Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Warrior quickness statements


(WIT > 7)

Defense >=  35: is INCREDIBLY QUICK and ELUSIVE on his feet
  Parry >=  30:     making even dangerous opponents look harmless
  Parry <=   0:     relying on speed to stay out of danger

Defense >=  25: is VERY QUICK on his feet
  Parry >=  30:     often avoiding seemingly hopeless situations
  Parry <=   0:     avoiding rather than trading blows

Defense >=  15: is QUICK on his feet
  Parry >=  30:     and is well able to protect himself 
  Parry <=   0:     avoiding blows rather than parrying

Defense >=   5: 

Defense >= -10: is SLOW on his feet
  Parry >=  30:     finding it hard to avoid a blow he doesn't parry
  Parry <=   0:     with a marked inability to avoid or parry a blow

Defense <= -15: is VERY SLOW on his feet
  Parry >=  30:     attempts to parry rather than dodge attacks
  Parry <=   0:     absolutely unable to avoid getting hurt
