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DM 061 Newsletter

Date   : 12/06/2024    Duedate: 12/19/2024


DM 61    TURN 850

This Week's Top Honors


MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)
(61-4538) [10-42-1,73]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

IAN CUBIT                      TORBERT
MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)            CUSHING LAKES (486)
(61-4538) [10-42-1,73]         (61-4623) [2-1-0,28]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

IAN CUBIT                      IRON BUG
MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)            TEMERE NOMEN (487)
(61-4538) [10-42-1,73]         (61-4630) [9-1-0,61]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. CHOPPING MALL (489)           32 
2. TEMERE NOMEN (487)            21    TEMERE NOMEN (487)
3. CUSHING LAKES (486)           1     Unchartered Team
4. MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)           -3 
                                       CHOPPING MALL (489)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0*CHOPPING MALL (489)        2   0  1 100.   1/ 1 TEMERE NOMEN (487)       12  3 1
 2/ 1 TEMERE NOMEN (487)        27  13  1 67.5   2- 2 BOURBON & BLOOD (483)     3  2 1
 3- 2 LEGITIMATE SWAY (485)     13   8  0 61.9   3/ 0*CHOPPING MALL (489)       2  0 1
 4- 3*SUB SPECIES (452)         13   9  0 59.1   4- 3*SUB SPECIES (452)         2  2 0
 5- 4 BOURBON & BLOOD (483)     28  22  2 56.0   5- 5 LEGITIMATE SWAY (485)     1  2 0
 6/ 5 MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)      836 956 17 46.7   6/ 4 MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)       1  8 0
 7/ 0*CUSHING LAKES (486)        4   9  0 30.8   7/ 0*CUSHING LAKES (486)       0  5 0
 8- 6*MOXIE (479)                0   1  0  0.0   8- 6*MOXIE (479)               0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Well, what are you looking at, JURINE?  Ain't you never seen Snide Clemens 
before?  Ah, shaddup and listen to my news.  Of course, we're all terribly impressed 
to see SHARPER IMAGE win a fight and gain 18 points, terribly.  Tsk, tsk, SHARPER 
IMAGE beat ALABAMA and ALABAMA lost 10 points.  You're breakin' my heart.  Due to 
absence, and inability to defend the throne, SOUTHERN GOTH has lost the Title of 
Duelmaster.  Start setting that alarm earlier!  And it's out with the old, in with 
the new, as IAN CUBIT takes the Title and last week's bar tab from the old 
Duelmaster.  Heh, heh.  I'm not in a very good mood today, but why am I telling you 
this?  You want to know what's new, don't you, JURINE?   
     My mother always told me, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, start 
talking.' I loved that woman.  SUB SPECIES, I suppose you'll be glad to know you were 
this turn's most avoided team.  Care to know who is the most afraid of you?  And it 
looks like TEMERE NOMEN avoided them the most this turn.  What a pack of would be 
losers, if you ask me.  Hmph.  SLOWPOKE was challenged more times this turn than the 
Duelmaster.  Now was the DM insulted or feared?  Heh, heh.  I guess I can give a 
little credit to AUTOSTONE of TEMERE NOMEN for challenging up by 24 to BEN AND 
JERRY'S.  AUTOSTONE won to get 64 points of recognition.  And we have IRON BUG in a 
challenge, going down 9 points for the fight.  Guess what?  I thought IRON BUG showed 
great skill and promise when he bested SLOWPOKE.  All right, so I slept through it!  
Big deal!   
     Death and Taxes.  The less death I see, the more it taxes my patience.  Let's 
see if anyone's dead or dying.  And sending LUCK LOW to the Dark Arena was supposed 
to be one of your better ideas, TEMERE NOMEN?  Now hey, I like to see a death as much 
as the next guy, but hey TEMERE NOMEN, whyja send ATOMITIME to the Dark Arena, look 
at hers record, huh?  Titanium shields and bamboo daggers, guess what brave team is 
developing these kinds of weapons?   
     What does the JURINE arena have in common with the inns?  It's just as 
comfortable to sleep in either place.  Ha ha ha ha!  Just wait 'till next time I show 
up here, I won't be so nice!  So nyaaah!  I see the crowds are getting restless, I 
must leave now-- Snide Clemens  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 IAN CUBIT 4538            LU 10  42  1  73         MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)                      *

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SOUTHERN GOTH 4592        PS  9   2  2 109         BOURBON & BLOOD (483)     
-HESITANT TO UTTER 4614    AB 10   5  0  92         LEGITIMATE SWAY (485)     

