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DM 095 Newsletter

Date   : 11/21/2024    Duedate: 12/18/2024


DM 95    TURN 5

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*THE END OF DAYS (193)     29  15 12 65.9   1/ 2*4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)   18  7 6
 2/ 2*4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    33  12 11 73.3   2/ 1*THE END OF DAYS (193)    16  9 6
 3/ 5*4-LETTERRATA (182)        20  15  8 57.1   3/ 6*MONSTER MASH (199)       13 11 6
 4/14*FANTASY ROCKS (174)       18  14  7 56.2   4/ 5*THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     9 15 6
 5/ 8*COBRA (186)               20  16  7 55.6   5/10*FANTASY ROCKS (174)      10  6 5
 6/ 6*MONSTER MASH (199)        22  21  7 51.2   6/11*SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)    14  5 4
 7/ 3*BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)     20  20  7 50.0   7/ 9*ISLAND RAIDERS (204)     13  8 4
 8/ 9*MEOW 1 (210)              18  18  7 50.0   8/17*MEOW 1 (210)             10  8 4
 9/12*SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)     27  16  6 62.8   9/16*APOSTLES (203)            9  8 4
10/ 4*ISLAND RAIDERS (204)      24  15  6 61.5  10/ 3*BLOODHAWKS (177)         14 16 3
11/ 7*BLOODHAWKS (177)          26  24  6 52.0  11/ 7*BLOOD GANG 824A (183)    13  5 3
12/11*BLOODY BLUES (213)        11  18  6 37.9  12/ 8*SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)    13 10 3
13/10*THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     16  27  6 37.2  13/13*DEADWYRMS 3 (194)        12  9 3
14/18*SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)     27  10  5 73.0  14/14*COBRA (186)               9  9 3
15/13*BLOOD GANG 824A (183)     20  16  5 55.6  15/12*4-LETTERRATA (182)        7 10 3
16/15*BARBIE DOES DUSKMOO (198) 16  24  5 40.0  16/ 4*BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)    10 10 2
17/17*APOSTLES (203)            14  21  5 40.0  17/20*LIQUID DEATH (197)       10 11 2
18/20*DEADWYRMS 3 (194)         21  19  4 52.5  18/19*ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)     8 15 2
19/19*ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)     21  22  4 48.8  19/22*INVINCIBLE SHIELD (173)   5  7 2
20/16*OHW (185)                 14  22  4 38.9  20/21*OHW (185)                 7 10 1
21/21*LIQUID DEATH (197)        19  21  3 47.5  21/15*BARBIE DOES DUSKMOO (198) 6 14 1
22/22*INVINCIBLE SHIELD (173)   13  16  3 44.8  22/18*BLOODY BLUES (213)        2  9 1
23/23*WORLD AFTER OIL (178)      3  22  2 12.0  23/23*WORLD AFTER OIL (178)     1  7 0
24/24*BLOODWARS (187)            0  23  0  0.0  24/24*BLOODWARS (187)           0  6 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     I was going on vacation, see?  Surf, sun...  But what do those bums say?  "Hit 
the road, Debby Tonte.  DUSKMOOR needs a spyreport."  Oh, well.  Too bad, THE END OF 
DAYS, but 4-LETTER YOUPPIE was just too good to be stopped.  Wanna hear about a real 
loser?  Listen to this--BIG LAKE SUMMER got 3-3-0 and dropped 12.  Didn't see much of 
them after the fights!  The guys at MEOW 1 like really pulled together to get a 4-1-1 
this turn, moving up by 9.  What was the name of that team who got 3-1-1 this turn 
for a total 20-16-7 you ask?  (Sure)  COBRA's their name, and fighting's their game!  
MVP award for BOMBAY?  MEOW 1's proud of it after beating ANNIHILATION and getting 20 
points.  Talk about yer big time losers!  DRACULA got smashed by TRIAL BY FIRE, and 
lost 11 points!  I hear the top team insists all their warriors get nine hours sleep. 
They want photogenic fighters for PR photos.   
     So just why would someone becomes a warrior anyway?  It can't be for these 
really neat Spyreports can it?  LIQUID DEATH was DUSKMOOR's most avoided team.  Is 
there some award for that?  Hhmph!  What kind of warriors are THE END OF DAYS?  
LIQUID DEATH, an easy team to beat if I ever saw one, can't get them to accept an 
invitation!  Like, is BLACKSMITH SABBATH popular, or what?  It was challenged the 
most in all of DUSKMOOR!  It's got a 5-0-5, is that good?   
     What does a fighter fight for?  I mean, the crowds don't give a hoot if someone 
gets killed.  Not after four more fights.  I was SO depressed when I heard TARKAZ got 
killed.  He was just a kid, and didn't get a fair chance in DUSKMOOR, or anything!  
D'ya think SCHORCHWING is feeling guilty for killing BLOOD GANG 824A's LINE, a mere 
spawn?  Naah, I doubt it.  What a bummer deal for PHOENIX POINT!  It just barely was 
getting its "fighter feet" but got kill by HOZIER of MONSTER MASH!  Those're the 
breaks, I guess.  D'ya think FOMO is feeling guilty for killing BLOOD GANG 824A's 
HEMOSTASIS, a mere spawn?  Naah, I doubt it.  I was SO depressed when I heard 
STAY-PUFT got killed.  It was just a kid, and didn't get a fair chance in DUSKMOOR, 
or anything!  What a bummer deal for RIFF!  It just barely was getting its "fighter 
feet" but got kill by EXTERMINATION of THE END OF DAYS!  Those're the breaks, I 
guess.  D'ya think LIPO is feeling guilty for killing ARCANE BBQ 2024's LICK THE 
SAUCE, a mere spawn?  Naah, I doubt it.  I was SO depressed when I heard ANNIHILATION 
got killed.  It was just a kid, and didn't get a fair chance in DUSKMOOR, or 
anything!  What a bummer deal for SCALES!  It just barely was getting its "fighter 
feet" but got kill by MATTHEW of APOSTLES!  Those're the breaks, I guess.  I see 
some serious Bloodfeud action out there!  Like was that some Bloodfeud, or what?  
(EOAN vs. VOR, that is.) OHED really fought hard against TARKAZ.  That'll teach 
BLOODHAWKS not to go and kill any of 4-LETTERRATA's guys again, huh!  PREYPIERCER 
bloodfeuded (is that a word?) BOUG for revenge over some guy's bad fortune.  Was it 
really worth it?  SCHORCHWING really fought hard against LINE.  That'll teach BLOOD 
GANG 824A not to go and kill any of DEADWYRMS 3's guys again, huh!  Like was that 
some Bloodfeud, or what?  (STORMBREATH vs. MAIN COON, that is.) Fight, fight, fight.  
Is that all you guys can do?   
     I really didn't, you know, study when I was a kid.  Who would've guessed I'd be 
a famous Spyreporter?  I gotta leave.  DUSKMOOR is like such a dump, and you guys 
smell too much!  Remember you guys, ease up sometimes!  Chill out!  Later, Debby 

