Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Kingdom report for Asgard

The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for ASGARD
Kingdom Size: Medium


	Starting Treasury: ADEQUATE
	Trade Routes:


	Can avoid the influence of Cimmeria at an ADEQUATE level.
	Can avoid the influence of Hyperborea at an ADEQUATE level.
	Can avoid the influence of Vanaheim at an ADEQUATE level.
	Has no formal allies.
	Bound in peace treaty with Cimmeria.


	Name: Lyse Rann				ID: ASGA-CHA	
	Type: Priest	
	Personal Combat		: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: ADEQUATE
	Military Command	: NONE
	Heroism			: NONE
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: POOR
	Province Ruler of Wolfraven Kings Region.
	Spells: Dispel Magic.
	Name: Roemaf Njal			ID: ASGA-ADJ	
	Type: General	
	Personal Combat		: SUPERIOR
	Diplomacy		: NONE
	Rulership		: NONE
	Military Command	: EXCELLENT
	Heroism			: GOOD
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: NONE
	Name: Wold Njord			ID: ASGA-1	
	Type: Noble			
	Personal Combat		: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: SUPERIOR
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: POOR
	Intrigue		: NONE
	Magic			: POOR
	Monarch of Asgard.
	Spells: Magic Armor.
	Name: Wonnorn Njord			ID: ASGA-2	
	Type: Noble			
	Personal Combat		: POOR
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: EXCELLENT
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: ADEQUATE
	Intrigue		: ADEQUATE
	Magic			: NONE
	Province Ruler of the Frozen Land.
	Name: Kryl Rann				ID: ASGA-3	
	Type: General
	Personal Combat		: POOR
	Diplomacy		: NONE
	Rulership		: ADEQUATE
	Military Command	: EXCELLENT
	Heroism			: GOOD
	Intrigue		: NONE
	Magic			: POOR
	Spells: Fanatacism.
	Name: Thrave Njal			ID: ASGA-4
	Type: General
	Personal Combat		: POOR
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: EXCELLENT
	Heroism			: SUPERIOR
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: POOR
	Spells: Strength.
	Name: Thror Ironhand			ID: ASGA-5
	Type: Hero
	Personal Combat		: SUPERIOR
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: GOOD
	Intrigue		: NONE
	Magic			: NONE
	Name: Geolf Njord			ID: ASGA-6
	Type: Hero
	Personal Combat		: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: EXCELLENT
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: POOR
	Spells: Force March.
	Name: Valak Njord			ID: ASGA-7
	Type: Priest
	Personal Combat		: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy		: SUPERIOR
	Rulership		: ADEQUATE
	Military Command	: NONE
	Heroism			: NONE
	Intrigue		: NONE
	Magic			: GOOD
	Spells: Phantom Warriors(4), Prophecy, Strength.
	Name: Ymane Njek			ID: ASGA-8
	Type: Priest
	Personal Combat		: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy		: GOOD
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: NONE
	Heroism			: POOR
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: NONE


	Ice Warriors			: Troop Type 1
	Troop Category			: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability		: None
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 3
	Well adapted to combat in Tundra and will fight with increased ability.
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Wolfraven Reavers		: Troop Type 2
	Troop Category			: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability		: None
	Melee Combat Ability		: Excellent
	Morale				: Superior
	Movement Rate			: 2
	Well adapted to combat in Tundra and will fight with increased ability.
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Arcadian Raiders		: Troop Type 3
	Troop Category			: MIA - Medium Infantry Archers
	Missile Combat Ability		: Good
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 3
	Well adapted to combat in Fort and will fight with increased ability.
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Tundra Warriors			: Troop Type 4
	Troop Category			: HIA - Heavy Infantry Archer
	Missile Combat Ability		: Good
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Good
	Movement Rate			: 2
	Well adapted to combat in Tundra and will fight with increased ability.
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.

Troop Name	    Troop Type	     Minimum          Maximum
Ice Warriors		1               5%              15%
Wolfraven Reavers	2              25%		60%
Arcadian Raiders	3              25%              40%
Tundra Warriors		4              10%              25%


IA-1	Total Troops: 12  Location: Wolfraven Kings Region	Defensive
IA-2	Total Troops: 8   Location: The Frozen Land		Active
PA-17	Total Troops: 6	  Maneuver: Hill
PA-18	Total Troops: 4	  Maneuver: Forest
PA-19	Total Troops: 4	  Maneuver: Tundra
PA-20	Total Troops: 4	  Maneuver: Tundra


The rulers of Asgard ever strive to conquer and control the following:
	Pomicia(45) of Hyperborea
	Hyperbor Valley(47) of Hyperborea
	Swampy Taiga(163) of Vanaheim


The victory of your kingdom will depend upon the number of provinces
under your control.

You will move closer to victory by conquering home provinces of any
large kingdom. Should the Ice Age come, your people may decide to
migrate to the lands of a single large kingdom at that time. You should
then focus your efforts on that kingdom's home provinces.