Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Kingdom report for Khauran

The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for KHAURAN
Kingdom Size: Medium
        Starting Treasury: Superior
        Trade Routes: 
		Numalia(111) of Nemedia
		Ilbars Steppes(240)
		Iranistan Steppes(241)
		Zuagir Desert(251)
	Stands in alliance with Khoraja and Koth.
	Bound in peace treaty with Khoraja and Koth.
        Has assurances of peace from Khoraja and Koth. 

        Name: Peries Arkhaurus			ID: KHAU-CHA 
        Type: Priest                            
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : EXCELLENT
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : GOOD
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : POOR
        Province Ruler of Khauran City. 
        Spells: Missile Shield. 
        Name: Assyur Mishelldius		ID: KHAU-ADJ 
        Type: General                           
        Personal Combat         : ?
        Diplomacy               : ?
        Rulership               : ?
        Military Command        : ?
        Heroism                 : ?
        Intrigue                : ?
        Magic                   : ?
        Name: Lady Khashtria Herodias		ID: KHAU-1 
        Type: Noble                       
        Personal Combat         : POOR 
        Diplomacy               : GOOD 
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR
        Military Command        : POOR 
        Heroism                 : POOR 
        Intrigue                : GOOD
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Monarch of Khauran. 
        Name: Count Nardius Askhaurian		ID: KHAU-2 
        Type: Noble                         
        Personal Combat         : EXCELLENT
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : POOR
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE 
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Taramis Mishelldius		ID: KHAU-3 
        Type: Noble
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : ADEQUATE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Amric Khashtria			ID: KHAU-4 
        Type: Noble
        Personal Combat         : ADEQUATE
        Diplomacy               : GOOD
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR 
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Almuric Askhaurian		ID: KHAU-5 
        Type: Noble
        Personal Combat         : NONE 
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : GOOD
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : POOR
        Name: Lord Venernes Askhaurian		ID: KHAU-6 
        Type: Noble
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE 
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : GOOD
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : NONE 
        Name: Lady Haurian Askhaurian		ID: KHAU-7 
        Type: Noble
        Personal Combat         : GOOD
        Diplomacy               : POOR 
        Rulership               : SUPERIOR
        Military Command        : NONE 
        Heroism                 : SUPERIOR
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : NONE
	Province Ruler of the Meadowlands.
        Spells: Far Sight, Mesmerism. 
        Name: Urhiah Arkhaurus			ID: KHAU-8 
        Type: General
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : POOR 
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Arzhabath Krallides		ID: KHAU-9
        Type: Priest
        Personal Combat         : NONE
        Diplomacy               : NONE
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE
        Military Command        : POOR
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : SUPERIOR
	Spells: Phantom Warriors(5),Earth Demon,Far Sight,Curse,Sunbane.
        Name: Rizan Riandade			ID: KHAU-10
        Type: Priest
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : SUPERIOR
        Rulership               : ADEQUATE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : GOOD
        Magic                   : GOOD
	Spells: Reincarnate(3),Bless,Prophecy.
        Name: Lanti Arkhaurus			ID: KHAU-11
        Type: Wizard
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : POOR
        Magic                   : POOR
	Spells: Arcane Blast.
        Name: Kishnav Ashbabade			ID: KHAU-12
        Type: Agent
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : POOR 
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : NONE
        Name: Zoratha Khashtria			ID: KHAU-13
        Type: Agent
        Personal Combat         : GOOD
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : SUPERIOR
        Magic                   : NONE

        Khauran Spear			: Troop Type 1 
        Troop Category                  : MI - Medium Infantry 
        Missile Combat Ability          : NONE
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD 
        Movement Rate                   : 3 
        The cost to train and outfit is LOW.
        Khauran Archers			: Troop Type 2 
        Troop Category                  : LIA - Light Infantry Archers 
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : POOR 
        Morale                          : GOOD 
        Movement Rate                   : 4 
	The cost to train and outfit is LOW. 
        Khauran Heavy Horse		: Troop Type 3 
        Troop Category                  : HC - Heavy Cavalry
        Missile Combat Ability          : NONE
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 5 
        The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE. 
        Khauran Nobles			: Troop Type 4
        Troop Category                  : MC - Medium Cavalry
        Missile Combat Ability          : ADEQUATE
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 5 
        The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE. 
        Khauran Guards			: Troop Type 5
        Troop Category                  : HI - Heavy Infantry
        Missile Combat Ability          : ADEQUATE
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : SUPERIOR
        Movement Rate                   : 3
	Well adapted to combat in Fort and will fight with increased ability.
        The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE. 
        Khauran Tribesmen		: Troop Type 6
        Troop Category                  : LCA - Light Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
	Well adapted to combat in Desert and will fight with increased ability.
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid HIGH wages each year.
        Khaurani Kossaks		: Troop Type 7
        Troop Category                  : MCA - Medium Cavalry Archers
        Missile Combat Ability          : GOOD
        Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
        Morale                          : GOOD
        Movement Rate                   : 6
	Well adapted to combat in Steppes and will fight with increased ability.
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.
	Mercenary Spear			: Troop Type M1
	Troop Category			: HI - Heavy Infantry 
	Missile Combat Ability		: Adequate
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 3
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Lancers		: Troop Type M2
	Troop Category			: HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability		: Adequate
	Melee Combat Ability		: Excellent
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 5
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Foot			: Troop Type M3
	Troop Category			: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability		: Good
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 3
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Horse			: Troop Type M4
	Troop Category			: HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability		: Good
	Melee Combat Ability		: Good
	Morale				: Excellent
	Movement Rate			: 5
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.
Troop Name          Troop Type       Minimum          Maximum 
Khauran Spear		1             50%              70% 
Khauran Archers		2             20%              40% 
Khauran Heavy Horse	3              0%               5% 
Khauran Nobles		4              0%               5% 
Khauran Guards		5              0 units          1 unit 
Khauran Tribesmen	6              0 units          1 unit
Khaurani Kossaks	7              0 units          1 unit 
Mercenaries		M1-M4          0%              20% 

IA-1    Total Troops: 15  Location: Khauran City		 Defensive
IA-2    Total Troops: 10  Location: Meadowlands			Active
PA-77   Total Troops: 2   Maneuver: ?
PA-78   Total Troops: 2   Maneuver: ?
The rulers of Khauran ever strive to conquer and control the following:
	Khauran City(77) of Khauran
	Fort Wakla(252) of the Zuagir Tribesmen
	Naked Desert(254) of the Zuagir Tribesmen

You will move closer to victory by increasing and fostering the economic
strength of your kingdom. You may do this by conquering new and rich
provinces, protecting your trade routes, and seeing to the prosperity
and productivity of your kingdom.

You will move closer to victory by fostering the amount of wealth contained
in your treasury.