                               W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLACKSMITH SABBATH 1763   WS  5   0  5  34         FANTASY ROCKS (174)       
 SMEG 1809                 PR  5   0  3  58         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 HOZIER 2012               AB  5   0  3  50         MONSTER MASH (199)        
 EOAN 1844                 WS  4   1  3  48         4-LETTERRATA (182)        
 WASTE BLUES 2154          WS  3   2  3  20         BLOODY BLUES (213)                       *
 FOMO 1814                 WS  5   0  2  47         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 DECIMATION 1946           ST  5   0  2  37         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 JOHN 2049                 PL  4   1  2  43         APOSTLES (203)            
 OHED 1838                 SL  4   1  2  40         4-LETTERRATA (182)                       *
 ERADICATION 1954          BA  4   1  2  36         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 EXTERMINATION 1951        TP  4   1  2  32         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 DESTRO 1881               SL  4   1  2  28         COBRA (186)               
 DKNY 1813                 TP  4   1  2  24         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 ZARTAN 1884               TP  4   1  2  20         COBRA (186)               
 VAMP FEAST 2014           ST  3   2  2  33         MONSTER MASH (199)                       *
 SCHORCHWING 1957          TP  3   2  2  26         DEADWYRMS 3 (194)         
 MAIN COON 2121            PS  3   2  2  22         MEOW 1 (210)              
 DRY RUB NOBLE 1783            3   2  2  18         ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)                    [AB-BA-LU-PR-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 EXTINCTION 1952           AB  3   2  2  13         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 SEAHORSE TIDELANCER 2059      2   3  2  11         ISLAND RAIDERS (204)                     [AB-BA-PR-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 IT FOLLOWS 2078           PS  2   3  2  11         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)     
 DOLPHIN SEASKIMMER 2060       5   0  1  43         ISLAND RAIDERS (204)                     [AB-BA-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 CORAL 1970                    5   0  1  41         SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 STORMBREATH 1956          WS  5   0  1  30         DEADWYRMS 3 (194)         
 OATH 1850                 PS  5   0  1  30         BLOOD GANG 824A (183)     
 ANGLER DEEPGLOW 2061          5   0  1  29         ISLAND RAIDERS (204)                     [AB-BA-PR-SL-TP-WS]
 NAZGUL 2076                   5   0  1  25         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)                    [AB-BA-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 WHITE ZOMBIE 1759         ST  4   1  1  36         FANTASY ROCKS (174)       
 RAGDOLL 2115                  4   1  1  33         MEOW 1 (210)                             [AB-BA-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 DEVASTATION 1949              4   1  1  28         THE END OF DAYS (193)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 THE BACKSTABBER 1989      PR  4   1  1  25         LIQUID DEATH (197)        
 WIGHT SNAKE 1755          AB  4   1  1  24         FANTASY ROCKS (174)       
 VENGEFUL PACIFIST 1990    AB  4   1  1  24         LIQUID DEATH (197)        
 CORAL REEFSTRIDER 2055    AB  4   1  1  24         ISLAND RAIDERS (204)      

