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DM 073 Newsletter

Date   : 12/03/2024    Duedate: 12/30/2024


DM 73    TURN 413

This Week's Top Honors


(73-9678) [20-9-1,146]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

THAT'S HUMERUS                 HARAEL
YOU GOT BONED (1142)           JUDGEMENT 26 (1158)
(73-9678) [20-9-1,146]         (73-9851) [7-1-0,75]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

(73-9894) [15-9-0,97]          (73-11235) [0-1-0,7]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. JUDGEMENT 37 (1326)           21 
2. JUDGEMENT 40 (1328)           20    DEN'S DATES (1280)
3. BLANK (1198)                  17    Unchartered Team
4. JUDGEMENT 26 (1158)           17 
5. BRANDTASTIC (1139)            17    JUDGEMENT 32 (1164)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*JUDGEMENT 14 (1119)        8   0  0 100.   1/ 1 SWORD HEROES 3 (1182)     3  0 2
 2/ 2*JUDGEMENT 32 (1164)        5   0  1 100.   2/14*JUDGEMENT 32 (1164)       3  0 0
 3/ 0*2131 BOURBON ST (1194)     4   0  0 100.   3/11*JUDGEMENT 38 (1322)       3  0 0
 4/ 4*JUDGEMENT 38 (1322)        3   0  0 100.   4/ 3 THIRD HIGHWAY 3 (1079)    3  0 0
 5/ 0*RIFF'S FAV SAYINGS (1253)  2   0  0 100.   5/ 4 EASTERN HORDE 4 (1093)    3  0 0
 6- 3*TEABAG@HOME 24.2 (1319)    2   0  0 100.   6/ 5 JUDGEMENT 20 (1125)       3  0 0
 7/55*JUDGEMENT 37 (1326)        1   0  1 100.   7/12 YOU GOT BONED (1142)      3  0 0
 8/56*JUDGEMENT 39 (1327)        1   0  1 100.   8/ 6 JUDGEMENT 24 (1146)       3  0 0
 9/51*JUDGEMENT 41 (1329)        1   0  1 100.   9/13*JUDGEMENT 26 (1158)       3  0 0
10/ 0*JUDGEMENT 42 (1330)        1   0  0 100.  10/ 9*LUDUS MAGNUS CCC (918)    3  0 0
11/54*JUDGEMENT 36 (1325)        1   0  0 100.  11/19 SWORD HEROES 6 (1185)     3  0 0
12/57*JUDGEMENT 40 (1328)        1   0  0 100.  12/ 0 DEATH CULT (1343)         3  3 0
13/ 5 DEN'S DATES (1280)        17   2  0 89.5  13-16 BILLIONS (1173)           2  0 0
14/ 6*JUDGEMENT 26 (1158)        7   1  0 87.5  14/24 SS04 02 (1175)            2  0 0
15/ 8*SWORD HEROES (1188)        6   1  0 85.7  15/34*SWORD HEROES (1188)       2  0 0
16- 9 BECAUSE...BUBBA (1321)    13   3  1 81.3  16/26 DEN'S DATES (1280)        2  0 0
17-11*JUDGEMENT 11 (1116)        4   1  1 80.0  17/41 EASTERN HORDE 3 (1092)    2  1 1
18-12*MISPACED TALENT (1314)     4   1  0 80.0  18/ 8 SWORD HEROES 5 (1184)     2  1 0

