The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for KOTH
Kingdom Size: Medium
Starting Treasury: ADEQUATE
Trade Routes:
Messantia(12) of Argos
Ianthe(116) of Ophir
Ilbars Steppes(240)
Can avoid the influence of Aquilonia at an ADEQUATE level.
Can avoid the influence of Shem at an ADEQUATE level.
Stands in alliance with Khauran and Khoraja.
Bound in peace treaty with Khauran and Khoraja.
Has assurances of peace from Khauran and Khoraja.
Name: Sarvantos Sabaninus ID: KOTH-CHA
Type: Priest
Personal Combat : GOOD
Diplomacy : EXCELLENT
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : NONE
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : POOR
Province Ruler of Khorshemish.
Spells: Rains.
Name: Lord Antonn Strabonus ID: KOTH-ADJ
Type: General
Personal Combat : POOR
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : GOOD
Military Command : SUPERIOR
Heroism : GOOD
Intrigue : SUPERIOR
Magic : NONE
Name: Count Anturn Strabonus ID: KOTH-1
Type: Noble
Personal Combat : GOOD
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : ADEQUATE
Heroism : ADEQUATE
Intrigue : ADEQUATE
Magic : NONE
Monarch of Koth.
Name: Kaladales Dan Zuan ID: KOTH-2
Type: Noble
Personal Combat : POOR
Diplomacy : GOOD
Rulership : EXCELLENT
Military Command : SUPERIOR
Heroism : POOR
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Province Ruler of the Flaming Mountains.
Name: Khanus Kastorina ID: KOTH-3
Type: Noble
Personal Combat : ADEQUATE
Diplomacy : ADEQUATE
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : EXCELLENT
Heroism : POOR
Intrigue : GOOD
Magic : NONE
Province Ruler of the Kothian Uplands.
Name: Prince Speloso Strabonus ID: KOTH-4
Type: Noble
Personal Combat : NONE
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : SUPERIOR
Military Command : GOOD
Heroism : POOR
Intrigue : GOOD
Magic : NONE
Province Ruler of the Kothian Hills.
Name: Thaburzo Otalieto ID: KOTH-5
Type: Noble
Personal Combat : ADEQUATE
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : SUPERIOR
Military Command : ADEQUATE
Heroism : ADEQUATE
Intrigue : GOOD
Magic : NONE
Province Ruler of Khrosha.
Name: Apallos Sabaninus ID: KOTH-6
Type: General
Personal Combat : GOOD
Diplomacy : EXCELLENT
Rulership : NONE
Military Command : SUPERIOR
Heroism : GOOD
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Name: Golfsero Dimida ID: KOTH-7
Type: General
Personal Combat : ADEQUATE
Diplomacy : ADEQUATE
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : GOOD
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Name: Bagultan Sabaninus ID: KOTH-8
Type: General
Personal Combat : POOR
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : GOOD
Military Command : EXCELLENT
Heroism : GOOD
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Province Ruler of the Flaming Mountains.
Name: Lord Anconto Strabonus ID: KOTH-9
Type: Hero
Personal Combat : SUPERIOR
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : POOR
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : SUPERIOR
Intrigue : NONE
Magic : POOR
Spells: Force March.
Name: Kerend Dan Zuan ID: KOTH-10
Type: Hero
Personal Combat : SUPERIOR
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : GOOD
Military Command : POOR
Heroism : GOOD
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Name: Valilado Sabaninus ID: KOTH-11
Type: Hero
Personal Combat : SUPERIOR
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : GOOD
Military Command : ADEQUATE
Heroism : ADEQUATE
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : POOR
Province Ruler of Korveka.
Spells: Fanaticism.
Name: Anthos Sabaninus ID: KOTH-12
Type: Priest
Personal Combat : POOR
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : EXCELLENT
Heroism : ADEQUATE
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : NONE
Name: Christo Thosos ID: KOTH-13
Type: Wizard
Personal Combat : ADEQUATE
Diplomacy : NONE
Rulership : ADEQUATE
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : NONE
Intrigue : POOR
Spells: Long Life(6),Diplomacy,Far Sight,Arcane Blasts.
Name: Solanika Otalieto ID: KOTH-14
Type: Wizard
Personal Combat : EXCELLENT
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : GOOD
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : POOR
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : POOR
Spells: Far Sight.
Name: Bolgodo Tyra ID: KOTH-15
Type: Wizard
Personal Combat : SUPERIOR
Diplomacy : ADEQUATE
Rulership : POOR
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : ADEQUATE
Intrigue : POOR
Spells: Bless, Strength.
Name: Sulakirlos Thosos ID: KOTH-16
Type: Agent
Personal Combat : SUPERIOR
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : POOR
Military Command : NONE
Heroism : NONE
Intrigue : GOOD
Magic : NONE
Name: Ninevah Dimida ID: KOTH-17
Type: Agent
Personal Combat : POOR
Diplomacy : POOR
Rulership : SUPERIOR
Military Command : ADEQUATE
Heroism : NONE
Intrigue : POOR
Magic : POOR
Spells: Fanaticism.
Kothic Royal Cavalry : Troop Type 1
Troop Category : HC - Heavy Cavalry
Missile Combat Ability : None
Melee Combat Ability : Excellent
Morale : Excellent
Movement Rate : 5
The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.
Kothic Archers : Troop Type 2
Troop Category : LIA - Light Infantry Archers
Missile Combat Ability : Superior
Melee Combat Ability : Poor
Morale : Good
Movement Rate : 4
The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.
Kothic Spears : Troop Type 3
Troop Category : MI - Medium Infantry
Missile Combat Ability : None
Melee Combat Ability : Good
Morale : Good
Movement Rate : 3
The cost to train and outfit is LOW.
Kothic War Chariots : Troop Type 4
Troop Category : HCH - Heavy Chariots
Missile Combat Ability : Good
Melee Combat Ability : Excellent
Morale : Good
Movement Rate : 4
The cost to train and outfit is HIGH.
Desert Mercenaries : Troop Type 5
Troop Category : LC - Light Cavalry
Missile Combat Ability : Good
Melee Combat Ability : Good
Morale : Good
Movement Rate : 6
Well adapted to combat in Desert and will fight with increased ability.
The cost to train and outfit is LOW.
Troop Name Troop Type Minimum Maximum
Kothic Royal Cavlary 1 0% 15%
Kothic Archers 2 40% 60%
Kothic Spears 3 40% 50%
Kothic War Chariots 4 0% 10%
Desert Mercenaries 5 0 units 1 unit
IA-1 Total Troops: 20 Location: Korveka Defensive
IA-2 Total Troops: 15 Location: Flaming Mountains Active
PA-98 Total Troops: 8 Maneuver: ?
PA-99 Total Troops: 4 Maneuver: ?
PA-100 Total Troops: 8 Maneuver: ?
PA-101 Total Troops: 4 Maneuver: ?
PA-102 Total Troops: 6 Maneuver: ?
PA-103 Total Troops: 6 Maneuver: ?
PA-104 Total Troops: 6 Maneuver: ?
The rulers of Koth ever strive to conquer and control the following:
Akkharia(138) of Shem
Makan-E-Mordan(257) Zuagir Tribesmen
The victory of your kingdoms will depend upon the number of provinces
under your control.
You will lose much towards victory if you conquer any of the following:
Khauran City(77) of Khauran.
Meadowlands(78) of Khauran.
Khoraja(94) of Khoraja.