                               W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MAMBA 1971                PS  4   1  1  23         SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)     
 PAUL 2052                     4   1  1  22         APOSTLES (203)                           [AB-TP-WS]
 AMEX 1805                 AB  4   1  1  18         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 BOUG 1807                 LU  4   1  1  15         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 NAUTILUS SEASHIELD 2064   WS  4   1  1  14         ISLAND RAIDERS (204)      
 SPORT 1852                    3   2  1  43         BLOOD GANG 824A (183)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 BLAZEGUARD 1959           SL  3   2  1  43         DEADWYRMS 3 (194)         
 MATTHEW 2045                  3   2  1  37         APOSTLES (203)                           [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 THE ARCHER 2037           LU  3   2  1  30         BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)     
 LIPO 1808                 PL  3   2  1  30         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 VENOM 1967                SL  3   2  1  26         SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)     
 SOME SKELETONS 2081       LU  3   2  1  26         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)     
 HOT STEPPER 1871          AB  3   2  1  25         OHW (185)                 
 THE SHOOTIST 2038         SL  3   2  1  23         BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)                    *
 PATIENT ONE 2044              3   2  1  22         BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 WILD WEASEL 1883          WS  3   2  1  21         COBRA (186)               
 ELECTRIC EEL 2000             3   2  1  21         BARBIE DOES DUSKMOOR (198)               [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 DAGGER DOUG 2003          LU  3   2  1  18         LIQUID DEATH (197)        
 AIMING BLUES 2145         AB  3   2  1  14         BLOODY BLUES (213)        
 SUBJUGATION 1950          WS  3   2  1  13         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 'BLACK STUFF' ROSLYN 1899 BA  3   2  1  12         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     
 VINYL VIXEN 1999              3   2  1  12         BARBIE DOES DUSKMOOR (198)               [AB-BA-PL-PR-ST-TP-WS]
 SAZREEN 1793              PL  3   2  1  12         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 'TOOTHLESS' FINN 1895     AB  3   2  1  12         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     
 THE ENGINEER 2040         AB  3   2  1  12         BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)     
 BOMBAY 2119                   2   3  1  28         MEOW 1 (210)                             [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 FINIAN THE EEJIT 1900         2   3  1  27         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 INVINCIBLE SHIELD 1750    WS  2   3  1  21         INVINCIBLE SHIELD (173)   
 BIRMAN 2117                   2   3  1  17         MEOW 1 (210)                             [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 ZOMBIES 2082              BA  2   3  1  10         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)     
 BIG BOA 1882              ST  2   3  1  10         COBRA (186)               
 RICO SUAVE 1868           BA  2   3  1  10         OHW (185)                 
 GRAVEYARD SMASH 2008          2   3  1  10         MONSTER MASH (199)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 JAMES 2050                    2   3  1  10         APOSTLES (203)                           [AB-BA-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 RONAN THE MELTER 1897     ST  1   4  1  14         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     
 RORY BANJAXED 1896            1   4  1   8         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 KANAK 1787                WS  1   4  1   8         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 LIAM THE SAVAGE 1903          1   4  1   8         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 CRYPT KICKER 2010         WS  1   4  1   8         MONSTER MASH (199)        
 RECOIL 1973               PR  5   0  0  17         SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)     
 PREYPIERCER 1963          LU  4   1  0  36         DEADWYRMS 3 (194)         
 TRIAL BY FIRE 1745            4   1  0  32         INVINCIBLE SHIELD (173)                  [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 BAELAAL 1794              PR  4   1  0  27         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 GRIDAON 1791              BA  4   1  0  25         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 RAGAMUFFIN 2124               4   1  0  21         MEOW 1 (210)                             [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 HOWLIN' COLESLAW 1775         4   1  0  18         ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 BORIS 2007                    4   1  0  18         MONSTER MASH (199)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 IRON MAIDEN 1764              4   1  0  16         FANTASY ROCKS (174)                      [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 ONE ARMED GOBBLER 1782    TP  4   1  0  14         ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)     
 YOLO 1806                 BA  3   2  0  27         4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)    
 SEAN THE TOSSER 1904      SL  3   2  0  24         THE DONNYBROOKS (188)     
 SIDEWINDER 1974           WS  3   2  0  23         SERPENTS HOLD 8 (195)     
 DAES 1835                     3   2  0  19         4-LETTERRATA (182)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 IGOR 2013                     3   2  0  17         MONSTER MASH (199)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-ST-TP-WS]
 FRANKENSTEIN 2083         AB  3   2  0  16         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)     
 BATTLE CRY BOB 1991           3   2  0  16         LIQUID DEATH (197)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 MOROS 1785                TP  3   2  0  16         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 THE BLOB 2079                 3   2  0  14         SLOW MONSTERS 2 (206)                    [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 TYPE 1853                 TP  3   2  0  13         BLOOD GANG 824A (183)     
 XAMEAR 1792               PS  3   2  0  11         BLOODHAWKS (177)          
 DRACULA 2009              PS  3   2  0  11         MONSTER MASH (199)        
 MASSACRE 1948             LU  2   3  0  23         THE END OF DAYS (193)     
 ICE ICE BABY 1872             2   3  0  16         OHW (185)                                [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]

