 -  73 -  4      46  |
|AIMED BLOW                       9         STRIKING ATTACK   60 -  75 -  7      44  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    5         BASHING ATTACK    25 -  46 -  3      35  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      2         AIMED BLOW        30 -  56 -  2      35  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         PARRY-STRIKE       5 -  17 -  0      23  |

Turn 478 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        2 -  0     TOTAL PARRY        6 -  7         3  STRIKING ATTACK
PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  1     LUNGING ATTACK    10 - 15         3  SLASHING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW         5 -  4     SLASHING ATTACK    6 - 10         2  TOTAL PARRY    
STRIKING ATTACK   12 - 10     BASHING ATTACK     3 - 12         1  WALL OF STEEL  
WALL OF STEEL      8 -  8     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  2         1  LUNGING ATTACK 
                                                                1  AIMED BLOW     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
TOTAL PARRY      BARSTOOL 5 8253            26  19  0  123 CHEERS (659)
STRIKING ATTACK  JACK THE BLADE 8521        10   8  2  126 BIG LAKE MAULERS (798)
WALL OF STEEL    THE DARK 10463             15  11  1   98 THE PURGE 209 (868)
SLASHING ATTACK  CREEPY TOUCH 8653           9   3  2   98 BIG LAKE GROOVE (792)
AIMED BLOW       EQUES EIDOLON 10390        10   4  0   90 SPECTRAL STEEL (778)
LUNGING ATTACK   NEMESIS PRIME 10643         8   2  0   58 DARQUE FORCES (396)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    SHAWARMA 10554             11   7  0   55 FAST FOOD (724)
BASHING ATTACK   CORNFIELD 10560             5   4  0   38 LAND OF OZ (217)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is HILLARY 9534.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was SNAPDRAGON 10523.  The ten other most popular fighters were ABSOLUM 10023, POOT 
10774, DARK SOHO 10022, SAINT NOWHERE 10538, SEA WITCH 10793, HILLARY 9534, EMERALD 
CITY 10582, ARCHELIUS 10641, MOON MAID 10794, and FOX & ODEN 10713.

The least popular fighter this week was BARSTOOL 5 8253.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were APEFACE 10318, TENNIS ACE 10710, NOT GOOD 10813, FIRE FROM ABOVE 10539, 
VICINIUS 10699, INERTIA 10819, JENNY RUD 10776, AUGUR 10727, METELLIUS 10730, and 


For those of you who keep track of such things, a few additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament. 

                   RIFF RAFF (82-37476) ROOKIE ARMADA 6 II  (6212) 
                  MAURICE BRITT (84-6039) MEDAL OF HONOR T10  (1140) 
                       RIMGARR (84-57625) ALGOPHOBIACS  (6250) 
                        FIVE (85-43995) FAST TRACK III  (8036) 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes