Info and data for fans of the play-by-mail games Duel II, Forgotten Realms, and Hyborian War from Reality Simulations, Inc

Kingdom report for Zingara

The Hyborian War Kingdom Report for ZINGARA
Kingdom Size: Medium


	Starting Treasury: Excellent
	Trade Routes:
		Otter Tribelands of Pictland
		Pirate Seas of the Western Ocean


	Can avoid the influence of Aquilonia at an ADEQUATE level.
	Has no formal allies.


	Name: Chabela of Guarralid    		ID: ZING-CHA   
	Type: Priest
        Personal Combat         : SUPERIOR
        Diplomacy               : POOR
        Rulership               : GOOD
        Military Command        : NONE
        Heroism                 : NONE
        Intrigue                : NONE
        Magic                   : ADEQUATE
	Province Ruler of Kordava.
	Spells:  Phantom Warriors (usable 2 times) and Curse.

	Name: Sandokazi Esanti  		ID: ZING-ADJ
	Type: General
        Personal Combat         : POOR
        Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
        Rulership               : NONE
        Military Command        : EXCELLENT
        Heroism                 : POOR
        Intrigue                : ADEQUATE
        Magic                   : NONE

	Name: Baron villagro Ramiro   		ID: ZING-1     
	Character Type: Noble
	Personal Combat 	: ADEQUATE
	Diplomacy       	: NONE
	Rulership       	: SUPERIOR
	Military Command	: ADEQUATE
	Heroism         	: ADEQUATE
	Intrigue         	: POOR
	Magic            	: NONE
	Monarch of Zingara.

	Name: Vancho Phehemenes  		ID: ZING-2     
	Character Type: Noble
	Personal Combat 	: NONE
	Diplomacy       	: POOR
	Rulership       	: SUPERIOR
	Military Command	: EXCEllENT
	Heroism         	: POOR
	Intrigue        	: ADEQUATE
	Magic           	: NONE
	Province Ruler of The Zingg Valley.

	Name: Ernando Dicendo   		ID: ZING-3    
	Type: General
	Personal Combat		: POOR
	Diplomacy		: NONE
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: EXCEllENT
	Intrigue		: NONE
	Magic			: NONE

	Name: Cratos Ramiro      		ID: ZING-4      
	Type: Priest
	Personal Combat		: POOR
	Diplomacy		: POOR
	Rulership		: POOR
	Military Command	: POOR
	Heroism			: NONE
	Intrigue		: POOR
	Magic			: EXCEllENT
	Spells: Reincarnate (usable 4 times), Dispel Magic, Curse, and Sunbane.

	Name: Auvinti Phehemenes                    ID: ZING-5
	Type: Priest
	Personal Combat         : NONE
	Diplomacy               : ADEQUATE
	Rulership               : NONE
	Military Command        : NONE
	Heroism                 : POOR
	Intrigue                : POOR
	Magic                   : GOOD
	Spells:   Phantom Warriors (usable 4 times), Bless, and Prophecy.

	Name: Ernaldo Of Guarralid    			ID: ZING-6     
	Type: Wizard
	Personal Combat         : GOOD
	Diplomacy               : POOR
	Rulership               : EXCEllENT
	Military Command        : NONE
	Heroism                 : SUPERIOR
	Intrigue                : POOR
	Magic                   : GOOD
	Province Ruler of The Coastal Provinces.
	Spells:  Earth Demon, Far Sight, and Curse.

	Name: Riego Dicenovst   			ID: ZING-7
	Type: Wizard
	Personal Combat 	: NONE 
	Diplomacy 		: NONE
	Rulership 		: NONE
	Military Command 	: NONE
	Heroism 		: POOR
	Intrigue 		: POOR
	Magic 			: SUPERIOR
	Spells: Black Death (usable 4 times), Long life (usable 4 times), Curse,
	Rains, and Arcane Blasts.