                               W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ANGRANNA 1790                 2   3  0  16         BLOODHAWKS (177)                         [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 SIR CLOBBERS 1985             2   3  0   9         LIQUID DEATH (197)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 BIG AGNES 1994            PL  2   3  0   9         BARBIE DOES DUSKMOOR (198)
 BLACK VELVET 1865             2   3  0   9         OHW (185)                                [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 THE MOWIST 2041           PL  1   4  0  13         BIG LAKE SUMMER (202)     
 DOLLED UP 1993            PS  1   4  0  12         BARBIE DOES DUSKMOOR (198)
 MARK 2047                 BA  1   4  0   8         APOSTLES (203)            
 QUEEN 1761                    1   4  0   7         FANTASY ROCKS (174)                      [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 HAMMERDINNIE 1987             1   4  0   7         LIQUID DEATH (197)                       [AB-BA-LU-PL-PR-PS-SL-ST-TP-WS]
 MAC N VLAD 1779           PL  1   4  0   7         ARCANE BBQ 2024 (176)     
 DON 1886                  WS  0   5  0   5         BLOODWARS (187)           

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
PERSISTANT BEGGA        0  0 0                      SOME SKELETONS 2081      5 NONE
DIOR 1810               0  2 0 4-LETTER YOUPPIE 179 THE ENGINEER 2040        2 JUST REVENGED
JUUL 1812               2  1 0 4-LETTER YOUPPIE 179 BLAZEGUARD 1959          3  
RIFF 1811               3  2 1 4-LETTER YOUPPIE 179 EXTERMINATION 1951       5  
AEON 1839               0  1 0 4-LETTERRATA 182     ZARTAN 1884              1 NOT REVENGED
HAEN 1836               2  2 0 4-LETTERRATA 182     HOZIER 2012              4  
HOAS 1837               2  1 2 4-LETTERRATA 182     SPORT 1852               3  
HOHA 1840               2  2 1 4-LETTERRATA 182     VOR 1786                 4 JUST REVENGED
NAES 1841               0  1 0 4-LETTERRATA 182     MANX 2122                1 REVENGED
SADO 1842               1  2 0 4-LETTERRATA 182     HOZIER 2012              3  
SHOE 1843               2  2 0 4-LETTERRATA 182     TARKAZ 1788              4 JUST REVENGED
BART 2046               0  2 0 APOSTLES 203         SANAK 1789               2  
JUDAS 2054              0  1 0 APOSTLES 203         DKNY 1813                1 NOT REVENGED
LUKE 2048               0  1 0 APOSTLES 203         AIMING BLUES 2145        1 NOT REVENGED
PETER 2053              0  3 0 APOSTLES 203         NAZGUL 2076              3  
SIMON 2051              0  3 0 APOSTLES 203         GRAVEYARD SMASH 2008     3  
BASHUR BRISKET 1776     2  3 0 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  INVINCIBLE SHIEL 1750    5  
COLLARD CONSORTI 1781   0  2 0 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  OATH 1850                2  
DESTITUTE PORK 1780     1  4 1 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  VENOM 1967               5  
GENTLEBEN GIBLET 1777   1  2 0 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  EXTERMINATION 1951       3  
LICK THE SAUCE 1784     3  2 1 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  LIPO 1808                5  
RIB TIP TALON 1778      2  1 0 ARCANE BBQ 2024 176  VAMP FEAST 2014          3  
ACTION FIGURE 1998      1  3 0 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 LICK THE SAUCE 1784      4  
DOC JOHNSON 1996        1  3 1 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 ANNIHILATION 1953        4  
PIPE DREAM 1995         1  1 1 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 DRY RUB NOBLE 1783       2 REVENGED
RAGGEDY ANNE 2002       1  3 0 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 WASTE BLUES 2154         4  
SLAM DOLL 1997          2  2 1 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 RONAN THE MELTER 1897    4  
SURE THING 2001         1  1 0 BARBIE DOES DUSK 198 WASTE BLUES 2154         2 REVENGED
BEAN BAGGER 2035        3  1 2 BIG LAKE SUMMER 202  EOAN 1844                4  
GRANDPA SNICKERS 2043   0  2 0 BIG LAKE SUMMER 202  EOAN 1844                2  
JET SKIER 2036          1  1 0 BIG LAKE SUMMER 202  SAZREEN 1793             2 JUST REVENGED
PHOENIX POINT 2039      3  2 1 BIG LAKE SUMMER 202  HOZIER 2012              5  
BOIL 1846               2  2 1 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  STORMBREATH 1956         4  
COLD 1849               0  3 0 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  SCALES 1965              3  
HEMOSTASIS 1845         3  2 1 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  FOMO 1814                5  
LINE 1847               3  2 1 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  SCHORCHWING 1957         5  
PLASMA 1848             0  1 0 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  RELAX 1870               1 REVENGED
SPATTER 1851            0  1 0 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  CRYPT KICKER 2010        1 REVENGED
TRANSFUSION 1854        1  1 0 BLOOD GANG 824A 183  SCALES 1965              2  
SANAK 1789              2  3 1 BLOODHAWKS 177       THE BACKSTABBER 1989     5  
TARKAZ 1788             3  2 2 BLOODHAWKS 177       OHED 1838                5  
VOR 1786                1  4 1 BLOODHAWKS 177       EOAN 1844                5  
A 1891                  0  2 0 BLOODWARS 187        THE ARCHER 2037          2  
CHRIS 1894              0  1 0 BLOODWARS 187        PAUL 2052                1 NOT REVENGED
JOEY 1887               0  2 0 BLOODWARS 187        ZOMBIES 2082             2  
JOHN 1889               0  1 0 BLOODWARS 187        WASTE BLUES 2154         1 NOT REVENGED
MARK 1892               0  2 0 BLOODWARS 187        AMEX 1805                2  