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
19-13 2215 BOURBON ST (1320)    20   6  1 76.9  19/ 7 SWORD HEROES 2 (1181)     2  1 0
20/ 0 BRANDTASTIC (1139)        33  10  0 76.7  20/18 JUDGEMENT 1 (1106)        2  1 0
21/14 SS04 02 (1175)            42  14  2 75.0  21/42 DYNASTY WARIORS II (1166) 2  1 0
22/15 SWORD HEROES 3 (1182)     18   6  3 75.0  22/ 2 SWORD HEROES 7 (1186)     2  1 0
23/ 7*LUDUS MAGNUS CM (921)      5   2  1 71.4  23/20 DYNASTY WARRIORS S (1167) 2  1 0
24/16 DYNASTY WARRIORS S (1167) 17   7  0 70.8  24/15 JUDGEMENT 7 (1112)        2  1 0
25/17 JUDGEMENT 7 (1112)        19   8  1 70.4  25/10*LUDUS MAGNUS CM (921)     2  1 0
26-19 YUPPIE VOCAB 101 (1318)   24  12  3 66.7  26-23*LUDUS MAGNUS LXX (914)    1  0 1
27/21 EASTERN HORDE 4 (1093)    20  10  1 66.7  27/ 0 FURRY FLURRY (1349)       1  0 1
28-20*LUDUS MAGNUS LXX (914)     6   3  2 66.7  28/54*JUDGEMENT 37 (1326)       1  0 1
29/ 0*WISCONSIN BREW 3 (1195)    2   1  0 66.7  29/55*JUDGEMENT 39 (1327)       1  0 1
30-24 BILLIONS (1173)           50  27  1 64.9  30/57*JUDGEMENT 41 (1329)       1  0 1
31/27 SWORD HEROES 6 (1185)     15   9  2 62.5  31/ 0*2131 BOURBON ST (1194)    1  0 0
32/28 DYNASTY WARIORS II (1166) 15   9  0 62.5  32-31*JUDGEMENT 11 (1116)       1  0 0
33/23 SWORD HEROES 2 (1181)     15   9  0 62.5  33-33*JUDGEMENT 14 (1119)       1  0 0
34/22 SWORD HEROES 5 (1184)     15   9  0 62.5  34-25*LUDUS MAGNUS DCC (919)    1  0 0
35/35*LUDUS MAGNUS CCC (918)     5   3  0 62.5  35/ 0*DRAFT KINGS (1196)        1  0 0
36/ 0*HAS NOT ROOT (1351)        5   3  0 62.5  36/ 0*BLANK (1198)              1  0 0
37-25 LITTLE STATESMEN (1332)   16  10  0 61.5  37/ 0*RIFF'S FAV SAYINGS (1253) 1  0 0
38-26 LUDUS MAGNUS XIV (900)     8   5  0 61.5  38-28 LUDUS MAGNUS XIV (900)    1  0 0
39/29 EASTERN HORDE 3 (1092)    31  20  3 60.8  39-35*MISPACED TALENT (1314)    1  0 0
40/30 YOU GOT BONED (1142)      59  39  2 60.2  40-32*JUDGEMENT 13 (1118)       1  0 0
41/32 JUDGEMENT 24 (1146)       16  11  1 59.3  41/53*JUDGEMENT 36 (1325)       1  0 0
42/ 0 YUPPIE LORE (1340)        17  12  1 58.6  42-30*JUDGEMENT 4 (1109)        1  0 0
43/38 JUDGEMENT 20 (1125)       19  14  0 57.6  43/56*JUDGEMENT 40 (1328)       1  0 0
44/31 SWORD HEROES 7 (1186)     23  17  0 57.5  44/ 0*JUDGEMENT 42 (1330)       1  0 0
45-34*LUDUS MAGNUS DCC (919)     4   3  1 57.1  45-36 P IS FOR PIG (767)        1  0 0
46-36 MS11 05 (1333)            37  28  4 56.9  46/ 0 YUPPIE LORE (1340)        1  1 1
47/33 MYTHOS 14 (852)           42  32  3 56.8  47-37*JUDGEMENT 10 (1115)       1  1 0
48/ 0 FAR TRAVELERS II (1348)   48  39  6 55.2  48/39 EASTERN HORDE 2 (1091)    1  2 0
49-40*JUDGEMENT 10 (1115)        6   5  1 54.5  49/ 0*HAS NOT ROOT (1351)       1  2 0
50/39 LUDUS MAGNUS XVI (906)    17  15  0 53.1  50/17 JUDGEMENT 16 (1121)       1  2 0
51/ 0 FURRY FLURRY (1349)       19  17  1 52.8  51/ 0*FAR TRAVELERS (1342)      1  2 0
52/ 0 DEATH CULT (1343)        125 115 10 52.1  52/21 MYTHOS 14 (852)           1  2 0
53/ 0*FAITH NO MORE (1350)      13  12  0 52.0  53/22 LOSERS (1275)             0  8 0
54/41 JUDGEMENT 16 (1121)       14  13  1 51.9  54/40 LUDUS MAGNUS XVI (906)    0  3 0
55/ 0*FAR TRAVELERS (1342)       5   5  0 50.0  55/ 0 FAR TRAVELERS II (1348)   0  2 0
56-43*JUDGEMENT 4 (1109)         2   2  0 50.0  56/ 0*FAV SAYINGS 5 (969)       0  1 0
57/ 0*FAV SAYINGS 5 (969)        1   1  0 50.0  57-38 OCTANS (989)              0  1 0
58/ 0*BLANK (1198)               1   1  0 50.0  58/51*JUDGEMENT 34 (1323)       0  1 0
59/42 EASTERN HORDE 2 (1091)    18  19  1 48.6  59/ 0 BRANDTASTIC (1139)        0  1 0
60/45 JUDGEMENT 1 (1106)        13  14  0 48.1  60/ 0*WISCONSIN BREW 3 (1195)   0  1 0
61-44 P IS FOR PIG (767)        28  32  1 46.7  61-46 YUPPIE VOCAB 101 (1318)   0  0 0
62/47 THIRD HIGHWAY 3 (1079)    73  96  2 43.2  62-47 LITTLE STATESMEN (1332)   0  0 0
63-48*JUDGEMENT 13 (1118)        3   4  0 42.9  63-50 MS11 05 (1333)            0  0 0
64/ 0*DRAFT KINGS (1196)         2   3  0 40.0  64-48 2215 BOURBON ST (1320)    0  0 0
65/46 LOSERS (1275)             10  17  0 37.0  66-49 BECAUSE...BUBBA (1321)    0  0 0
66-50 OCTANS (989)              23  46  1 33.3  67-27*TEABAG@HOME 24.2 (1319)   0  0 0
67/52*JUDGEMENT 34 (1323)        0   1  0  0.0  69/ 0*FAITH NO MORE (1350)      0  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Hail and well met warriors of ERINIKA!  Know me for who I am, Zontani Sharp 
