Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Kingdom report for Amazonia

The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for AMAZONIA 
Kingdom Size: Small 
        Starting Treasury: Good 
        Trade Routes: 
                Matamba of the Western Jungles 
        No formal allies. 
        Has assurances of peace from Juma's Kingdom. 
        Name: Bisal Mangwa                      ID: AMAZ-CHA 
        Type: Priest                            Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : GOOD
        Rulership               : EXCELLENT
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : POOR
        Province Ruler of Amazonia. 
        Spells: Fear. 
        Name: Dambego Kazemba                   ID: AMAZ-ADJ 
        Type: General                           Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : EXCELLENT
        Diplomacy               : NONE
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : GOOD
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Tulari Nzinga            		ID: AMAZ-1 
        Type: Noble                             Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : POOR 
        Diplomacy               : GOOD 
        Rulership               : EXCELLENT 
        Military Command        : POOR 
        Heroism                 : POOR 
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Monarch of Amazonia. 
        Name: Lady Tuta Nzinga                  ID: AMAZ-2 
        Type: Noble                             Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : GOOD 
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR 
        Military Command        : GOOD 
        Heroism                 : NONE 
        Intrigue                : NONE 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Dajuri Kazemba                    ID: AMAZ-3 
        Type: Noble                             Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : POOR 
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE 
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR 
        Military Command        : NONE 
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR 
        Intrigue                : POOR 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: General Sutha Nzinga		ID: AMAZ-4 
        Type: General                           Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE 
        Rulership               : POOR 
        Military Command        : POOR 
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR 
        Intrigue                : POOR 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Manamajaba Nzinga                 ID: AMAZ-5 
        Type: General                           Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : POOR 
        Rulership               : NONE 
        Military Command        : SUPERIOR 
        Heroism                 : POOR 
        Intrigue                : NONE 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Tambaza Nzinga                    ID: AMAZ-6 
        Type: Priest                            Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : EXCELLENT 
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE 
        Military Command        : NONE 
        Heroism                 : POOR 
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR 
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Nagori Nzinga                     ID: AMAZ-7 
        Type: Wizard                            Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : POOR 
        Rulership               : GOOD 
        Military Command        : NONE 
        Heroism                 : POOR 
        Intrigue                : GOOD 
        Magic                   : ADEQUATE 
        Spells: Far Sight; Mesmerism. 
        Name: Sukuju Kulari                     ID: AMAZ-8 
        Type: Agent                             Location: Amazonia 
        Personal Combat         : ADEQUATE 
        Diplomacy               : EXCELLENT 
        Rulership               : POOR 
        Military Command        : NONE 
        Heroism                 : NONE 
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE 
        Magic                   : POOR 
        Spells: Reincarnate (2). 
        Javelin Warriors                : Troop Type 1 
        Troop Category                  : MI - Medium Infantry 
        Missile Combat Ability          : EXCELLENT 
        Melee Combat Ability            : ADEQUATE 
        Morale                          : GOOD 
        Movement Rate                   : 3 
        The cost to train and outfit is LOW. 
        Amazonian Archers               : Troop Type 2 
        Troop Category                  : LIA - Light Infantry Archers 
        Missile Combat Ability          : EXCELLENT 
        Melee Combat Ability            : POOR 
        Morale                          : GOOD 
        Movement Rate                   : 4 
        Well adapted to combat in Forest and will fight with increased
    The cost to train and outfit is LOW. 
        Elite Warriors                  : Troop Type 3 
        Troop Category                  : LI - Light Infantry 
        Missile Combat Ability          : EXCELLENT 
        Melee Combat Ability            : ADEQUATE 
        Morale                          : SUPERIOR 
        Movement Rate                   : 5 
        The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE. 
        Mercenary Slavers               : Troop Type 4 
        Troop Category                  : MI - Medium Infantry 
        Missile Combat Ability          : POOR 
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD 
        Morale                          : ADEQUATE 
        Movement Rate                   : 3 
        Cost no gold to raise but must be paid MODERATE wages each year. 
Troop Name          Troop Type       Minimum          Maximum 
Javelin Warriors         1             80%             100% 
Amazonian Archers        2              0%              10% 
Elite Warriors           3              0%              10% 
Mercenary Slavers        4              0%               5% 
IA-1    Total Troops: 10  Location: Amazonia                     Active 
IA-2    Total Troops: 15  Location: Amazonia                     Defensive 
PA-11   Total Troops: 4   Maneuver: Open 
    Atlaia of Atlaia 
    Grasslands of Amazonia of The Western Savannah 
The victory of your kingdom will depend on the number of provinces under
your control. 
You will make major progress towards victory by controlling the following
    Amazonia of Amazonia 
    Grasslands of Amazonia of The Western Savannah 
    Jungle Tribes of The Western Jungles 
    Parklands of The Western Jungles