	Name: Golbraz Valbroso   		ID: ZING-8     
	Type: Agent  
	Personal Combat 	: SUPERIOR
	Diplomacy 		: NONE
	Rulership 		: NONE
	Military Command 	: NONE
	Heroism 		: NONE
	Intrigue 		: SUPERIOR
	Magic   		: NONE


	Zingaran Cavalry		: Troop Type 1
	Troop Category                  : HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability          : POOR
	Melee Combat Ability            : GOOD
	Morale                          : GOOD
	Movement rate                   : 5
	The cost to Train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Zingaran Royal Cavalry          : Troop Type 2
	Troop Category                  : HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability          : NONE
	Melee Combat Ability            : EXCEllENT
	Morale                          : EXCEllENT
	Movement rate                   : 5
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.
	Zingaran Guard  Cavalry         : Troop Type 3
	Troop Category                  : HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability          : NONE
	Melee Combat Ability            : EXCEllENT
	Morale                          : SUPERIOR
	Movement rate                   : 5
	The cost to Train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Zingaran Foot			: Troop Type 4
	Troop Category        		: HI - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability      	: POOR
	Melee Combat Ability        	: GOOD
	Morale                      	: GOOD
	Movement rate                	: 3
	The cost to train and outfit is LOW.

	The Royal Guard			: Troop Type 5
	Troop Category         		: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability      	: NONE
	Melee Combat AbilitY        	: GOOD
	Morale                      	: SUPERIOR
	Movement rate               	: 3
	The cost to Train and outfit is MODERATE.

	Zingaran Archers		: Troop Type 6
	Troop Category      		: LIA - Light Infantry Archer
	Missile Combat Ability		: EXCELLENT
	Melee Combat Ability		: ADEQUATE
	Morale				: GOOD
	Movement rate 			: 4
	The cost to train and outfit is LOW.

	Zingaran Buccaneers		: Troop Type 7
	Troop Category			: MNA - Medium Sea Archer
	Missile Combat Ability		: ADEQUATE
	Melee Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Morale				: EXCELLENT
	Movement rate 			: 3
	The cost to train and outfit is MODERATE.


	Mercenary spears         	: Troop Type M1 
	Troop Category		 	: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability		: ADEQUATE
	Melee Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Morale				: EXCELLENT
	Movement rate 			: 3
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Lancers    		: Troop Type M2
	Troop Category			: HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability 		: ADEQUATE
	Melee Combat Ability 		: EXCELLENT
	Morale 				: EXCEllENT
	Movement rate 			: 5
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Foot          	: Troop Type M3
	Troop Category	    		: HI - Heavy Infantry
	Missile Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Melee Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Morale				: EXCELLENT
	Movement rate 			: 3
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

	Mercenary Horse                 : Troop Type M4
	Troop Category			: HC - Heavy Cavalry
	Missile Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Melee Combat Ability		: GOOD
	Morale				: EXCELLENT
	Movement rate 			: 5
	Cost no gold to raise but must be paid VERY HIGH wages each year.

Troop Name		Troop Type	Minimum   	Maximum
Zingaran Cavalry	   1		  15%             30%	
Zingaran Royal Cavalry	   2		   5%	          15%
Royal Guard Cavalry	   3		0 units         1 unit
Zingaran Foot		   4		  40%             75%	
The Royal Guard		   5		0 units         1 unit 
Zingaran Archers	   6		   0%             20%
Zingaran Buccaneers	   7		   0%             25%
Mercenary Troops         M1-M4		0 units         1 unit


The 1st Imperial Navy	  Location: Kordava
IA-1 	Total Troops: 14  Location: Kordava			Active
IA-2    Total Troops: 16  Location: The Zingg Valley		Defensive
PA-189	Total Troops: 6	  Maneuver: Fortified
PA-190	Total Troops: 8	  Maneuver: Open
PA-191	Total Troops: 8	  Maneuver: River
PA-192	Total Troops: 6	  Maneuver: Hill
PA-193	Total Troops: 8	  Maneuver: River
PA-194	Total Troops: 8	  Maneuver: River


The rulers of Zingara ever strive to conquer and control the following:

     Poitian(3) of Aquilonia
     The Rabirian Highlands(15) of Argos
     The Pirate Seas(342) of The Western Ocean


The victory of your kingdom will depend upon the number of provinces under
your control.

You will move closer to victory by fostering the amount of wealth contained
in your kingdom's treasury.