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
MIKE 1893               0  4 0 BLOODWARS 187        DEVASTATION 1949         4  
NICK 1888               0  2 0 BLOODWARS 187        IT FOLLOWS 2078          2  
RICH 1885               0  1 0 BLOODWARS 187        BEAN BAGGER 2035         1 NONE
STEVE 1890              0  3 0 BLOODWARS 187        'BLACK STUFF' RO 1899    3  
BASHING BLUES 2146      1  1 1 BLOODY BLUES 213     EXTINCTION 1952          2  
LUNGING BLUES 2147      0  3 0 BLOODY BLUES 213     CORAL REEFSTRIDE 2055    3  
PARRYING BLUES 2153     1  2 0 BLOODY BLUES 213     RORY BANJAXED 1896       3  
PIKING BLUES 2150       0  1 0 BLOODY BLUES 213     EXTINCTION 1952          1 NOT REVENGED
PLUNGING BLUES 2148     2  2 0 BLOODY BLUES 213     MAMBA 1971               4  
SLASHING BLUES 2151     1  2 1 BLOODY BLUES 213     BEAN BAGGER 2035         3 NONE
STRIKING BLUES 2152     0  2 0 BLOODY BLUES 213     PATIENT ONE 2044         2  
BARONESS 1877           3  1 0 COBRA 186            JOHN 2049                4  
COBRA COMMANDER 1875    1  2 0 COBRA 186            KANAK 1787               3 REVENGED
DR. MINDBENDER 1879     2  2 1 COBRA 186            DOLPHIN SEASKIMM 2060    4  
FIREFLY 1876            1  2 0 COBRA 186            JOHN 2049                3  
STORMSHADOW 1878        0  1 0 COBRA 186            RIFF 1811                1 NOT REVENGED
BALEFIRE 1955           2  2 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      HOT STEPPER 1871         4  
BREEZEDANCER 1961       0  1 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      BARBIE GIRL 1866         1 REVENGED
DRIFTING DEATH 1964     2  2 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      MAIN COON 2121           4 JUST REVENGED
SKYRAIDER 1960          2  2 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      BOUG 1807                4 JUST REVENGED
SWIFTCLAW 1958          0  3 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      DAGGER DOUG 2003         3  
WITCHKITE 1962          0  4 0 DEADWYRMS 3 194      LINE 1847                4 JUST REVENGED
ARROW SMITH 1757        0  3 0 FANTASY ROCKS 174    SLAM DOLL 1997           3 NONE
CROWN OF HORNS 1749     3  1 0 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 VAMP FEAST 2014          4  
FIREPOWER 1752          0  3 0 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 BOIL 1846                3 NONE
PANIC ATTACK 1746       1  2 0 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 JAMES 2050               3  
SERPENT AND KING 1747   0  1 0 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 OHED 1838                1 NOT REVENGED
SON OF THUNDER 1751     1  1 1 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 SMEG 1809                2  
TRAITORS GATE 1754      0  1 0 INVINCIBLE SHIEL 173 SMEG 1809                1 NOT REVENGED
MARLIN WAVEBREAK 2056   2  3 0 ISLAND RAIDERS 204   DRY RUB NOBLE 1783       5  
ORCA BLACKWATER 2063    0  2 0 ISLAND RAIDERS 204   ERADICATION 1954         2  
STINGRAY SHADOWG 2058   2  3 0 ISLAND RAIDERS 204   ZARTAN 1884              5  
BIGBADBARD 1986         0  1 0 LIQUID DEATH 197     DECIMATION 1946          1 NOT REVENGED
BLOOD BANE 1988         0  2 0 LIQUID DEATH 197     TARKAZ 1788              2  
CLEAVEMCGEE 2004        1  3 0 LIQUID DEATH 197     PHOENIX POINT 2039       4  
MESEERED 1992           1  2 0 LIQUID DEATH 197     DKNY 1813                3  
BENGAL 2123             1  3 0 MEOW 1 210           FINIAN THE EEJIT 1900    4  
MUNCHKIN 2116           0  1 0 MEOW 1 210           DESTITUTE PORK 1780      1 NOT REVENGED
PERSIAN 2118            1  2 1 MEOW 1 210           WILD WEASEL 1883         3  
ELECTRODES 2011         1  2 0 MONSTER MASH 199     'TOOTHLESS' FINN 1895    3  
TWIST 2006              0  4 0 MONSTER MASH 199     LIAM THE SAVAGE 1903     4  
WOLFMAN 2005            0  1 0 MONSTER MASH 199     VINYL VIXEN 1999         1 NOT REVENGED
BARBIE GIRL 1866        1  1 1 OHW 185              SCHORCHWING 1957         2 REVENGED
ELECTRIC AVE 1873       1  2 0 OHW 185              NECROMANCER 1753         3 NONE
MACARENA 1867           0  1 0 OHW 185              DESTRO 1881              1 NOT REVENGED
MANIAC 1874             0  3 0 OHW 185              DESTRO 1881              3  
MICKEY 1869             2  3 0 OHW 185              WIGHT SNAKE 1755         5  
RELAX 1870              1  1 1 OHW 185              HEMOSTASIS 1845          2  
SCALES 1965             4  1 2 SERPENTS HOLD 8 195  MATTHEW 2045             5  
SERPENTITO 1969         0  1 0 SERPENTS HOLD 8 195  MAIN COON 2121           1 REVENGED
SLITHER 1968            1  1 0 SERPENTS HOLD 8 195  ANNIHILATION 1953        2  
VIPER 1972              2  1 0 SERPENTS HOLD 8 195  ANGLER DEEPGLOW 2061     3  
BODYSNATCHERS 2077      1  1 0 SLOW MONSTERS 2 206  DOC JOHNSON 1996         2 REVENGED
PINHEAD 2084            2  1 1 SLOW MONSTERS 2 206  RAGDOLL 2115             3  
STAY-PUFT 2075          4  1 0 SLOW MONSTERS 2 206  CORAL 1970               5  
THE MUMMY 2080          2  1 0 SLOW MONSTERS 2 206  ERADICATION 1954         3  
AISLING THE LANG 1902   1  2 0 THE DONNYBROOKS 188  FOMO 1814                3  

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
WEE DARREN 1901         1  3 0 THE DONNYBROOKS 188  IT FOLLOWS 2078          4  
ANNIHILATION 1953       3  2 2 THE END OF DAYS 193  BOMBAY 2119              5  
CATASTROPHE 1947        1  2 0 THE END OF DAYS 193  WHITE ZOMBIE 1759        3  
COLLAPSEOLOGIST 1795    0  2 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  ELECTRIC EEL 2000        2  
ENERY REALIST 1800      0  2 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  BIG BOA 1882             2 REVENGED
PASSIVE SOLAR 1804      1  4 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  BLACKSMITH SABBA 1763    5  
WATERPOWER 1802         0  1 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  RICO SUAVE 1868          1 NOT REVENGED
WINDMILL 1803           0  1 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  HOHA 1840                1 NONE
WOODBURNER 1797         0  4 0 WORLD AFTER OIL 178  BIRMAN 2117              4  

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Daes -- You learn nothing from Passive Solar; you will suffer in a -- World After Oil

I am the last of us! -- Passive Solar, in a World After Oil

Blacksmith Sabbath -- Pound yer prayers! Nothing will save you from a -- World After 

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

EOAN butchered VOR in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud fight.
DKNY was viciously subdued by BLAZEGUARD in a 2 minute beginner's Bloodfeud battle.
THE ARCHER savagely defeated SAZREEN in a 2 minute amateur's Bloodfeud duel.
OHED savagely slew TARKAZ in a crowd pleasing 2 minute amateur's Bloodfeud match.
SCHORCHWING savagely slew LINE in a 2 minute bloody novice's Bloodfeud struggle.
DAES was viciously subdued by SPORT in a 3 minute beginner's Bloodfeud fight.
YOLO vanquished THE ENGINEER in a 1 minute gruesome one-sided Bloodfeud duel.
STORMBREATH viciously subdued MAIN COON in a 5 minute novice's Bloodfeud fight.
SUBJUGATION was beaten by WHITE ZOMBIE in a 3 minute novice's Bloodfeud fight.
PASSIVE SOLAR was viciously butchered by BLACKSMITH SABBATH in a 4 minute conflict.
PREYPIERCER devastated BOUG in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud bout.
DOLPHIN SEASKIMMER handily defeated ELECTRIC EEL in a 1 minute uneven fight.
VAMP FEAST was defeated by JOHN in a 1 minute beginner's struggle.
SMEG handily defeated MASSACRE in a 2 minute mismatched bout.
HOZIER delivered the death blow upon PHOENIX POINT in a 3 minute novice's brawl.
FOMO killed HEMOSTASIS in a 3 minute gory novice's bout.
BORIS slimly lost to ANGLER DEEPGLOW in a tiring 15 minute gory amateur's competition.
IGOR was vanquished by DECIMATION in a 1 minute one-sided match.
ERADICATION viciously subdued HOT STEPPER in a 2 minute bloody beginner's duel.
PAUL was narrowly defeated by RAGDOLL in a 8 minute gory novice's match.
CORAL barely slew STAY-PUFT in a action packed 4 minute gory novice's match.
RIFF was slain by EXTERMINATION in a exciting 4 minute beginner's match.
LIPO viciously butchered LICK THE SAUCE in a action packed 3 minute novice's fray.
AMEX overcame XAMEAR in a popular 6 minute gory novice's duel.
OATH slimly won victory over WASTE BLUES in a exciting 5 minute brutal novice's fray.
BAELAAL savagely defeated FRANKENSTEIN in a 8 minute brutal novice's fight.
TYPE narrowly defeated QUEEN in a crowd pleasing 4 minute novice's fray.
BLACK VELVET was viciously subdued by RECOIL in a 16 minute amateur's fight.
RICO SUAVE was devastated by DEVASTATION in a 1 minute uneven bout.
MICKEY was slain by WIGHT SNAKE in a 2 minute novice's match.
ICE ICE BABY overcame RORY BANJAXED in a 3 minute beginner's match.
DESTRO overpowered 'TOOTHLESS' FINN in a 1 minute gory uneven bout.
BIG BOA was overcome by THE BLOB in a 2 minute amateur's match.
WILD WEASEL viciously subdued HAMMERDINNIE in a 4 minute brutal novice's match.
ZARTAN barely slew STINGRAY SHADOWGLIDE in a exciting 4 minute bloody amateur's duel.
DON lost to BIRMAN in a 1 minute novice's conflict.
RONAN THE MELTER was unbelievably bested by SIDEWINDER in a 4 minute amateur's match.
'BLACK STUFF' ROSLYN was luckily beaten by MOROS in a 3 minute novice's match.
FINIAN THE EEJIT vanquished SEAHORSE TIDELANCER in a 1 minute gruesome one-sided bout.
LIAM THE SAVAGE was savagely defeated by IRON MAIDEN in a 6 minute competition.
SEAN THE TOSSER savagely defeated VINYL VIXEN in a 3 minute novice's conflict.
GRIDAON overpowered IT FOLLOWS in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
ANGRANNA bested BIG AGNES in a crowd pleasing 2 minute novice's conflict.
EXTINCTION was savagely defeated by THE SHOOTIST in a 3 minute amateur's battle.
ANNIHILATION was savagely slain by BOMBAY in a unpopular 14 minute amateur's battle.
SANAK was slain by THE BACKSTABBER in a 2 minute amateur's duel.
KANAK was narrowly defeated by HOWLIN' COLESLAW in a 3 minute amateur's fight.
SCALES was savagely slain by MATTHEW in a 4 minute gruesome novice's match.
VENOM murdered DESTITUTE PORK in a crowd pleasing 1 minute one-sided conflict.
DRY RUB NOBLE savagely slew MARLIN WAVEBREAKER in a 2 minute gory novice's struggle.
MAMBA slimly won victory over THE MOWIST in a action packed 4 minute beginner's match.
SIR CLOBBERS was luckily beaten by RAGAMUFFIN in a 4 minute novice's fight.
VENGEFUL PACIFIST won victory over NAUTILUS SEASHIELD in a 4 minute novice's match.
BATTLE CRY BOB won victory over MARK in a crowd pleasing 3 minute novice's fight.
DOLLED UP was subdued by CORAL REEFSTRIDER in a exciting 1 minute amateur's duel.
ONE ARMED GOBBLER was savagely defeated by NAZGUL in a slow 16 minute novice's match.
DAGGER DOUG narrowly defeated ZOMBIES in a crowd pleasing 4 minute beginner's brawl.
GRAVEYARD SMASH outwaited JAMES in a crowd boring 8 minute bloody novice's match.
DRACULA was demolished by TRIAL BY FIRE in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
CRYPT KICKER was vanquished by PATIENT ONE in a 6 minute one-sided melee.
MAC N VLAD slimly lost to AIMING BLUES in a 3 minute gory beginner's match.
BASHUR BRISKET was killed by INVINCIBLE SHIELD in a 1 minute novice's conflict.
SOME SKELETONS easily killed PERSISTANT BEGGAR in a 1 minute uneven conflict.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|AIMED BLOW                      20         AIMED BLOW        74 -  36 - 20      67  |
|WALL OF STEEL                   19         TOTAL PARRY       67 -  40 - 16      63  |
|TOTAL PARRY                     17         WALL OF STEEL     60 -  45 - 26      57  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                     12         SLASHING ATTACK   35 -  37 - 13      49  |
|BASHING ATTACK                  12         BASHING ATTACK    43 -  47 - 12      48  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                  10         LUNGING ATTACK    42 -  48 -  9      47  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                    10         PARRY-RIPOSTE     33 -  43 - 11      43  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    9         PARRY-STRIKE      33 -  45 -  8      42  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  8         PARRY-LUNGE       36 -  56 -  9      39  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  8         STRIKING ATTACK   29 -  50 - 12      37  |