Eyes, Spymaster extraordinaire of all Alastari.  I have begun to suspect trickery on 
the part of JUDGEMENT 32.  How else weeks like this one's 1-0-0?  How else the sudden 
move to 2nd team?  The proverbial rising comet can only hope to compare with SWORD 
HEROES' team record!  A 1-0-0 week and now a firm grasp on a 15th place ranking.  I 
have begun to suspect trickery on the part of EASTERN HORDE 3.  How else weeks like 
this one's 1-0-1?  How else the sudden move to 17th team?  SWORD HEROES 2 bore the 
brunt of major assault on their standings this week as they dropped to 19th position 
as the result of going 0-1-0!  The proverbial rising comet can only hope to compare 
with DYNASTY WARIORS III's team record!  A 1-0-0 week and now a firm grasp on a 21st 
place ranking.  My tutors were fond of telling me that the higher you rise the harder 
you fall.  This week SWORD HEROES 7 went 0-1-0 and fell 20 notches into 22nd!  LUDUS 
MAGNUS CM bore the brunt of major assault on their standings this week as they 
dropped to 25th position as the result of going 0-1-0!  I have begun to suspect 
trickery on the part of JUDGEMENT 37.  How else weeks like this one's 1-0-1?  How 
else the sudden move to 28th team?  The proverbial rising comet can only hope to 
compare with JUDGEMENT 39's team record!  A 1-0-1 week and now a firm grasp on a 29th 
place ranking.  I have begun to suspect trickery on the part of JUDGEMENT 41.  How 
else weeks like this one's 1-0-1?  How else the sudden move to 30th team?  The 
proverbial rising comet can only hope to compare with JUDGEMENT 36's team record!  A 
1-0-0 week and now a firm grasp on a 41st place ranking.  I have begun to suspect 
trickery on the part of JUDGEMENT 40.  How else weeks like this one's 1-0-0?  How 
else the sudden move to 43rd team?  My tutors were fond of telling me that the higher 
you rise the harder you fall.  This week JUDGEMENT 16 went 0-1-0 and fell 33 notches 
into 50th!  MYTHOS 14 bore the brunt of major assault on their standings this week as 
they dropped to 52nd position as the result of going 0-1-0!  My tutors were fond of 
telling me that the higher you rise the harder you fall.  This week LOSERS went 0-5-0 
and fell 31 notches into 53rd!  LUDUS MAGNUS XVI bore the brunt of major assault on 
their standings this week as they dropped to 54th position as the result of going 
0-1-0!  CELESTE caught the eye of many in the gladiatorial commission as she 
skillfully bested EMBEZZLING SCRIBE and was awarded 21 points in recognition.  In one 
of the week's more notable duels, VENEMOUS CONCUBINE put down SPORK, causing her to 
lose 11 points of recognition in the process.  Most watched of the fights this week, 
the spotlight was on ISHTAR as she bore arms against the challenge of reigning 
Duelmaster THAT'S HUMERUS.  Not for nothing has THAT'S HUMERUS in the past laid claim 
to the Duelmaster's throne, and this week she's proven hers combat skill yet again.  
Heed this!  A seer has warned that if exactly 6 die in duels this week, the whole 
city shall perish!  Just remember...5 or 7!   
     But come now, let us look deeper into the maze of contention and crossed blades 
that is city ERINIKA.  I saw one fighter that warriors avoided when this week's 
challenge seeking began.  THE RED EAGLE is feared.  This much I can say.  If you 
didn't look down dark alleys you'd have been hard pressed to find any of DEATH CULT 
last week.  Busy avoiding THE RED EAGLE?   
     What warrior does not hone his years, impatiently waiting for the moment of his 
foe's mortality?  I must report the passing of ZOPHIEL, veteran of many duels.  
14-13-1 final record Its was not illustrious--but death plays no favorites.  Dark 
alleys may hide both secrets and assassins.  In the arena there is only the 
brightness of steel.  Keep vigil always!   
     If it were not for my skills as a spy I would have been mugged three times 
already in ERINIKA.  Nice atmosphere you have here!  Sadly warriors, now longer can I 
keep thy company nor savor the ale of thy fine city.  Depart I must and soon!  Till 
next we meet remember:  a fool flies into a rage quickly and often.  The wise are 
angered by the same thing only once.  Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THAT'S HUMERUS 9678       PL 20   9  1 146         YOU GOT BONED (1142)      

