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DM 107 Newsletter

Date   : 03/25/2025    Duedate: 04/07/2025


DM 107    TURN 354

RANK TEAMS                 W    L   K    %  RANK TEAMS                 W    L   K    % 
  1 RHYME TYME 55/385    545  356   4 60.5      RODENTIAN NATION 62/466
  2 MADNESS 81/465        50   40   0 55.6    7 DEFROSTED 75/455     220  327   6 40.2
  3 REDHORSE 56/469      937  946   8 49.8      CON + INSULT 32/442
    MOSSRUNNERS 1/113                         8 OF WOLF AND  81/343   41   62   1 39.8
  5 RAT PAK 41/468       116  158   2 42.3    9 DEADLINE 20/432       76  124   1 38.0
    MIRKWOOD ORCS 81/467

                             REPORT FROM WITHIN THE TOWER

Hello there.

Storm Rock arena had ten fights today, which is more than last turn.  I hope this 
trend continues.  There was one challenge, no one died, and no one avoided anyone.  I 
hope those trends do not continue.

     THE OVEN BIRD (75-3934) (51-26-1,262) of DEFROSTED challenged MOD COD (55-2638) 
(440-227-5,389) of RHYME TYME.  THE OVEN BIRD was devastated by MOD COD in a 1 minute 
Challenge Title fight.  As usual, Mod Cod is the Champion of the Horn, highest ranked 
Lunger, and overall popularity leader.  The Oven Bird, however, is our best Wall of 
     BROKEN TOE (56-3683) (72-97-1,207) of REDHORSE fought VERMICIOUS KNID (107-30) 
(0-0-0,240).  BROKEN TOE was overcome by VERMICIOUS KNID in a popular 1 minute match.  
That must have been embarrassing.
     HUMMINGBIRD (56-3475) (102-118-0,210) of REDHORSE fought RENEGADE-RAT (41-388) 
(42-37-3,190) of RAT PAK.  HUMMINGBIRD lost to RENEGADE-RAT in a 2 minute brawl.  But 
she (Hummingbird) is still the top Slasher.
     RAT SOLDIER (62-5152) (52-27-0,195) of RODENTIAN NATION fought TEM OF SMALLCLIFF 
(35-4865) (60-72-5,198) of HOUSE JHEREG.  RAT SOLDIER viciously subdued TEM OF 
SMALLCLIFF in a popular 2 minute brutal fight.  Rat Soldier is our highest ranked 
Aimed Blow.
     NARSIL (81-3401) (56-35-1,204) of MIRKWOOD ORCS fought MOOSE (56-3459) (73-101-
0,177) of REDHORSE.  NARSIL was viciously subdued by MOOSE in an action packed 3 
minute gory brawl.  Moose is top Striker and today's favorite fighter.  Moose gaineed 
31 recognition points for this, while Narsil lost 20.
     ANDURIL (81-3435) (42-39-1,184) of MIRKWOOD ORCS fought TOUCH BASE (32-6828) (67-
83-1,197) of CON + INSULT.  ANDURIL was devastated by TOUCH BASE in a crowd pleasing 1 
minute mismatched match.
     RINGIL (81-3633) (40-26-2,195) of MIRKWOOD ORCS fought BUCK (1-2291) (75-163-
0,180) of MOSSRUNNERS.  RINGIL was viciously subdued by BUCK in an action packed 6 
minute gruesome melee.  Amazingly, Buck is our leading Total Parry.
     LAUDINA (81-3658) (45-30-2,188) of MADNESS fought RAYNER (20-182) (100-148-3,198) 
of DEADLINE.  LAUDINA vanquished RAYNER in a 2 minute uneven fight.  Laudina is the 
best recognized Parry-Lunge, while Rayner is the top Parry-Riposte.
     JAVELINO (56-3728) (63-75-1,180) of REDHORSE fought THE BLACKSMITH (107-22) (0-0-
0,181).  JAVELINO viciously subdued THE BLACKSMITH in a popular 2 minute brutal fight.
     ARIOCH (81-996) (28-33-3,73) of OF WOLF AND MAN fought AMBER WOLFWALKER (107-11) 
(0-0-0,92).  ARIOCH was handily defeated by AMBER WOLFWALKER in an exciting 1 minute 
one-sided bout.  Poor Arioch was voted the least favorite fighter this turn.

After a short afternoon of fights, the gladiators still had plenty of energy for a big 
party at Psycho Cindy's Tiki Garden.  Mod Cod bought three rounds.

