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DM 075 Newsletter

Date   : 12/05/2024    Duedate: 12/18/2024


DM 75    TURN 801

This Week's Top Honors


(75-4106) [22-16-0,106]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

SUNSHINE                       TREMORS BACKLASH
SAND DANCERS (67)              THAT WAS LIMITED (377)
(75-4106) [22-16-0,106]        (75-4204) [5-0-0,82]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

SAND DANCERS (67)              DARK TIDE (116)
(75-4104) [16-22-1,72]         (75-1423) [4-7-2,25]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DARK TIDE (116)               58 
2. PAISLEY PARK (373)            42    TEMERE NOMEN (376)
3. TEMERE NOMEN (376)            18    Unchartered Team
4. THAT WAS LIMITED (377)        14 
5. THE HACKERS (375)             12    THAT WAS LIMITED (377)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*KHORS WARLORDS (371)       1   0  0 100.   1/ 2 DARK TIDE (116)           9  6 1
 2- 2 THE ENDLESS (366)         11   3  0 78.6   2/ 5*PAISLEY PARK (373)        6  3 0
 3/ 3*THAT WAS LIMITED (377)     8   3  0 72.7   3/ 3*THAT WAS LIMITED (377)    5  0 0
 4- 4 GEMINI (361)              19  11  1 63.3   4/ 4 TEMERE NOMEN (376)        4  3 0
 5/ 5*PAISLEY PARK (373)        18  12  1 60.0   5/ 6 SAND DANCERS (67)         4  5 0
 6/ 6 TEMERE NOMEN (376)        19  13  0 59.4   6/ 1 PI KAPPA PI'S (176)       4 11 0
 7/ 0*THE HACKERS (375)          1   1  0 50.0   7/ 8 ZOMBIE SQUAD 112720 (351) 3  2 0
 8/ 8 DARK TIDE (116)           73  95  8 43.5   8- 7 THE ENDLESS (366)         1  0 0
 9/ 7 SAND DANCERS (67)        1651 2177 48 43.1   9- 9*KHORS WARLORDS (371)      1  0 0
10/ 9 PI KAPPA PI'S (176)      151 241  3 38.5  10/ 0*THE HACKERS (375)         1  1 0
11/10 ZOMBIE SQUAD 112720 (351) 11  22  0 33.3  11-10 GEMINI (361)              0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     It's me, The Unknown Spymaster here with my bag to give you the news on last 
week's fights.  We now have a new top team for all of you guys to dogpile on.  DARK 
TIDE now holds the crown and they are betting they can keep it.  It was a tough week 
for PI KAPPA PI'S, to drop 5 places in the rankings.  Coming up with a solid 3-1-0 
outing, PAISLEY PARK has advanced 3 places in the rankings.  It looks like the 
guys(?) at DARK TIDE had a good week as they went 4-1-0 to put them in 1st place.  I 
guess steroids help!  Hey everybody, watch out for TRUB, who flew up 21 points in the 
rankings after mashing JANE like a melon.  Keep your eye on this guy.  And falling 
like a basher in the top ten was JANE, who dropped 14 points after a disappointing 
(to say the least) bout with TRUB.  Our battling duelmaster SUNSHINE has managed to 
hold the title, fending off LADY SCORN's none too subtle advances.  Better luck next 
time, JADE MOUNTAIN.  Advice to bashers--never force anything, just get a bigger 
     Here is other news that is of note.  Here's a song for you:  Who's afraid of the 
big, bad DARK TIDE?  Big bad DARK TIDE.  Big bad DARK TIDE.  JADE MOUNTAIN's afraid 
of the big bad DARK TIDE.  Tra la la la la!  For those of you who like math, try this 
one:  DARK TIDE + Weapons That go Boom = PAISLEY PARK + Avoid City.  And who is this 
ANOTHER MOUNTAIN you ask, with 72 points and a 16-22-1 record.  Ooh, the tales I 
could tell!   
     Remember that an arena is not always a safe place to be, but it is one of the 
most interesting, though!  Here's some advice:  warriors with little wit and will may 
encounter problems on the trail to the Isle.   
     Well, that wasn't too bad; Alarond told me that the people in JADE MOUNTAIN have 
no sense of humor.  Or maybe that they were senseless.  Well, there goes another Spy 
Report.  Good luck in next week's fights.  Its been real, and its been fun, but it 
hasn't been real fun...-- The Unknown Spymaster  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SUNSHINE 4106             SL 22  16  0 106         SAND DANCERS (67)         

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-MATTHEW THE RAVEN 4076    ST 11   0  0 134         THE ENDLESS (366)         
-POLLUX 4035               LU  9   4  0  93         GEMINI (361)              

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TREMORS BACKLASH 4204     AB  5   0  0  82         THAT WAS LIMITED (377)    
 ANOTHER MOUNTAIN 4104     PL 16  22  1  72         SAND DANCERS (67)                        *

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-EARTH GOLEM 4188          AB  5   3  0  66         TEMERE NOMEN (376)        
 RASBERRY BERET 4157       PS  6   1  1  64         PAISLEY PARK (373)        

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-PHANTASM 3959             SL  5   0  0  55         ZOMBIE SQUAD 112720 (351) 
 RED CROW 4186             LU  7   3  0  52         TEMERE NOMEN (376)        
 TRUB 4128                 BA  4   1  1  51         DARK TIDE (116)           
 VAGO 4152                     5   2  1  41         DARK TIDE (116)                          [BA-SL]
 GIGGLE SPINNER 4187       WS  7   3  0  36         TEMERE NOMEN (376)        