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 EDGAR DETOUR 9038            24  29  1 113         THIRD HIGHWAY 3 (1079)                   [AB-ST]
-AXE 10051                 AB 14   4  1 113         BILLIONS (1173)           
-TAGAS 9453                ST  8   0  0 112         JUDGEMENT 14 (1119)       
 RUT HUT 10920             LU  7   1  0 103         DEN'S DATES (1280)        
 LYVELLE 9266              AB 20  10  1  99         EASTERN HORDE 4 (1093)    
 EXOUSIA 9420              PR 19   8  1  99         JUDGEMENT 7 (1112)        
 SUN SHANGXIANG 9894       AB 15   9  0  97         DYNASTY WARIORS III (1166)
 DEWEY 9264                AB 18  14  2  92         EASTERN HORDE 3 (1092)                   *
 ISHTAR 7944               PR 16  12  1  92         MYTHOS 14 (852)           

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ZHANG FEI 9900            AB 17   7  0  90         DYNASTY WARRIORS SH (1167)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BRAVEY 10018              PR 18   6  3  89         SWORD HEROES 3 (1182)     
 LOOMPA 10033              PR 15   9  2  89         SWORD HEROES 6 (1185)     
 SERAPH 9765                  16  11  1  88         JUDGEMENT 24 (1146)                      [AB-LU-PR]
 EVANGELINA 9746           PR 15  11  0  86         JUDGEMENT 20 (1125)                      *
-ATLATL 11424                 10   7  1  86         FAR TRAVELERS II (1348)                  ???
 ADOEL 9389                PR 13  14  0  85         JUDGEMENT 1 (1106)        
-PORK SCHNITZEL 7162       BA  7   4  0  82         P IS FOR PIG (767)        
 LAST MINUTE 10886         BA  5   6  0  80         LOSERS (1275)             
-KERUBIEL 9434             ST  6   1  1  79         JUDGEMENT 10 (1115)       
 OMAR 9253                 AB 18  15  1  76         EASTERN HORDE 2 (1091)    
 HARAEL 9851               LU  7   1  0  75         JUDGEMENT 26 (1158)                      *
 WIDOW JANE 10113          ST  4   0  0  74         2131 BOURBON ST (1194)    
 BROTHER SILAS 11363       SL  6   3  1  73         DEATH CULT (1343)         
 SPORK 10039               PR 14  10  0  70         SWORD HEROES 7 (1186)     
-SAMNITE 7733              ST  8   1  0  68         LUDUS MAGNUS XIV (900)                   *

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MUMIAH 9884               LU  5   0  1  66         JUDGEMENT 32 (1164)       
-GAMBLED FORTUNE 11462         4   1  0  66         HAS NOT ROOT (1351)                      ???
 MY LAST CHANCE 9972       LU  3   0  1  66         SS04 02 (1175)            
 QUIRMY 10027              PR 15   9  0  65         SWORD HEROES 5 (1184)     
-GANNICUS 7802             LU  6   3  2  62         LUDUS MAGNUS LXX (914)    
 FLAMMA 7760               AB 14  13  0  61         LUDUS MAGNUS XVI (906)    
 MAMBO 10045                   6   1  0  61         SWORD HEROES (1188)                      [AB-PR]
 SEGOVAX 7826                  4   1  0  60         LUDUS MAGNUS CCC (918)                   [AB-ST]

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SHEMP 10010               PR 15   9  0  56         SWORD HEROES 2 (1181)                    *
-KEZEF 9436                ST  2   1  1  50         JUDGEMENT 11 (1116)                      *
-ANDRIANA 11423                9   5  3  47         FAR TRAVELERS II (1348)                  ???
 POLLUS 7839                   5   2  1  46         LUDUS MAGNUS CM (921)                    [LU-ST]
-ACHILLEA 9656             ST  2   2  0  38         JUDGEMENT 4 (1109)        
 DAEMONOLOGIST 11361           3   5  0  37         DEATH CULT (1343)                        [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP]
-TABRIS 9448               LU  3   0  0  37         JUDGEMENT 13 (1118)       

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SUMMER HOME 10122             2   1  0  31         WISCONSIN BREW 3 (1195)                  [AB-LU-SL-TP]
 SUNSET STRANGER 10127     PS  2   3  0  29         DRAFT KINGS (1196)        
 IMAGINARY LOVER 10763         2   0  0  29         RIFF'S FAV SAYINGS (1253)                [AB-SL-ST-TP]

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SARIEL 11229                  3   0  0  23         JUDGEMENT 38 (1322)                      [AB-ST]
 CELESTE 11253                 1   0  1  21         JUDGEMENT 37 (1326)                      [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP]
-AMAZONIA 9657                 2   0  0  20         LUDUS MAGNUS DCC (919)                   [AB-LU-ST-TP]
 ZION 11259                    1   0  0  20         JUDGEMENT 40 (1328)                      [AB-PR-SL-ST-TP]
-SELF-LOVE OF MEN 11171        2   1  0  19         MISPACED TALENT (1314)                   [AB-LU-PR-ST]
 TRAIL HOPPER 10135            1   0  0  17         BLANK (1198)                             [AB-PR-SL-ST-TP]
 SUBWAY 9661               BA  0   1  0  17         BRANDTASTIC (1139)        
 PUTZ 2 10885                  4   2  0  14         LOSERS (1275)                            [AB-TP]
 INSANE 8098               LU  1   1  0  14         FAV SAYINGS 5 (969)       
 AKACHI 11272                  1   0  0  13         JUDGEMENT 42 (1330)                      [AB-PR-SL-ST-TP]
 OSCA 11256                    1   0  1  11         JUDGEMENT 39 (1327)                      [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP]
 DIVINE 11266                  1   0  1  11         JUDGEMENT 41 (1329)                      [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP]
 CHAMUEL 11246                 1   0  0  11         JUDGEMENT 36 (1325)                      [AB-PR-SL-ST-TP]
-ANDALUSIAN 11346              1   1  0   7         FAR TRAVELERS (1342)                     ???
 FERESHTEH 11235               0   1  0   7         JUDGEMENT 34 (1323)                      [AB-BA-LU-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP]

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
CONVICTED ASSASS        0  0 0                      DEWEY 9264             413 NONE
EMBEZZLING SCRIB        0  0 0                      CELESTE 11253          413 NONE
MORGRIM 11353           0  1 0 DEATH CULT 1343      SNENITH                413 NONE

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
OO 11461                0  1 0 HAS NOT ROOT 1351    RINTHALAR THE GR       413 NONE
ZOPHIEL 9462           14 13 1 JUDGEMENT 16 1121    KHALHUMS DWARF         413 NONE
BENTOSI 11150           0  3 0 LOSERS 1275          GRONDATH               413 NONE
KLUNE 11149             0  1 0 LOSERS 1275          OSCA 11256             413  
KRUG 11151              0  1 0 LOSERS 1275          DIVINE 11266           413  