                                          -- Olaf Modeen

CHAMPION OF THE HORN           W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 MOD COD 55-2638          LU 441 227  5  413  RHYME TYME (385)           KHALANI

GRAND CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS     W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
-BURM WOLFSNARL 81-113    TP 101  74  0  219  BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (410)    SHADOWSPIRE

GRAND CHAMPIONS                W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 THE OVEN BIRD 75-3934    WS  51  27  1  210  DEFROSTED (455)            JADE MOUNTAIN
 TOUCH BASE 32-6828       LU  68  83  1  209  CON + INSULT (442)         ARVAT
 MOOSE 56-3459            ST  74 101  0  208  REDHORSE (469)             ROCANIS
 RAT SOLDIER 62-5152      AB  53  27  0  205  RODENTIAN NATION (466)     VALAMANTIS
-THE LEPER'S HAND 81-2940 LU  73  42  1  204  BIG LAKE SOLUTION (439)    SHADOWSPIRE
 LAUDINA 81-3658          PL  46  30  2  204  MADNESS (465)              SHADOWSPIRE
 BUCK 1-2291              TP  76 163  0  203  MOSSRUNNERS (113)          MORDANT
 RENEGADE-RAT 41-388      LU  43  37  3  201  RAT PAK (468)              KATI-TEI            *
 TEM OF SMALLCLIF 35-4865 WS  60  73  5  198  HOUSE JHEREG (426)         MURSKA
 BROKEN TOE 56-3683       LU  72  98  1  196  REDHORSE (469)             ROCANIS
 HUMMINGBIRD 56-3475      SL 102 119  0  193  REDHORSE (469)             ROCANIS
 JAVELINO 56-3728         ST  64  75  1  189  REDHORSE (469)             ROCANIS
 RAYNER 20-182            PR 100 149  3  187  DEADLINE (432)             SEAM
 RINGIL 81-3633           WS  40  27  2  185  MIRKWOOD ORCS (467)        SHADOWSPIRE
 NARSIL 81-3401           TP  56  36  1  184  MIRKWOOD ORCS (467)        SHADOWSPIRE

GRAND CHALLENGER ADEPTS        W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 ANDURIL 81-3435          AB  42  40  1  177  MIRKWOOD ORCS (467)        SHADOWSPIRE

GRAND ADEPTS                   W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
-JAR OF CLAY 59-3046      TP  32  19  1  116  CHAPEL ROCK (478)          ILLIS

GRAND INITIATES                W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 ARIOCH 81-996            WS  28  34  3   68  OF WOLF AND MAN (343)      SHADOWSPIRE
-KAYD THE BOQ 81-3937     LU  17  15  2   68  BIG LAKE SOLUTION (439)    SHADOWSPIRE

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                   W   L  K TEAM NAME              SLAIN BY                  TURN

                               PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE

Mod Cod -- You always increase my loss record.  I should avoid you. -- Hummingbird

I want to thank the Villainous Informer for helping me with that train. -- Javelino

