Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Good Wit Statements

Wit Statement Categories (r3.4)                  Gary Triplett/Miles


high-order (13+ base)

21  Brilliant at keeping his foes off balance
17  Nothing short of a genius at keeping his foes at swords point
15  Nothing short of a genius at keeping his foes off balance and in trouble
13  Has learned very well how to keep his foe in trouble
8   Has learned how to keep his foe in trouble
low-order (10-12 base)

21  Never wastes a moment or is indecisive
17  Seldom hesitates, moves instantly if given an opportunity
15  With a very agressive and clever fighting style
13  Has learned to be a decisive and quick fighter
8   Has learned how to be decisive and quick


high-order (13+ base)

21  Is always alert for any clue to a foe's weakness
17  Is a very crafty fighter
15  Makes the most of his enemy's mistakes
13  Makes good dueling decisions
8   Makes good dueling decisions
low-order (10-12 base)

21  Is an extremely crafty fighter
17  Does a lot of little things well
15  Does a lot of little things well
13  Cleverly controls his foes' actions
8   Cleverly controls his foe's actions


high-order (10+ base)

21  Knows every weak and sensitive location to be struck on the human body
17  Uses an unusual fighting style, deadly to slower, less active foes
15  Makes very clever attacks
13  Landing blows on vital areas
8   He lands blows on less protected areas

low-order (7-9 base)

21  Is always thinking of feints and ploys to be used in attacks
17  Has a very clever fighting style
15  Has an unusual fighting style that confuses many opponents
13  Makes clever attacks
8   Makes clever attacks


high-order (10+ base)

21  Has made parrying an art form
17  Seldom makes mistakes
15  Parrys very intelligently
13  Is gifted at parrying
8   Is gifted at parrying
low-order (6-9 base)

21  Seldom makes a mistake
17  Has learned the finer points of parrying
15  Rarely makes mistakes
13  Parrys intelligently
8   Parrys intelligently

(note - high-order = INCREDIBLY QUICK & ELUSIVE on his feet)
(        low-order = QUICK or VERY QUICK on his feet)

high-order (7+ base)

21  He's always thinking a few steps ahead of his foes
17  Has turned avoiding blows into an art form
15  Is always thinking ahead
13  Is gifted at avoiding blows
8   Is gifted at avoiding a blow

low-order (3-6 base) {unconfirmed: 3-4 Q, 5-6 VQ}

21  Is always where he should be
17  Avoids blows well
15  Avoids blows well
13  Makes few mistakes
8   Makes few mistakes



21  Will not over-extend himself
17  Has the wisdom to wait out his foes
15  Rarely wastes his endurance needlessly
13  Conserves his endurance past what one might normally expect
8   Can conserve his endurance past what might normally be expected


21  Never wastes his endurance needlessly
17  Conserves his endurance well
15  He plans out every move he makes, seldom wasting any effort
13  Seldom wastes his endurance needlessly
8   Seldom wastes his endurance needlessly