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

BENTOSI was butchered by GRONDATH in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
OO was butchered by RINTHALAR THE GREY in a 1 minute brutal Dark Arena duel.
MORGRIM was easily killed by SNENITH in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena match.
THAT'S HUMERUS vanquished ISHTAR in a 2 minute mismatched Challenge Title brawl.
MY LAST CHANCE defeated SHEMP in a crowd pleasing 2 minute veteran's Challenge fight.
SUN SHANGXIANG devastated CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
RUT HUT overpowered OMAR in a 1 minute mismatched brawl.
EXOUSIA overpowered CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 2 minute gruesome uneven melee.
LYVELLE vanquished KUNG-FU MASTER in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
EDGAR DETOUR vanquished QUIRMY in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
LAST MINUTE was defeated by BRAVEY in a 2 minute expert's match.
SPORK was overpowered by VENEMOUS CONCUBINE in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
LOOMPA savagely defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a 3 minute bloody competition.
ZHANG FEI viciously subdued VETERAN MERCENARY in a exciting 2 minute bloody battle.
SERAPH beat M. CHARDINEE in a 3 minute conflict.
EVANGELINA viciously subdued KHALHUMS DWARF in a popular 5 minute expert's fight.
ZOPHIEL was dispatched by KHALHUMS DWARF in a 3 minute bloody veteran's fray.
ADOEL bested KUNG-FU MASTER in a 1 minute brawl.
DEWEY assassinated CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a exciting 1 minute one-sided bout.
WIDOW JANE overpowered POLLUS in a 1 minute one-sided match.
FLAMMA was viciously subdued by BROTHER SILAS in a 2 minute competition.
MUMIAH overpowered DAEMONOLOGIST in a 1 minute gory one-sided duel.
HARAEL handily defeated CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 1 minute bloody uneven duel.
SEGOVAX overpowered SUMMER HOME in a 1 minute one-sided match.
MAMBO overpowered FRATSFA SLAVE in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
SUNSET STRANGER overpowered CULT MEMBER in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
IMAGINARY LOVER overpowered PUTZ 2 in a 2 minute brutal uneven match.
INSANE lost to SARIEL in a 2 minute fray.
FERESHTEH was luckily beaten by TRAIL HOPPER in a exciting 6 minute bloody fray.
CHAMUEL vanquished SUBWAY in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
CELESTE assassinated EMBEZZLING SCRIBE in a 1 minute gory uneven duel.
OSCA executed KLUNE in a 1 minute gory one-sided match.
ZION overpowered EMBEZZLING SCRIBE in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
DIVINE easily killed KRUG in a 1 minute mismatched match.
AKACHI vanquished MORDANT DESERTER in a 1 minute mismatched fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                   12         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   1 -  0      86  |
|AIMED BLOW                      11         STRIKING ATTACK   36 -   8 -  2      82  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  9         WALL OF STEEL      6 -   3 -  0      67  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   7         SLASHING ATTACK    6 -   4 -  1      60  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      3         LUNGING ATTACK    24 -  16 -  1      60  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   3         PARRY-RIPOSTE     73 -  49 -  4      60  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         AIMED BLOW        70 -  50 -  3      58  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  2         BASHING ATTACK     7 -   5 -  1      58  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         TOTAL PARRY        8 -   7 -  0      53  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    0         PARRY-STRIKE       1 -   1 -  0      50  |

Turn 413 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     BASHING ATTACK     0 -  3         5  AIMED BLOW     
STRIKING ATTACK    7 -  2     WALL OF STEEL      0 -  0         2  STRIKING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW         8 -  3                                       2  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  1                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
LUNGING ATTACK     4 -  3                                       1  LUNGING ATTACK 
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  1     
PARRY-RIPOSTE      6 -  6     
SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  1     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
PARRY-LUNGE      THAT'S HUMERUS 9678        20   9  1  146 YOU GOT BONED (1142)
LUNGING ATTACK   RUT HUT 10920               7   1  0  103 DEN'S DATES (1280)
AIMED BLOW       LYVELLE 9266               20  10  1   99 EASTERN HORDE 4 (1093)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    EXOUSIA 9420               19   8  1   99 JUDGEMENT 7 (1112)
STRIKING ATTACK  WIDOW JANE 10113            4   0  0   74 2131 BOURBON ST (1194)
SLASHING ATTACK  BROTHER SILAS 11363         6   3  1   73 DEATH CULT (1343)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is SUN SHANGXIANG 9894.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was FERESHTEH 11235.  The ten other most popular fighters were MY LAST CHANCE 
MINUTE 10886.

The least popular fighter this week was KRUG 11151.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were KLUNE 11149, SUBWAY 9661, TRAIL HOPPER 10135, PUTZ 2 10885, SUMMER HOME 
10122, DAEMONOLOGIST 11361, POLLUS 7839, SPORK 10039, QUIRMY 10027, and OMAR 9253.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


                                CHALLENGES AND AVOIDS

To clarify:  You issue Challenges to warriors, but Avoid teams.  
To Challenge, write that warrior's name and ID# in the space provided. 
To Avoid, write the team's name and Team ID in that space. 
Make sure you include the ID!