Laudina -- Good try. -- Broken Tow

Rayner -- Change your train. -- Moose

Tem of Smallcliff -- You're fast. -- Buck

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

THE OVEN BIRD was devastated by MOD COD in a 1 minute Challenge Title fight.
BROKEN TOE was overcome by VERMICIOUS KNID in a popular 1 minute match.
HUMMINGBIRD lost to RENEGADE-RAT in a 2 minute brawl.
RAT SOLDIER viciously subdued TEM OF SMALLCLIFF in a popular 2 minute brutal fight.
NARSIL was viciously subdued by MOOSE in a action packed 3 minute gory brawl.
ANDURIL was devastated by TOUCH BASE in a crowd pleasing 1 minute mismatched match.
RINGIL was viciously subdued by BUCK in a action packed 6 minute gruesome melee.
LAUDINA vanquished RAYNER in a 2 minute uneven fight.
JAVELINO viciously subdued THE BLACKSMITH in a popular 2 minute brutal fight.
ARIOCH was handily defeated by AMBER WOLFWALKER in a exciting 1 minute one-sided bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   4         SLASHING ATTACK    7 -   3 -  0      70  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         AIMED BLOW        11 -   7 -  0      61  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  2         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   4 -  0      60  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         LUNGING ATTACK    22 -  20 -  0      52  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      2         TOTAL PARRY       11 -  13 -  0      46  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         STRIKING ATTACK    9 -  11 -  0      45  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         WALL OF STEEL     15 -  21 -  1      42  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -   7 -  0      36  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         BASHING ATTACK     1 -   2 -  0      33  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 354 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         4  LUNGING ATTACK 
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         2  TOTAL PARRY    
LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  1     SLASHING ATTACK    0 -  1         2  WALL OF STEEL  
AIMED BLOW         1 -  1     BASHING ATTACK     0 -  0         1  STRIKING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        1 -  1     WALL OF STEEL      0 -  4         1  AIMED BLOW     
                                                                1  PARRY-LUNGE    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   MOD COD 55-2638           441 227  5  413 RHYME TYME (385)
WALL OF STEEL    THE OVEN BIRD 75-3934      51  27  1  210 DEFROSTED (455)
STRIKING ATTACK  MOOSE 56-3459              74 101  0  208 REDHORSE (469)
AIMED BLOW       RAT SOLDIER 62-5152        53  27  0  205 RODENTIAN NATION (466)
PARRY-LUNGE      LAUDINA 81-3658            46  30  2  204 MADNESS (465)
TOTAL PARRY      BUCK 1-2291                76 163  0  203 MOSSRUNNERS (113)
SLASHING ATTACK  HUMMINGBIRD 56-3475       102 119  0  193 REDHORSE (469)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    RAYNER 20-182             100 149  3  187 DEADLINE (432)

The overall popularity leader is MOD COD 55-2638.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was MOOSE 56-3459.  The ten other most popular fighters were RINGIL 81-3633, BUCK 
1-2291, JAVELINO 56-3728, RAT SOLDIER 62-5152, TOUCH BASE 32-6828, RENEGADE-RAT 
41-388, LAUDINA 81-3658, MOD COD 55-2638, BROKEN TOE 56-3683, and HUMMINGBIRD 

The least popular fighter this week was ARIOCH 81-996.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were ANDURIL 81-3435, TEM OF SMALLCLIFF 35-4865, THE OVEN BIRD 75-3934, 
RAYNER 20-182, NARSIL 81-3401, HUMMINGBIRD 56-3475, BROKEN TOE 56-3683, MOD COD 
55-2638, LAUDINA 81-3658, and RENEGADE-RAT 41-388.

Arena (Number)       W  L K  Arena (Number)       W  L K  Arena (Number)       W  L K  
MORDANT(1)           1  0 0  KATI-TEI(41)         1  0 0  VALAMANTIS(62)       1  0 0  
SEAM(20)             0  1 0  KHALANI(55)          1  0 0  JADE MOUNTAIN(75)    0  1 0  
ARVAT(32)            1  0 0  ROCANIS(56)          2  2 0  SHADOWSPIRE(81)      1  4 0  
MURSKA(35)           0  1 0  

TOP WARRIOR OF EACH ARENA     W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 BUCK 1-2291                 76 163  0  203  MOSSRUNNERS (113)          MORDANT
 RAYNER 20-182              100 149  3  187  DEADLINE (432)             SEAM
 TOUCH BASE 32-6828          68  83  1  209  CON + INSULT (442)         ARVAT

TOP WARRIOR OF EACH ARENA     W   L  K PNTS  TEAM NAME                  CITY           
 TEM OF SMALLCLIFF 35-4865   60  73  5  198  HOUSE JHEREG (426)         MURSKA
 RENEGADE-RAT 41-388         43  37  3  201  RAT PAK (468)              KATI-TEI
 MOD COD 55-2638            441 227  5  413  RHYME TYME (385)           KHALANI
 MOOSE 56-3459               74 101  0  208  REDHORSE (469)             ROCANIS
 RAT SOLDIER 62-5152         53  27  0  205  RODENTIAN NATION (466)     VALAMANTIS
 THE OVEN BIRD 75-3934       51  27  1  210  DEFROSTED (455)            JADE MOUNTAIN
 LAUDINA 81-3658             46  30  2  204  MADNESS (465)              SHADOWSPIRE

                            WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN TEMPE!

We hope you will join us at our winter FTF in Tempe, AZ, January 16-18, 2026! It will 
be held at our usual Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-897-7444).  Room 
rates are $214.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which includes full cooked breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's 
a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked (the group code is coming 

      The official block cutoff is mid-December so make your reservations ASAP!
          The hotel reservation site is:  (coming soon) 

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 

Minioverviews and the tournament announcement will be out in December. 

We look forward to seeing you in January! -- RSI