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 JANE 4172                 PL  9   6  0  33         PI KAPPA PI'S (176)       
-UNCLE WAS A JOER 4203     SL  2   2  0  33         THAT WAS LIMITED (377)    
 U GOT THE LOOK 4194       TP  2   0  0  33         PAISLEY PARK (373)        
 SALLY 4180                PR  8   5  0  31         PI KAPPA PI'S (176)       
 ANNIE 4142                WS  5  16  0  31         PI KAPPA PI'S (176)       
 GLAMOROUS LIFE 4158           4   4  0  30         PAISLEY PARK (373)                       [LU-PL-ST-WS]
 KISS 4195                 SL  2   0  0  27         PAISLEY PARK (373)        
 VALO VEE 1423             PL  4   7  2  25         DARK TIDE (116)                          *

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MILLIE 4179                   5   8  0  23         PI KAPPA PI'S (176)                      [ST-WS]

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 STOLMO 4212                   3   1  0  18         DARK TIDE (116)                          [PL-TP]
 STEG 4207                     2   1  0  18         DARK TIDE (116)                          [PL-TP]
-VAZROKHAN 4123                1   0  0  15         KHORS WARLORDS (371)                     [AB-SL-TP]
 KORIMAKO 4198                 2   0  0  14         ZOMBIE SQUAD 112720 (351)                [AB-SL-TP]
 WHIZ 4171                     1   0  0   8         THE HACKERS (375)                        [AB-BA-PL-SL-ST-TP]
 BAMBI 4213                WS  0   3  0   5         PI KAPPA PI'S (176)       
 SPIKE 4220                ST  0   3  0   3         SAND DANCERS (67)         

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
CHANGE YO TUCE 4206     1  1 0 THAT WAS LIMITED 377 VALO VEE 1423          797 REVENGED
DOA1 4170               0  1 0 THE HACKERS 375      CHAO-SO TALLTREE       801 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DOA1 was butchered by CHAO-SO TALLTREE in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
U GOT THE LOOK devastated ANNIE in a 4 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
TREMORS BACKLASH overcame ANOTHER MOUNTAIN in a popular 1 minute Challenge match.
KISS vanquished MILLIE in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge brawl.
SUNSHINE overpowered LADY SCORN in a crowd pleasing 1 minute one-sided Title fight.
RASBERRY BERET devastated SALLY in a 2 minute one-sided duel.
RED CROW devastated BAHNING THE LAWYER in a 1 minute mismatched match.
JANE was handily defeated by TRUB in a 1 minute uneven fight.
VAGO vanquished GLAMOROUS LIFE in a action packed 1 minute uneven duel.
GIGGLE SPINNER luckily beat VALO VEE in a action packed 3 minute gory duel.
KORIMAKO defeated SPIKE in a 1 minute beginner's match.
STEG beat TALK-TO-DEATH in a 1 minute novice's fight.
STOLMO subdued TALK-TO-DEATH in a 6 minute amateur's competition.
BAMBI was viciously subdued by WHIZ in a crowd pleasing 1 minute gory novice's battle.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|PARRY-LUNGE                      4         PARRY-STRIKE       5 -   1 -  0      83  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         TOTAL PARRY        8 -   2 -  0      80  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         AIMED BLOW        12 -   5 -  0      71  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  3         SLASHING ATTACK   22 -  10 -  2      69  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         LUNGING ATTACK    11 -   9 -  0      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      2         PARRY-RIPOSTE      5 -   5 -  0      50  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   2         PARRY-LUNGE       15 -  15 -  1      50  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         STRIKING ATTACK   12 -  16 -  0      43  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         BASHING ATTACK     4 -   7 -  1      36  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         WALL OF STEEL     13 -  25 -  0      34  |

Turn 801 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         2 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  2         3  SLASHING ATTACK
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  3         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
SLASHING ATTACK    3 -  0     WALL OF STEEL      1 -  3         2  AIMED BLOW     
BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  STRIKING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  0                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
LUNGING ATTACK     1 -  1                                       1  PARRY-STRIKE   
                                                                1  BASHING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  SUNSHINE 4106              22  16  0  106 SAND DANCERS (67)
AIMED BLOW       TREMORS BACKLASH 4204       5   0  0   82 THAT WAS LIMITED (377)
PARRY-STRIKE     RASBERRY BERET 4157         6   1  1   64 PAISLEY PARK (373)
LUNGING ATTACK   RED CROW 4186               7   3  0   52 TEMERE NOMEN (376)
BASHING ATTACK   TRUB 4128                   4   1  1   51 DARK TIDE (116)
WALL OF STEEL    GIGGLE SPINNER 4187         7   3  0   36 TEMERE NOMEN (376)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is ANOTHER MOUNTAIN 4104.  The most popular warrior 
this turn was VALO VEE 1423.  The ten other most popular fighters were SUNSHINE 4106, 
SALLY 4180, TRUB 4128, GIGGLE SPINNER 4187, and KORIMAKO 4198.

The least popular fighter this week was ANNIE 4142.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were STOLMO 4212, SPIKE 4220, JANE 4172, MILLIE 4179, U GOT THE LOOK 4194, 
BAMBI 4213, GLAMOROUS LIFE 4158, KISS 4195, ANOTHER MOUNTAIN 4104, and DOA1 4170.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn: