Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Provinces 251-300

Zuagir Desert                   Province 251    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Fort Wakla                      Province 252    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Fort Class B terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KHAURAN.
Ancient Kuthchemes              Province 253    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Naked Desert                    Province 254    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KHAURAN.
Shan-E-Sorkh                    Province 255    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Akrel                           Province 256    Province Type: Land

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Makan-E-Mordan                  Province 257    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every VI years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KOTH.
Akhlat                          Province 258    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to ZUAGIR TRIBESMEN.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by SHEM.
Free Brotherhood Seas           Province 259    Province Type: Sea

                GOOD chance to reach Shallow Ocean terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Deep Ocean terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Eastern Shore                   Province 260    Province Type: Land

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every 1.5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
Western Shore                   Province 261    Province Type: Land

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Shallow Ocean terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Deep Ocean terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
Imperial Seas                   Province 262    Province Type: Sea

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Shallow Ocean terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Deep Ocean terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every VI years levys ?.
The average wealth production is EXCELLENT.
Central Vilayet                 Province 263    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Shallow Ocean terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Deep Ocean terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
North Vilayet                   Province 264    Province Type: Land

                SUPERIOR chance to reach Shallow Ocean terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Deep Ocean terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to VILAYET.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Icy Desert                      Province 265    Province Type: Land

                SUPERIOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Bog terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every 5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by HYPEBORIA.
Icy North                       Province 266    Province Type: Land

                SUPERIOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Bog terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Grey Ape Lands                  Province 267    Province Type: Land

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Open terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Hyrkanian Taiga                 Province 268    Province Type: Land

                GOOD chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Desert terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hill terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every 2 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Loulan Plateau                  Province 269    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every 3 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KHITAI.
Pathenian Hills                 Province 270    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Khin Mountains                  Province 271    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Khitai Taiga                    Province 272    Province Type: Land

                GOOD chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Wuhuan Tundra                   Province 273    Province Type: Land

                GOOD chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLD LANDS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Colchian Mountains              Province 274    Province Type: Land

                EXCELLENT chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Swamp terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to COLCHIAN MOUNTAINS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by COLCHIAN MOUNTAINS.
Zamorian Marches                Province 275    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Hills terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Mountain terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by BRYTHUNIA.
This province desired by ZAMORA.
Wild Mountains                  Province 276    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every 1.5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Turanian Wastes                 Province 277    Province Type: Land

                EXCELLENT chance to reach Open terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every 5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by BRYTHUNIA.
Hyperborian Wastes              Province 278    Province Type: Land

                EXCELLENT chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every 5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by HYPEBORIA.
Turanian Tundra                 Province 279    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Bog terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every VI years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Northern Wastes                 Province 280    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Bog terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Icy Wastes                      Province 281    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Bog terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Zaheemi                         Province 282    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to DESERT STEPPES.
Approximately once every 1.5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Windy Deserts                   Province 283    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by UTTARA KURU.
Swampy Jungles                  Province 284    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Forest terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Swamp terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KUSA.
Swampy Desert                   Province 285    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Swamp terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Wuhuan Desert                   Province 286    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Swamp terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KHITAI.
Kusan Desert                    Province 287    Province Type: Land

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Swamp terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KUSA.
Flowing Desert                  Province 288    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Oasis terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Snowy Desert                    Province 289    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Lemurian Desert                 Province 290    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Khitai Desert                   Province 291    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Tundra terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
High Desert                     Province 292    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Kusan Steppes                   Province 293    Province Type: Land

                ADEQUATE chance to reach Open terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
This province desired by KUSA.
Wuhuan Marsh                    Province 294    Province Type: Land

                GOOD chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Steppe terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Marsh terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Central Wuhuan                  Province 295    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Desert terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every ? years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Southern Wuhuan                 Province 296    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Hills terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Desert terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN DESERTS.
Approximately once every VI years levys ?.
The average wealth production is GOOD.
This province desired by UTTARA KURU.
Eastern Ocean                   Province 297    Province Type: Land

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN OCEAN.
Approximately once every 3 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
Lowland Jungles                 Province 298    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Hills terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Forest terrain.
                EXCELLENT chance to reach Swamp terrain.
                POOR chance to reach River terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN JUNGLES.
Approximately once every 5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is POOR.
Dense Jungle Lands              Province 299    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Hills terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                SUPERIOR chance to reach Forest terrain.
                POOR chance to reach Swamp terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN JUNGLES.
Approximately once every 5 years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
This province desired by VENDHYA.
Talakmas Jungle                 Province 300    Province Type: Land

                POOR chance to reach Open terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Hills terrain.
                ADEQUATE chance to reach Mountain terrain.
                GOOD chance to reach Forest terrain.

Has a ? loyalty to EASTERN JUNGLES.
Approximately once every VI years levys ?.
The average wealth production is ADEQUATE.
This province desired by UTTARA KURU.