Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Kingdom report for Kusan

The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for KUSAN
Kingdom Size: Small


        Starting Treasury: EXCELLENT
        Trade Routes:
                Kusan Steppes of The Eastern Deserts
	        Jaga Tribes of The Jaga Tribes


        No formal allies.
    	Bound in peace treaty with Khitai.
        Has assurances of peace from Khitai.


        Name: Yu Min Shu			ID: KUSA-CHA
        Type: Priest                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : GOOD
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE
        Province Ruler of Kusan.
        Name: K'ang Chintao                     ID: KUSA-ADJ
        Type: General                           Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : ADEQUATE
        Diplomacy               : NONE
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : GOOD
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : NONE

        Name: Mingshan K'angyuan            	ID: KUSA-1
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : EXCELLENT
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : NONE

        Name: Master Hu Feng Chintao            ID: KUSA-2
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR
        Military Command        : EXCELLENT
        Heroism                 : ADEQUATE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE
    Monarch of Kusan.

        Name: Ming Chintao                      ID: KUSA-3
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : GOOD
        Diplomacy               : GOOD
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR
        Intrigue                : GOOD
        Magic                   : NONE

        Name: Pei Peng Shanan                   ID: KUSA-4
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR
        Military Command        : GOOD
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE

        Name: Ch'ang Tu Chekien                 ID: KUSA-5
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : EXCELLENT
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : POOR
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : GOOD
        Magic                   : POOR
    Spells: Strength.
        Name: Lord Ying Hsia                    ID: KUSA-6
        Type: Noble                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : ADEQUATE
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: K'chin Pantung                    ID: KUSA-7
        Type: Hero                              Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : SUPERIOR
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : GOOD
        Heroism                 : GOOD
        Intrigue                : EXCELLENT
        Magic                   : POOR
        Spells: Fanaticism.

        Name: Hung Su Ch'ing                    ID: KUSA-8
        Type: Priest                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : ADEQUATE
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : POOR
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : POOR
    Spells: Diplomacy.

        Name: Sin Hu Ch'ing                     ID: KUSA-9
        Type: Priest                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : POOR
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE

        Name: Tien Pai Pantung                  ID: KUSA-10
        Type: Wizard                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : SUPERIOR
    Spells: Long Life (6); Fear; Missile Shield; Rains; Arcane Blasts.

        Name: Kuan Fen Feng                     ID: KUSA-11
        Type: Wizard                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : EXCELLENT
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : SUPERIOR
    Spells: Earth Demon; Force March; Missile Shield; Curse; Rains.

        Name: Chu Lan Paaniang                  ID: KUSA-12
        Type: Wizard                            Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : EXCELLENT
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : ADEQUATE
    Spells: Black Death (2); Magic Sleep.

        Name: Hu Min The Traveler               ID: KUSA-13
        Type: Agent                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : POOR
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Hsintao Shu                       ID: KUSA-14
        Type: Agent                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Sai Li Shu                        ID: KUSA-15
        Type: Agent                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : SUPERIOR
        Diplomacy               : GOOD
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE
        Military Command        : EXCELLENT
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Taishu Chekien                    ID: KUSA-16
        Type: Agent                             Location: Kusan
        Personal Combat         : SUPERIOR
        Diplomacy               : EXCELLENT
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : NONE


        Kusan Army                      : Troop Type 1
        Troop Category                  : MI - Medium Infantry
        Missile Combat Ability          : POOR
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 3
        The cost to train and outfit is LOW.

        Kusan Patrol                    : Troop Type 2
        Troop Category                  : LCA - Light Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : POOR
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
    The cost to train and outfit is LOW.
        Kusan Archers                   : Troop Type 3
        Troop Category                  : LIA - Light Infantry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : POOR
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 3
        The cost to train and outfit is LOW.

        Kusan Protectors                : Troop Type 4
        Troop Category                  : MI - Medium Infantry
        Missile Combat Ability          : ADEQUATE
        Melee Combat Ability            : EXCELLENT
        Morale                          : SUPERIOR
        Movement Rate                   : 2
    Only one troop of this type may exist at any one time.
    Well adapted to Fort Class A and will fight with increased ability.
        The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.

        Khitain Mercenaries             : Troop Type 5
        Troop Category                  : LCA - Light Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : POOR
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
    Well adapted to Desert and will fight with increased ability.
        Cost no gold to raise but must be paid HIGH wages each year.

        Nigur Mercenaries               : Troop Type 6
        Troop Category                  : LCA - Light Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : EXCELLENT
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
    Well adapted to Tundra and will fight with increased ability.
        Cost no gold to raise but must be paid HIGH wages each year.

        Hyrkanian Mercenaries           : Troop Type 7
        Troop Category                  : MCA - Medium Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : SUPERIOR
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : ADEQUATE
        Movement Rate                   : 7
    Well adapted to Steppe and will fight with increased ability.
        Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

        Turanian Mercenaries            : Troop Type 8
        Troop Category                  : MCA - Medium Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : EXCELLENT
        Melee Combat Ability            : ADEQUATE
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
        Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

Troop Name          Troop Type       Minimum          Maximum
Kusan Army              1               50%              90%
Kusan Patrol            2               10%              30%
Kusan Archers           3	         0%              20%
Kusan Protectors        4            0 units           1 unit
Khitain Mercenaries     5                0%               4%
Nigur Mercenaries       6                0%               3%
Hyrkanian Mercenaries   7                0%               2%
Turanian Mercenaries    8                0%               1%


IA-1    Total Troops: 10  Location: Kusan                        Defensive
IA-2    Total Troops: 10  Location: Kusan                        Active
PA-105   Total Troops: 4   Maneuver: Fortified


    Swampy Jungles(284) of The Eastern Deserts
    Kusan Desert(287) of The Eastern Deserts
    Kusan Steppes(293) of The Eastern Deserts

You will move closer to victory by increasing and fostering the economic
strength of the kingdom. You may do this by conquering new and rich
provinces, protecting your trade routes, and seeing to the prosperity and
productivity of your kingdom.

You will make major progress towards victory by controlling the following

    Kusan(105) of Kusan
    Swampy Jungles(284) of The Eastern Deserts
    Kusan Desert(287) of The Eastern Deserts
    Kusan Steppes(293) of The Eastern Deserts