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SLASH-O-MATIC 4596        SL  7   2  0  66         BOURBON & BLOOD (483)     
-DESERT TORTOISE 4265      TP  5   0  0  65         SUB SPECIES (452)         
 AUTOSTONE 4653            BA  4   0  0  64         TEMERE NOMEN (487)        
 IRON BUG 4630             WS  9   1  0  61         TEMERE NOMEN (487)        
 BEN AND JERRY'S 4579      AB 15  15  0  60         MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)       

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MEGADYNAMO 4636           AB  6   1  0  52         TEMERE NOMEN (487)        
 SLOWPOKE 4569             LU  7  28  0  49         MIDDLE WAY 16 (387)                      *

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TORBERT 4623                  2   1  0  28         CUSHING LAKES (486)                      [AB-PS]
-HONEY BADGER 4271             3   0  0  24         SUB SPECIES (452)                        [AB-PS]
-SPOTTED OWL 4261          LU  2   3  0  24         SUB SPECIES (452)                        *

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SHARPER IMAGE 4656            1   0  0  18         CHOPPING MALL (489)                      [AB-LU-ST]
 BLOODBATH & BEYOND 4657       1   0  1  14         CHOPPING MALL (489)                  [AB-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST]
-DIE HARD 4615                 1   1  0  14         LEGITIMATE SWAY (485)                    [AB-LU]
 ALABAMA 4622              PS  2   1  0  11         CUSHING LAKES (486)       
-CA C'EST BON 4644             0   1  0   7         BOURBON & BLOOD (483)                [AB-SL]
-CHOCOLATE LAB 4272        AB  1   2  0   5         SUB SPECIES (452)                        *
-SPITFIRE 4555                 0   1  0   5         MOXIE (479)                              [AB-LU]

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
HERBY 4621              0  3 0 CUSHING LAKES 486    BLOODBATH & BEYO 4657  850  
NEAT 4648               0  1 0 CUSHING LAKES 486    WURM KIN               850 NONE
WHITE 4649              0  1 0 CUSHING LAKES 486    MOUNTAIN TROLL         850 NONE
ATOMITIME 4652          3  1 0 TEMERE NOMEN 487     MOUNTAIN TROLL         850 NONE
LUCK LOW 4635           5  2 1 TEMERE NOMEN 487     BANDIT PRINCE          850 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

LUCK LOW was dealt death by BANDIT PRINCE in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
ATOMITIME was slaughtered by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena battle.
WHITE was put to death by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a popular 1 minute Dark Arena match.
NEAT was slaughtered by WURM KIN in a 1 minute Dark Arena brawl.
IRON BUG viciously subdued SLOWPOKE in a 4 minute brutal one-sided Challenge fight.
AUTOSTONE devastated BEN AND JERRY'S in a 1 minute uneven Challenge brawl.
IAN CUBIT was savagely defeated by KUNG-FU MASTER in a 3 minute Title struggle.
MEGADYNAMO defeated TORBERT in a 3 minute melee.
ALABAMA lost to SHARPER IMAGE in a 1 minute beginner's duel.
HERBY was slaughtered by BLOODBATH & BEYOND in a 1 minute uneven fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   4         WALL OF STEEL     10 -   2 -  0      83  |
|AIMED BLOW                       3         SLASHING ATTACK    9 -   3 -  0      75  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     3         PARRY-STRIKE      14 -   8 -  1      64  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  1         TOTAL PARRY        3 -   2 -  0      60  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         AIMED BLOW        16 -  18 -  0      47  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         BASHING ATTACK     7 -   9 -  0      44  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         STRIKING ATTACK    3 -   4 -  0      43  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  1         LUNGING ATTACK    12 -  28 -  3      30  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -   3 -  0      25  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 850 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  0     AIMED BLOW         1 -  2         3  AIMED BLOW     
BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     1 -  3         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  PARRY-STRIKE   
                              PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  3         1  SLASHING ATTACK
                              PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  TOTAL PARRY    
                              SLASHING ATTACK    0 -  1         1  BASHING ATTACK 
                              TOTAL PARRY        0 -  0         1  WALL OF STEEL  

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
BASHING ATTACK   AUTOSTONE 4653              4   0  0   64 TEMERE NOMEN (487)
WALL OF STEEL    IRON BUG 4630               9   1  0   61 TEMERE NOMEN (487)
AIMED BLOW       MEGADYNAMO 4636             6   1  0   52 TEMERE NOMEN (487)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is IAN CUBIT 4538.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was IRON BUG 4630.  The ten other most popular fighters were MEGADYNAMO 4636, IAN 
4569, AUTOSTONE 4653, BLOODBATH & BEYOND 4657, and ATOMITIME 4652.

The least popular fighter this week was HERBY 4621.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were ALABAMA 4622, BEN AND JERRY'S 4579, NEAT 4648, ATOMITIME 4652,