Turn   5 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

SLASHING ATTACK    6 -  2     WALL OF STEEL      9 - 10         4  WALL OF STEEL  
LUNGING ATTACK     6 -  4     PARRY-LUNGE        5 -  7         1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
TOTAL PARRY       10 -  7     BASHING ATTACK     5 -  7         1  AIMED BLOW     
PARRY-RIPOSTE      5 -  4     STRIKING ATTACK    3 -  5         1  STRIKING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW        11 -  9     PARRY-STRIKE       3 -  7         1  PARRY-LUNGE    
                                                                1  SLASHING ATTACK
                                                                1  BASHING ATTACK 
                                                                1  TOTAL PARRY    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
PARRY-RIPOSTE    SMEG 1809                   5   0  3   58 4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)
AIMED BLOW       HOZIER 2012                 5   0  3   50 MONSTER MASH (199)
STRIKING ATTACK  DECIMATION 1946             5   0  2   37 THE END OF DAYS (193)
PARRY-LUNGE      JOHN 2049                   4   1  2   43 APOSTLES (203)

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  OHED 1838                   4   1  2   40 4-LETTERRATA (182)
BASHING ATTACK   ERADICATION 1954            4   1  2   36 THE END OF DAYS (193)
TOTAL PARRY      EXTERMINATION 1951          4   1  2   32 THE END OF DAYS (193)
PARRY-STRIKE     MAIN COON 2121              3   2  2   22 MEOW 1 (210)
LUNGING ATTACK   BOUG 1807                   4   1  1   15 4-LETTER YOUPPIE (179)

The overall popularity leader is THE MOWIST 2041.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was SPORT 1852.  The ten other most popular fighters were XAMEAR 1792, SIR CLOBBERS 

The least popular fighter this week was RECOIL 1973.  The other ten least popular 
2076, BORIS 2007, JAMES 2050, ANNIHILATION 1953, GRAVEYARD SMASH 2008, BOMBAY 2119, 
and RAGDOLL 2115.

                                CHALLENGES AND AVOIDS

To clarify:  You issue Challenges to warriors, but Avoid teams.  
To Challenge, write that warrior's name and ID# in the space provided. 
To Avoid, write the team's name and Team ID in that space. 
Make sure you include the ID!